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WTC 7 Trivia

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posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 05:57 PM
Ok, wtc 7 committed suicide, no explosives were used, ok... and pigs fly...
picture on page 4 of this PDF
I noticed this picture and everyone I show it to says the same thing... So, ...
had a chance to look at it.... yea, the one close up of WTC 7 with two floors with visible flames... look close again... notice anything - strange...?
well look at the broken windows... they are all broken out using the same mindset... bust the glass and knock it out... now look at it again... until you see that no other floors have broken windows... interesting trivia on their website in plain site... what do they say about the stage....? nothing but the stage is clearly been setup to look like this... go to this floor knock out windows. *same pattern and completness - both floors even could possibly be the same pressure on both floors - what about the in between floors...
~~~~~I'm waiting for a troll... come on bite babe bite...

[edit on 28-12-2009 by Anti-Evil]

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by Anti-Evil

Heat causes glass to break when it is cold on one side (exposed to a September day at ~ 60 degrees) and hot on the other (exposed to fire at ~ 500 degrees). Think differential expansion.

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 06:15 PM
Clearly the windows were blown out from an explosion from within the building, not from debris hitting the building and then starting the fire...

Falling debris from the towers would have made a vertical pattern of broken windows, not a horizontal pattern....

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 06:39 PM
ANNONOMUS RESEARCHER says it could be firemen fighting the fires broke the glass...

AR Reply: I highly doubt it but that is a possibility I suspose. glass was either blown outward on knocked outward.. no glass tilts inward that I have seen.

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by Nutter

That would be true but wouldn't reduced pressure caused by the fire consuming all the oxygen (think Backdraft) mean that the window glass would tend to fall inwards?

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 07:30 PM
reply to post by Anti-Evil

you silly people ask the wrong questions. the one that should be asked is: "could any demolition company/expert have made a building identical to WTC7 fall any better than it did?"

Find an answer to that, and you will still never get the truth, but you will have a right to have that smug smile.

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 07:54 PM
the answers here are really simple. all you have to do i look at wartime pictures of nagasaki, hiroshima, paris, london, etc etc etc.

look at buildings that suffer combat damage up to and including nuclear explosions. the buildings still remain standing. no firefighters, no police, no nothing. the buildings stand because that's what buildings are designed to do.

any person taht can look at a picture of hiroshima and still see buildings partiallystanding and not understnad why 9/11 is a fraud is ok with becoming the biggest willfully retarded person on teh planet or enjoys teh taste of brown eye pie so much taht they're willing to do it for people they will never even meet.

i think that was possibly teh longest sentence i've ever written.

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 09:25 PM

Watch video number 10 then 11. Notice how much fire has spread

Notice flames coming out of windows and lapping up building?

It is called AUTOEXPOSURE - flames coming out of window heat the
windows above them causing windows to fail (heat raises dont you know)

Flame, sparks are able to enter broken windows causing fires to spred

It it what caused the fire to spread from 22th to 30th floor in Meridan Plaza
fire (Philadelphis 1990)

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 10:34 PM
reply to post by thedman

Stop acting like you are showing us some dramatic building fire. The fires in WTC7 were weak by comparison to every major skyscraper fire in history and you know it. And besides these three buildings on 9/11 NONE of the others EVER collapsed to the ground despite being so much worse.

posted on Dec, 29 2009 @ 05:25 AM

Originally posted by Moodle
the answers here are really simple. all you have to do i look at wartime pictures of nagasaki, hiroshima, paris, london, etc etc etc.

look at buildings that suffer combat damage up to and including nuclear explosions. the buildings still remain standing. no firefighters, no police, no nothing. the buildings stand because that's what buildings are designed to do.

any person taht can look at a picture of hiroshima and still see buildings partiallystanding and not understnad why 9/11 is a fraud is ok with becoming the biggest willfully retarded person on teh planet or enjoys teh taste of brown eye pie so much taht they're willing to do it for people they will never even meet.

i think that was possibly teh longest sentence i've ever written.

Are you seriously saying that buildings never fall down as a result of bombing ?!

posted on Dec, 29 2009 @ 05:59 AM
reply to post by Alfie1

One problem Alfie, there were no bombs in wtc7.

Or were there . . .

posted on Dec, 29 2009 @ 06:25 AM

Originally posted by bsbray11
reply to post by thedman

Stop acting like you are showing us some dramatic building fire. The fires in WTC7 were weak by comparison to every major skyscraper fire in history and you know it. And besides these three buildings on 9/11 NONE of the others EVER collapsed to the ground despite being so much worse.

Can you please tell me where you found this database of information and details regarding "every major skyscraper fire in history"? I am still looking, however, you seem to have it at your fingertips as you so often refer to it so casually.

posted on Dec, 29 2009 @ 06:27 AM

Originally posted by network dude
reply to post by Anti-Evil

you silly people ask the wrong questions. the one that should be asked is: "could any demolition company/expert have made a building identical to WTC7 fall any better than it did?"

Find an answer to that, and you will still never get the truth, but you will have a right to have that smug smile.

Well, considering that all buildings generally fall the same way, down, you can now find a new reason for your smug smile.

posted on Dec, 29 2009 @ 05:25 PM
reply to post by thedman

well as far as that goes, check this out.... WTC7 is the only building in history to completly fall down further than the failure...

its a steel building... on floor 12 I believe is where NIST said the failure occurred. well then we should have to demo 12 floors. but with WTC7 it completly demo's itself all the down into the basement.
and if you guys can keep a secret... wtc 1 & 2 where hit by planes way up there for theatrical effects... it also came down in its basements as well... first for everything.... except this is murder and well that aint a first but our government targeting its citizens like this is asking for rebellion... do you suppose thats what they want a reason. after all 911, you would have to be really brain dead or really fearful of the government. and on Thomas Jeffersons correspondance to Adams he said something like this:
when the People fear Government that is Tyranny, when Government fears the People that is the way it should be.
sheeh!, be very very quite, I'm hunting trolls.

[edit on 29-12-2009 by Anti-Evil]

posted on Dec, 29 2009 @ 05:48 PM
I dont know how all of this is going to end, but I can safely say.
what ever Wdc has in mind has to be enforced by local yocals.
so I guess we are not applying the right pressure to right people.
If Wdc is non-responsive to our needs and desires -- why do we
continue the relationship... lets talk LOCAL... and Scream at the STATE...

posted on Dec, 29 2009 @ 06:23 PM

Originally posted by hooper
Can you please tell me where you found this database of information and details regarding "every major skyscraper fire in history"? I am still looking, however, you seem to have it at your fingertips as you so often refer to it so casually.

Skyscraper fires are somewhat hard to miss. Here is a list of them, compare their fires to WTC7's fires:

Caracas Tower
First Interstate Bank
One Meridian Plaza
Windsor Tower
WTC1 1975
WTC7 1988

And there are obviously many others but I defy you to show me ONE where such a puny amount of fire has EVER resulted in ANY catastrophic failure. 9/11 was the FIRST time, allegedly. You can't just make up something like that, or else a rebuttal would already be a part of your learned "debunker" mantras by now.

The common excuse is to claim they were all different structures, which is damned obvious as every single skyscraper on the face of the Earth has a different structure, even if only slightly. Even WTC1 and WTC2 had differences, for example WTC1's antenna structure.

The point is, WTC7 did not experience a super-intense mega-fire like no one has ever seen before. Far freaking from it. Why don't you show images of the entire building as it was burning and point out all the places where it was on fire, and compare it to any of the buildings listed above? Exactly, because you know they don't compare.

Now come back at me with your excuses for not being able to justify WTC7 having pathetic fires.

Compared to....

Feel free to show me any buildings that have suffered this kind of fire or less and completely collapsed to the ground.

posted on Dec, 29 2009 @ 06:25 PM

Originally posted by hooper
Well, considering that all buildings generally fall the same way, down, you can now find a new reason for your smug smile.

Most demolished buildings fall the same way.

Skyscrapers DON'T fall to the ground. Except on 9/11.

Small buildings also do NOT all fail the same way, ie straight down through themselves into their own footprints.

posted on Dec, 29 2009 @ 06:40 PM
If WTC7 was controlled demolition, then back track and so were WTC1 and WTC 2.

This is logic 101.

There does not need to be who did it. How it was done. Why it was done.

WTC 7 is controlled demolition and that stuck in my craw the day it happened.

I even went back on 9-11 and reflected on WTC 1 + 2 after watching WTC7 and concluded via the if...then... method.

Most of what has happened since 9-11 has been talk. Talk is cheap.

posted on Dec, 29 2009 @ 07:47 PM
Like I said, you dont have to be a Lying sack of sh*t, Government Lackey to not notice 911 is - was and will continue to be a Controlled demolition otherwise known as a inside job. and to top that throw in a very bad government cover-up,
that being done - I see no further need to continue to debate the issue. suffiecent evidence exists to form a citizens forum or referendum to abolish all elected officials and by qualified individuals to be drafted until new elections can be held.

Yes, we are deadly serious, Nancy

[edit on 29-12-2009 by Anti-Evil]

posted on Dec, 29 2009 @ 08:00 PM
reply to post by bsbray11

pulling the same old trick - showing NORTH face (which was not hit by WTC 1) Fires took some time to develop on that side.

How about the SOUTH face where majority of fire was ?

There were fires on 12 floors of WTC 7

Here is some of the only video showing South face

Look at clips 4 thru 8 - see the smoke pouring out of multiple floors
indicating serious fires there

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