posted on Jul, 18 2002 @ 08:21 AM
Um, we have this, Lucy, Astropiculis(nc how to spell) and so forth. Reason we don't have all these fossils, is because you need right condition to
form one. Be frozen, die in a river and be buried in the sediment before decomposers eat the body, and other ways. But, very few people died like
that, same with Dinosaurs.
Out of billions of dino's, we only found a few. Because they didn't die in the right way. You need right conditions. Of course, god didn't
give them right conditions cause they giant lizards and were to big to get on the Ark. Anyways, to science and proven facts, not a book written by
As said, need right conditions. Even then, a fossil could be found, but if one handles it wrong, could very easily be destroyed. Also, some fossis
have turned to oil and other forms of natrual resources. Or, you have to go a few hundred feet down to get one due to a shift in the Earth that
dropped a few tons of dirt from the upper lvl of dirt. And you have regions like some parts of Africa that are hard to dig in due to weather or the
fact all the little Africans have machine guns and being led by a dictator.
Anyways, dino's giant lizards, Lucy, this skull, others all fakes to test people's faith, so on and so on. HAHAHAHAHA!