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Please Read we all need to ACT immediately!!! Humanity is at Risk

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posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 08:18 AM
you know, what is puzzling to me,
why aliens do not disclose themselves?

if they are so advanced, honorable, loving, blah, blah,
why don't they show themselves,
they don't need approval from
corrupted war criminals...

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 08:32 AM
I'm beginning to wonder if the general public would pay any attention if an announcement was made by the US Gov. Most of the population seem too cAUght up in the consumer rat race to give a damn. Unless we're invaded by little green men, most will probably just ignore an announcement or say it's untrue even when confronted with evidence. We see that type of denial here on ATS everyday.

Recently, The History Channel aired a documentary directed and hosted by James Fox. He gathered Air Force generals, astronauts, military and commercial pilots, government and FAA officials from seven countries gather at the National Press Club in Washington D.C. They discussed UFO sightings and events, most revealed personal experiences w/UFO encounters. In spite of the fact that these people were and remain highly credible witnesses, there was no mainstream media coverage of the meetings.

With the exception of open minded people here on ATS, most people don't want to know and I think they would just live in denial if an official announcement was made.

Another problem with disclosure: It flies in the face of our most "sacred" modern mythology, you know the one; "Man is the Apex of creation". That's a biggie, our human perspective is based upon that myth and disclosure would blow that right out of the water.

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 08:34 AM
reply to post by donhuangenaro

Allow me to put forward a proposition:-

Perhaps they already had, with their numerous aerial display on our skies, protected within their crafts from bullets and missiles?

Only thing is, had we not mocked such displays and threatened those in profession who knows and intended to tell?

[edit on 28-12-2009 by SeekerofTruth101]

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 08:50 AM
Report is too lengthy to release. Operation names and document code numbers included. That's all I needed to hear. Disclosure indeed! These Project Camelot people must have a good laugh at the end of the day, wondering if there's anything the general public won't believe.

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 09:25 AM
reply to post by light2012

The one thing that I'm so tired of is that we look to our governments for all the answers. World Governments reserve and maintain the right of power. WAKE UP! All humans were created equal, there is now power held by the elite, only that for which we allow them to have.

We have become distracted by this Alien thing far too long. Has anyone logically reasoned the ramifications of withholding alleged information on ETs to the public anyways. They retain power for however long they hold this information from us.

It is time to defect from our present structure of humanity. Look for solid truths based on faith which when placed properly into the perspective of all things is our true ability to survive.

FEAR>LOVE=Self Destruction

We have to start believing in our surroundings and our place within the universe as creations. All this self-righteous, arrogant, mind babbling scientific coded crap is a distraction from what could be acheived in the spirit and a closer companion found in God!

If you really think about it becoming more dependent on technology only slows the evolution of the human consciousness anyways.

A message to anyone really in tune with their spiritual self knows that the only way of this rock is by ascending into higher levels of consciousness this fleshy shell is only meant to last for a temporary amount of time.

I seem to recall "your life is but a vapor."

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 09:29 AM

Originally posted by Anamnesis
With the exception of open minded people here on ATS, most people don't want to know and I think they would just live in denial if an official announcement was made.

I would be upset if people don't care or would not be interested once a disclosure has been made. How can somebody not take this subject seriously?

[edit on 28-12-2009 by sphinx551]

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 09:31 AM
So we're sitting around the table on christmas day geting ready to eat, when the severed head of Dwight Eisenhower in a bell jar with obviously too much to drink starts rambling on again about the military industrial complex. It happens every christmas and normally we all just let him get it out of his system. This year though, Enlil the supreme earth commander of the annunaki ground forces and gold mining operations and his best friend Leonard Nimoy interrupted Ike and announced their plans to wed in the first ever ET/Human gaylien ceremony on 12/21/12.
I dropped my drumstick into my lake of gravy mashed potatoes and splashed it all over Barracks brand new extra wide bright red tie.
As the gravy soaked into the silk fabric it revealed a hidden treasure map and text with directions to the super secret underground base containing noahs ark, the rothschilds gold stores, and video of the paul mc cartney doppelganger face transplant procedure.
All of this being old news to cheney since he and his coporations actually built the underground bunker in 531 bc, seemed to just annoy him and he leaned over and handed me a half melted barbie doll with a key sticking out of the top of her head, pointed to a large wooden door and in the most beautiful spoken pig latin ever said, "it's time, for you, to unlock the door".
Cheese cake I thought, Dick has hidden the cheese cake behind that door?
I stepped quickly across the room, past the giant flaming owl, past the humming ark of the covenant, yet each step seemed to put me further and further from the door. I started to run and I then noticed a swirling blue and white spiral form in front of me. I was instantly slammed against the wooden door with a great force, like a massive hand grasping my back and pushing me. I inserted the key into the lock and turned it.
The door disappeared and the twin nicks flew into the room.
Nickola Tesla and Nicolas Cage.
Hovering above the table they folded a one dollar and twenty dollar bill into secret shapes revealing the name of the universal ruler of the entire seen and unseen worlds.

[edit on 28-12-2009 by HappilyEverAfter]

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 09:36 AM
reply to post by light2012

I guess you believe in AGW and the littlefolk?

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 09:37 AM

Originally posted by light2012
I came across Dr. Steven Greer's Website again and he has this information posted!

Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence

The Disclosure Project

Steven M. Greer, MD, Director and Founder

Copyright 2009 Steven M. Greer, M.D.

Dear Friends of Disclosure,

Nine months after the inauguration of a new and potentially transformative American President, we await significant progress on official Disclosure on the UFO/ET subject. While the UK, France, Denmark, Brazil and other countries around the world have increasingly opened their official government files, the US is found lagging behind her sister nations.

This is, in large part, because - up until now - the President has been denied access to such files. The so-called Majestic group illegally compartmentalized their secret operations away from Presidential and Congressional oversight. This secret, satellite government, which is transnational and answers only to itself, must now answer to the people and to this new President.

As you can see from the attached summary of the Special Presidential Briefing (SPB) that we have provided to the President and to his senior military and intelligence team, the full Briefing contains detailed information on the projects, project code numbers, names, corporations, locations etc., associated with the UFO/ET subject. (The full briefing is too lengthy to release at this time.) In short, the President now has the key information that he needs to act. The President must now engage in executive action to oversee, control, and direct these operations for the benefit of the American people and the world.

This SPB has also been provided to the head of state of at least one G7 country, senior members of Congress, and other key government officials via known and reliable points of contact (POCs) directly to these leaders.

Now it is time for we, the people, to be heard! Please write to these leaders and ask that they act NOW, as they are sworn to do, on our behalf. Please write to the President, to your two US Senators, and to your member of Congress and ask:

* That President Obama investigate the matter, gain proper control over these operations, end for once and forever the secrecy surrounding the UFO subject, and work with other nations to quickly coordinate an official Disclosure;

* That President Obama stand-down any covert offensive targeting of ET spacecraft;

* That President Obama, working with other leaders around the world, initiate open, peaceful Contact with these Extraterrestrial Civilizations;

* That President Obama move swiftly to release the Earth-saving new energy technologies contained within these illegal covert Majestic programs so that we may be freed from the death grip that oil, gas, coal, and nuclear energy have on the planet;

* That the Congress hold open, secrecy-free hearings on these matters immediately.

If you are or know of a reliable, bona fide POC to a member of Congress, or other senior government official in the US or other country, who would like the full Briefing, please let us know.

The President was elected with the vision of transformative change. Nothing would so transform the world as the ending of this secrecy, peaceful open contact with the Extraterrestrial Civilizations visiting Earth and the release of these wondrous new energy technologies for peaceful energy generation. In just a few years, the world will be made anew.

Thank you for acting NOW to ensure the good future that most assuredly awaits humanity.

Steven M. Greer, MD
CSETI and The Disclosure Project

White House phone number: 202-456-1111
White House fax number: 202-456-2461
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]

The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20500

U.S. Senators -
U.S. Congress -


Added 'ex' tags for extrenal material

[edit on 27/12/09 by masqua]

Nice mix of fear, politics, paranoia and bullsh1t.

-1 star and -1 flag

(if only)

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 09:43 AM
For those who have not yet figured things out, the supposed president is NOT going to disclose anything. Remember, the "Peace President" has increased the amount of troops ENORMOUSLY, and expanded the US wars into Pakistan and Yemen, as well as Columbia. Obama has done what he has been told to do, he runs nothing. And "NO" I am not a Bush supporter either, do NOT respond to my post that I am posting this for political reasons! I AM NOT!

If there really are ET's (& I believe they DO exist), then they need to ANNOUNCE THEIR EXISTENCE directly to the general public without any announcement from the US government. Now would be an excellent time for them to expose themselves, as we are about to see Iran bombed, probably with nukes, by Israel (which will really be the US military), we are probably going to see multiple false flag terror attacks in the domestic US sponsored by the US government and most likely a severe depression with millions, or hundreds of millions in the US without a home, food or water. You really think Obama is going to disclose that UFO/ET's exist?

If there are any ET's reading this blog, I have a message for them:


[edit on 28-12-2009 by octaviameister]

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 09:47 AM
I was unaware until today of Dr. Stephen Greers letter to President Obama. Since having read the letter to Obama, I am convinced now more than ever before that the Norway Spiral is indeed some intentional effort to coerce Obama to do what he said he would. Since the discloser has been postponed by Obama we can infer that big energy and oil giants are keeping Obama from doing what he said he would do along with all the other international energy interests of the world. Overall I thank ATS for posting this letter because now many aspects of Obama's actions and Russian actions make more sense to me and others with regard to many elements of the body of the letter sent to Obama.

After reading the letter I was so moved by its contents that I sent copies to other professionals that did not quite understand what the "Disclosure Project" was all about. Now that I know, they know and in knowing we would have to agree that Obama is just a puppet doing the bidding of big energy concerns and will delay or prevent any disclosure announcement as long as possible in order to prevent the demise of big oil, big energy concerns and mostly to protect the value of stocks associated to energy services. The delay is also for certain to allow the Democrats and the Republicans that are in league with big oil and big energy to sell or revamp where there money and stocks are in order to profit from disclosure instead of losing big time when the truth comes out. This delay is for prepatory actions just for the political criminal insiders and not for the general public who has no interests in big oil or big energy.

Obama is doing what he is being controlled and mostly paid to do and in doing the bidding of big energy concerns, Obama undermines the American public and betrays the trust of his office. Once again we see corruption and greed take precedent to professional action on behalf of the American public.

More topic discussions on Disclosure and secret technology will elevate this subject to the forefront where it needs to be. Since the media does not support covering the truth, I am certain that Obama and his staff must be running in circles trying to deflate the interest in Disclosure and or avoiding any discussion relative to the importance of why such secret technology would transform the planet and usher in a golden age of peace and technological advances.

Finally and lastly may be the fact that Obama does not want to be in the hot seat having to explain why such technolgoy was kept from the public and why it was allowed to benefit big oil, energy corporations with lots to lose if the technology was released, developed and implemented. It is all the questions and embarassments that await Disclosure that Obama may be trying to develop scape goats so he and his Democratic Socialist Party can be free of the anger that will come from the American public when it is proven that we do not need oil, gas or any ancient methods of energy production in the field of electricity production and anti-gravity devices.

It is the rath of the American public that will be seen after Disclosure and rightly so because to discover we dont need to pay for energy will be an event that wakes us up from the deciet and lies that have kept us in the dark while paying billions and billions upon billions of dollars in money to big rich companies with no desire to change how they provide electricity or gasoline to run our vehicles and aircraft. If energy were free then big energy, big oil would be undermined and basically put out of business in the literal sense. These giant energy corporations are the groups that must be monitored to give us the indication whether Obama will proceed to Disclosure because I am certain that any delay in disclosure is strictly to delay and buy time for their big energy interests to get ready to lose their grip on the milk cow and to prepare for the other venues that they could move into before disclosure.

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 09:47 AM

Originally posted by octaviameister
For those who have not yet figured things out, the supposed president is NOT going to disclose anything. Remember, the "Peace President" has increased the amount of troops ENORMOUSLY, and expanded the US wars into Pakistan and Yemen, as well as Columbia. Obama has done what he has been told to do, he runs nothing. And "NO" I am not a Bush supporter either, do NOT respond to my post that I am posting this for political reasons! I AM NOT!

If there really are ET's (& I believe they DO exist), then they need to ANNOUNCE THEIR EXISTENCE directly to the general public without any announcement from the US government. Now would be an excellent time for them to expose themselves, as we are about to see Iran bombed, probably with nukes, by Israel (which will really be the US military), we are probably going to see multiple false flag terror attacks in the domestic US sponsored by the US government and most likely a severe depression with millions, or hundreds of millions in the US without a home, food or water. You really think Obama is going to disclose that UFO/ET's exist?

If there are any ET's reading this blog, I have a message for them:


[edit on 28-12-2009 by octaviameister]

[edit on 28-12-2009 by octaviameister]

Actually I just wanted to repeat your message.

All you aliens out there watching we need you, stop waiting, please.

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 09:50 AM
reply to post by octaviameister

Spot on and directly to the point. Here's someone who gets it entirely.
If I could applaud you I'd give you 1,000's!
We aint seen nothing yet.

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 09:55 AM

Originally posted by sphinx551

Originally posted by Anamnesis
With the exception of open minded people here on ATS, most people don't want to know and I think they would just live in denial if an official announcement was made.

I would be upset if people don't care or would not be interested once a disclosure has been made. How can somebody not take this subject seriously?

[edit on 28-12-2009 by sphinx551]

In general, it is much too frightening for the average person to digest. And again I must point out that knowledge of ETs flies in the face of our most common modern myth that "WE are the apex of creation".

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 09:56 AM
Seriously? Are you kidding me? I think the general consensus of the replies to this is "GIVE ME A BREAK". Greer and others like him have tapped out the gullible for all they can get. Now they come back asking for you to climb back on board, and let me take you on a magical alien pixie ride. How much crap can people swallow before they realize they are eating it?

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 09:57 AM

Originally posted by octaviameister
For those who have not yet figured things out, the supposed president is NOT going to disclose anything. Remember, the "Peace President" has increased the amount of troops ENORMOUSLY, and expanded the US wars into Pakistan and Yemen, as well as Columbia. Obama has done what he has been told to do, he runs nothing. And "NO" I am not a Bush supporter either, do NOT respond to my post that I am posting this for political reasons! I AM NOT!

If there really are ET's (& I believe they DO exist), then they need to ANNOUNCE THEIR EXISTENCE directly to the general public without any announcement from the US government. Now would be an excellent time for them to expose themselves, as we are about to see Iran bombed, probably with nukes, by Israel (which will really be the US military), we are probably going to see multiple false flag terror attacks in the domestic US sponsored by the US government and most likely a severe depression with millions, or hundreds of millions in the US without a home, food or water. You really think Obama is going to disclose that UFO/ET's exist?

If there are any ET's reading this blog, I have a message for them:


Best post in this thread.

Yes, aliens if you are reading this, please end this world madness and please reveal yourself once and for all and please end the speculation on whether aliens/UFOs exist or not.

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 10:08 AM
I too was not aware of this letter. I think that maybe it should be taken a bit more serioulsy then it has by the one-liners here on ATS.

Is it not obvious that "OIL" and its promoters are antiques that need to be replaced?? I have been in the energy management industry for 30+ years and have seen new and very efficient technologies go to the wayside ie: Tesla...LED

I am one that would welcome any and all help that could come of this. I think of my kids and their kids to come.... How do I answer them when it becomes so apparent that we wasted their world due to a $

Lets keep up the pressure and get some real efficiency going on energy use. Its their to be used and will be so much better then what we have now.

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 10:14 AM
My problem with Greer and his group has not so much to do with his intentions but with the way he seeks to accomplish them. It would seem that the US government has a strict "No Deal" policy when it comes to things that are classified or related to national security. We know that this policy is in effect for the demands of terrorists so why should it not apply to Greer?
In my opinion Greer would probably get a lot further by "politely requesting" an official disclosure rather than "demanding" it.
I can see the people at the top of the pyramid reading his letter and laughing their butts off. His writing consists of assumption and Presumption. He assumes that TPTB have all this technology and have concealed it from the world and then he PRESUMES that He and His group are the ones who can handle this stuff.
When I read his stuff and listen to him all I see is an egomaniac. I can only imagine what the boys in black are seeing.

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by octaviameister

Just a thought:-

Perhaps the extra-terresterials needs your help more?

As far as those genuine UFO reports by credible witnesses certified, they seemed to come here with peaceful intentions, except for a minority few whom performed abductions.

Even when shot upon by military planes, they did not return fire, considering the fact that they were technologically more advance than us, and at most 'shut down' our planes' electronic systems for a short time.

Furthermore, coupled with only a few crafts seen, they may not be an armed armada fleet, capable of any conquest or even rescue missions as evident by our captured extra-terresterials held within bases ( as barganining chips?)

Afterall, till date, not many know where they come from - it could be from our moon or even hundred light years away.

Thus, they are a minority on Earth. Just like the movie 'District 9', they may be placid evolved beings, with no wish for hostile actions, with may lead to dooming themselves and their loved ones.

It will have to be us, the majority, to demand accountability from our elected representatives, to open up the files of CONTACT, so that we may learn from the extra-terresterials on their culture, evolution and technology, to elevate our lives on Earth, instead of killing one another, enriching the despicable elites and destroying our environment by our own hands.

[edit on 28-12-2009 by SeekerofTruth101]

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 11:52 AM
At first, I berated Greer for his taking advantage of the weak-minded and those desperate to gain meaning to their lives. But after reading the comments of many on this thread, I can see that the gullible sods who show him such uxorious devotion, are not so much victims of his deception as they are willing partners.

It takes no more than five minutes of scrutinising Greer to realise he's a less than clever con-artist.

Anyone who is still listening to him after five minutes is doing so, because they want to believe.

[edit on 28-12-2009 by mckyle]

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