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The thing with reptilian humanoids is...

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posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 04:39 AM
I consider myself a very open minded individual, But why people believe in 7 feet tall, shapeshifting, carnivorous lizards that are controlling the world is beyond me.

I have yet to see a single solid piece of footage of humanoid reptilians existing, Especially with all the material of UFOs, Aliens and other paranormal things. Not only is there a massive lack of evidence in this area, But there is also alot to be beheld with the biological structure of these lizards. I will assume these lizards have come to earth in the same way greys have. Now over the many many years they have supposed to be living here, Not once has anyone found a dead lizard?
Or suppose when they die, They remain in their human form. Would their internal orgains be exactly like ours without any difference at all?
Im sure a coroner would be able to tell if something funny was going on.

Despite the lack of physical evidence there is one theory that may hold some ground. That is the theory of a mental cloak. This theory supports the idea that instead of physically morphing back and forth, They place a cloak over our minds which only allows us to see them as human, even though they are walking lizards.

Now, If these lizards had the mental capacity to enter our minds and shield us from seeing reality, Why would they even bother trying to coexist with such inferior beings as ourselves?

To me it makes no logical sense for these lizards to exist. Im sure others out there will disagree with me, But in the end it all comes down to a matter of opinion.

Happy Posting.

*I wrote this thread in a hurry. Excuse the grammer*

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 04:50 AM
you don't see them because the worker class(greys) are the ones most often associated with the abduction scenario. surgeon grey are just pawns for a greater power at work, that maybe just other greys leaders or shape shifting dinosaur men i can't say for certain.

i will say that power over the inferior mind(human) is an advantage held by these beings, i'm convinced some of the more intense mindscan events has placed false memories into my subconscious.

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 04:50 AM

Despite the lack of physical evidence there is one theory that may hold some ground. That is the theory of a mental cloak. This theory supports the idea that instead of physically morphing back and forth, They place a cloak over our minds which only allows us to see them as human, even though they are walking lizards.

Reptilians are "beyond" you, but mental cloak is right up your alley?


posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 04:55 AM
link we go again...
I'm wondering why we haven't seen any pics or vids of these lizard folk.
I'm wondering why, if it's so rampant, there's nothing of proof other than conjecture.
I'm wondering why I still care...

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 05:00 AM

Originally posted by DarthChrisious

Despite the lack of physical evidence there is one theory that may hold some ground. That is the theory of a mental cloak. This theory supports the idea that instead of physically morphing back and forth, They place a cloak over our minds which only allows us to see them as human, even though they are walking lizards.

Reptilians are "beyond" you, but mental cloak is right up your alley?


Human beings only use 10% of their brains. With that 10% we have come so far, To the point where some can manipulate objects and perform great feats all with the power of the mind. If these lizards are far more advance I would assume they would use more of their brains. If humans used 100% of their brains Im sure we could perform such acts as cloaking someones mind.

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 05:01 AM
reply to post by Matthew Dark

If you dont care dont bother posting. As simple as that...

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 05:11 AM
reply to post by Ghost in the Machine

No no no, it would appear that I was misunderstood.
I mean, why do I still care about obtaining proof if there's really no proof to obtain?
I'm quite interested in the topic in general, no matter how crazy it may seem.
Yet, I've read dozens and dozens of threads up here about lizard people and, other than wild conjecture, no one has been able to provide anything truly tangible.

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 05:15 AM
reply to post by Ghost in the Machine
humans only use 10 percent of their brains is an urban myth .
and if you don,t believe me check it out for your self.

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 06:17 AM
People also believe in a jewish guy that turned water into wine, rose from the dead and walked on water.

Sounds rediculous too, when you think about it like that.

Why is one more acceptable than the other?

Not supporting either concept, just pointing out that it's all about perception. What's rediculous to one, may not be as far-fetched to another.


posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 06:17 AM
most people attribute the lizard alien thing to the annunaki. How this idea was made is beyond me. there is nothing in any of the ancient assyrian texts that come remotely close to any of this. The annunaki, to this date mind you, are the oldest of the old gods. they made humanity to look like they do. a small fraction of the key religious items from the ancient sumerians makes up the vast majority of todays judeo christian beliefs, as well as a vast majority of the quran whether people like to admit this or not. There is nothing in there that mentions anything about reptillian gods. That was stitchens screw up. THe only ancient civilisations that I have come across with anything lizard like were the Egyptians and the verious areas of south america, and mexico. You havent found the evidence because its not there. This, reptillian thing along with most of what we hear is all Lear(ian) story telling and nothing more. Nords, Greys, Reptillians, etc.. its all just bullocks. I am sure there is something out there, but for us to sit here debating what each individual 'race' is, well.. no one has ever seen them (none of us anyway) and that makes it mere speculation, and debate over what tall tale to believe the easiest.

Bottom line, when these, whatever they are, decide to make themselves known, THEN and ONLY THEN will we have the ability to debate without looking like idiots.

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 06:25 AM
reply to post by Ghost in the Machine

Not once has anyone found a dead lizard?

This looks like it may be a troll thread to me, but I think the premise here is that reptilians are extra-dimensional creatures.

Or suppose when they die, They remain in their human form. Would their internal orgains be exactly like ours without any difference at all?

Their "internal organs" would not necessarily exist in our space. The physical form you see (or don't see, I suppose) would be no more an accurate representation of their true nature than your ATS avatar is of you personally.

Even assuming such a creature could "die" in a way that would be meaningful to us, I don't see any reason to assume that death would relate to the death of the physical body you see here. If you died, would your ATS avatar change? If you changed your avatar, would that cause you to die? Again...remember these are extradimensional creatures. The amount of them that you're able to perceive while confined to three dimensions and a very limited awareness of time is much less than, for ant looking at a magnifying glass trying to draw conclusions about the boy holding it.

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 06:34 AM

Originally posted by Ghost in the Machine

Originally posted by DarthChrisious

Human beings only use 10% of their brains. With that 10% we have come so far, To the point where some can manipulate objects and perform great feats all with the power of the mind. If these lizards are far more advance I would assume they would use more of their brains. If humans used 100% of their brains Im sure we could perform such acts as cloaking someones mind.

actually this is not ture. humans have always used 100% of our brains. it was a failure of understanding of brain function that lead to this. with modern scanning we have learned that in fact 100% is used, and we are learning what each section does. its liek saying, you only use 10% of your heart,

well maybe thats true...

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 06:45 AM
I must say I agree with the OP - unfortunately this thread is doomed to descend into yet another "Proof/lies/truth" debacle, with one side no doubt claiming the other is too "unenlightened" to be able to see the "proof" - as opposed to offering hard fact.


I don't think hard fact is always necessary on ATS, we can and should have threads that are speculative in nature, the problem being - and this occurs across many threads - that generally on the side of the believers they present speculation as hard fact and this sits poorly with me. There's no "What if I'm an... X", it's always "I am X. here to enlighten". Which I think would be pretty cool, but they always seem to get snippy when asked for "proof".

Anyhoo, on to the Lizard thing. It's an enthralling idea and something that I find pretty fascinating - I remember the tv show V from being a kid and it really blew me away, totally gripped my imagination, I remember a few years later David Ike coming on British tv and making some pretty out there claims. Now I'm not one to suggest that Mr Ike might have sat down in front of the tv whilst under the influence of hallucinagenic drugs... but...

The thing is, I'm actually a believer in some kind of clandestine force that is attempting to control the majority of humanity, in some kind of NWO scenario, now whatever the reasoning behind it, I don't know AND I don't think it's too important, we all seem to argue the toss about WHY, yet we're not discussing ways in which to combat this threat and preserve our freedoms, maybe the "enemy" has already divided and coming close to conquering "us".

Bear with me for a moment...

If you think of say a group of Goths, they can be perceived as "outsiders" living a lifestyle that is considered different - this can be comparable to us here on ATS. Now, that group sticks out, they're different to the norm and that "choice" can be problematic, people can laugh and point etc, but within that group there is a comfort zone, a camaraderie, or at least a relative mutual acceptance, similar to on here (sometimes
However, over a course of time some members of the group will want to be more "Exclusive" or different than the others, perhaps consciously or not and they will seek to express this in a number of ways, dress style, specific bands that are cool or not etc. This also seems to follow through on ATS as it does in any other societal grouping.

One of the main problems we have in this, is that we're all spread round the world, with little chance to genuinely meet or interact with each other and we know that you can be whatever you want to online. I could be a rockstar, a trucker named Bubba, a Japanese schoolgirl or whatever and it's hard to disprove me AND most importantly with the internet and the kind of interaction on it, social etiquette tends to go out the window...

a) "I'm a lvl 15 Elf/Paladin"

b) "I hate people that claim to be Elves, death to all elves and screw your stupid elf lifestyle"

a) "Right, $$$$ you, I'm suing, you're too stupid to see Elves are best, here's some proof and if you don't believe it you're stupid and you smell"

and this carries on for 20 of so pages of a thread... clearly one of these people is not an Elf.

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 07:40 AM

Originally posted by Ghost in the Machine
I consider myself a very open minded individual, But why people believe in 7 feet tall, shapeshifting, carnivorous lizards that are controlling the world is beyond me.

Because for many people (myself included) something feels wrong about the way life has become so cheap in the minds of the majority and something feels very wrong about the way a human can smear another over several hundred meters with the use of military smart weapons and then give their “Oppo” a high five and make whooping noises as another records it and then sends it to some “reality site” to be admired and celebrated.

It could be argued that we are doomed to evolve as a species that enjoys maiming and smearing each other like bugs but for me I have a suspicion that we are expected to and have been trained like monkeys to believe this rubbish and that the real nature of humanity is not to act out in such appalling ways to each other because when all is calm and the mind is not filled with the distractions that fill our lives like celebrity news, relentless greed and stupid TV programs with names like “You’ve been Maimed” or “Is that a nail in your head?” and learn that when the water is stilled that we really do give more than a passing concern to our fellow human.

Personally I think we have become desensitised to the mental and physical pain of others not because we were always destined to evolve such a mindset but because we have been indoctrinated in very subtle ways to think that we are a warlike species that celebrates the blood drinker, the maimer and the Achilles of modern society. We nod to the thinker and the poet because though we are subverted we are still at this late hour not totally lost to our natural state.

Sadly we are well on our way to being utterly creatures of death and drinkers of blood because though we still admire the beauty of a great mind and the grace of a beautiful woman we do not place them on the same pedestals that we place the accomplished warrior or machine of mass destruction.

I think we were subverted and the means of our enslavement was to be seduced by greed and war thousands of years ago by regressive self serving people who did not originate here.

Originally posted by Ghost in the MachineI have yet to see a single solid piece of footage of humanoid reptilians existing, Especially with all the material of UFOs, Aliens and other paranormal things. Not only is there a massive lack of evidence in this area, But there is also alot to be beheld with the biological structure of these lizards. I will assume these lizards have come to earth in the same way greys have.

If there are reptilian overlords ruling us I would assume that these beings are so clever and so intelligent that you would never even have inkling to their existence and is probably the most tightly guarded secret that they keep from us? I would think that such a race of beings that could have subverted a whole world and a whole race of beings would have the means and the capabilities to keep us in the dark in much the same way that a man can keep a cow or pig in the dark right up to the moment that the abattoirs gun plunges a spike into the brain.

A cow or a pig may feel that something is wrong and might struggle when the smell of blood in the abattoir assails their nostrils from a companion that went before them but they will not be able to put two and two together because we have engineered the whole process to keep them in the dark not because we care but because to keep them in the dark is a very efficient way to dispatch a whole herd of these animals.

I think that if reptilians exist then a similar methodology is in action. We think we are so clever and so intelligent but what if the real intelligence is reptilian and the things they are mentally capable of is so incredible and so powerful synaptically that they put human thinking in the shade and into the ranking of a cow of pig. If this is true then of course we would never know we were enslaved and destined to dance to the tune of something too powerful to fully understand.

Originally posted by Ghost in the MachineNow over the many many years they have supposed to be living here, Not once has anyone found a dead lizard?
Or suppose when they die, They remain in their human form. Would their internal orgains be exactly like ours without any difference at all?
Im sure a coroner would be able to tell if something funny was going on.

Maybe we have never found a dead reptilian because they have never been in a position to have lost their life “in the street” because why put yourself in any danger and threaten the ancient game of infiltration when you have a distracted and indoctrinated world of slaves to die for you in the name of any notion you wish.

Also there are many other scenarios to consider. We can never know the nature of the reptilian because we have never seen them in the mainstream and their physical nature could mean anything. The only people to have seen them are the people who funnel their commands down the chain of command and they aren’t talking because such people I would imagine lost their humanity a very long time ago.

So, we have no idea what happens to the reptilian after death and for all we know death may mean they fall back into their own dimensional realm or it could be that a reptilian death in public may initiate a whole system of recovery that we would never be party to because a cover story could be anything from a terrorist attack to a terrorist threat to a fire in a block of flats.

We will never know because if we are “owned” then the system of control is theirs intrinsically and we are cattle munching cud and distracted by other cows that might want to chew and crap on our patch. We would therefore probably never see a reptilian even if one came up to us and slapped us in the face. They could choose who would see them and if you ever did see one then I have a grim feeling that it would probably be the last thing you would see.


posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 07:41 AM

Originally posted by Ghost in the MachineDespite the lack of physical evidence there is one theory that may hold some ground. That is the theory of a mental cloak. This theory supports the idea that instead of physically morphing back and forth, They place a cloak over our minds which only allows us to see them as human, even though they are walking lizards.

I have not much to say about that theory because without knowing if they are here or not then the notion of a mental cloak as you say is as good or as bad as any other theory on the possibility that we have been infiltrated. My whole post is just a theory too and as I have not seen a reptilian then I cannot even prove their existence. I base my theory that they are among us on our human nature in the here and now, the way our civilisation seems to be approaching a critical mass in terms of social cohesion and a second wind in regard to a love or war and a pervasive sense of fear and insecurity that is rippling throughout our society.

Originally posted by Ghost in the Machine
Now, If these lizards had the mental capacity to enter our minds and shield us from seeing reality, Why would they even bother trying to coexist with such inferior beings as ourselves?

If they are here I do not think they are here to coexist with us but rather to use us as livestock and our world as a resource. It could be that they use us as food or it could be that they use our negative emotions as some sort of sustenance or even as a drug. Just because you cannot discover the intent of a hidden species does not mean that they do not have a very real reason for being here among us. Sadly as you say if they class us as inferior and they probably would then I assume they also class us has having no rights to live as free sentient life forms.

Originally posted by Ghost in the Machine
To me it makes no logical sense for these lizards to exist. Im sure others out there will disagree with me, But in the end it all comes down to a matter of opinion.

UFO’s make no logical sense either when the world you live in is all about paying tax, watching TV, playing Xbox and syncing your iPod as the government works against you behind the scenes ... Yet I have seen UFO’s and I know they are not ours and also, I have experienced very strange things during meditations and yes sir on the subject of reptilians all we have are our own opinions.

*edit for spelling*

[edit on 27-12-2009 by SmokeJaguar67]

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 08:42 AM
reply to post by SmokeJaguar67

I respectfully disagree with you on the Lizard point, but wholly agree with you on your points about the decline of humanity, but think this highlights our need to not be chasing ghosts, but looking to make real, definite changes to our society for the better.

I do think mankind is being led towards a more stupid and selfish existence because that course benefits those in power, it makes us easier to control and manipulate...

I don't think Lizards are the answer, just a boogeyman like in The Village (movie), there are several boogeymen: The War on Drugs, Terrorism etc - all used to obfuscate the real truth, that our governments are deliberately trying to curtail our freedoms.

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 09:31 AM

Originally posted by jokei
reply to post by SmokeJaguar67

I respectfully disagree with you on the Lizard point, but wholly agree with you on your points about the decline of humanity, but think this highlights our need to not be chasing ghosts, but looking to make real, definite changes to our society for the better.

I am very happy to have you disagree with me my friend as my theory was posted in a subjective manner but posted to add weight to the debate is all. If only more people would disagree in the manner you chose to then we might get somewhere in the relentless search for answers and the swapping of information, much respect to you for that.

Sadly we both see the decline in our species and sadly we chase ghosts because we seem to be trying to put together a picture of the real reality that we live from a fragmented picture jigsaw that makes up our reality because those with the means to enlighten us to what is actually going on, remain silent and happily chase hidden agendas while using our media to further muddy the waters.

It just really chafes me to know that we fund their agendas via taxes and vat and there is nothing we can do about it because though we live in so called democracies it is quite a thing to realise that we live in a democracy where the powerful benefit and the impotent are relegated to being hushed and pushed aside even though their votes played a part in the allocation of democratic power.

Personally I think our democracy is a machine that has broken a chain and the whole thing is in dire need of a full overhaul because as it stands now the mechanisms that drive our leaders to make decisions based on bad political practice and the fact that our leaders give time to listen to highly paid but badly informed informational specialists that in effect drove us to wage war in the search for WMD’s that were never there in the first place. I think with this rot in place in not just the UK but in many other western countries that it was inevitable that our society would slide but I think it was already on the wane, the wars and the lies just accelerated the process.

If there is a reptilian element to all this then these people would have had a major hand in this and may even have been the real architects behind the decline of our society but for what reasons are as yet still hidden but like I said, if there is a reptilian element behind this then the decline has been engineered to decline on purpose because I would assume a reptilian to be a master of all types of manipulation from financial to psychological to social.

Originally posted by jokei
I do think mankind is being led towards a more stupid and selfish existence because that course benefits those in power, it makes us easier to control and manipulate... I don't think Lizards are the answer, just a boogeyman like in The Village (movie), there are several boogeymen: The War on Drugs, Terrorism etc - all used to obfuscate the real truth, that our governments are deliberately trying to curtail our freedoms.

I agree but in the context of a reptilian reality then the people who benefit in the short term are the humans who not only know of the reptilian presence but take their orders from them, work with them and do as they are told by them. We may be being led to a more stupid and selfish existence because we are running out of time and the agenda that a hidden species might have in store for us might be a reality that could have us throwing us off high buildings in horror and those humans that do know of the agenda play the game because even they are being lied to because in the end the reptilian will not be sentimental.

Distract anything and you can have free reign to do what you like and perhaps the reality of “chasing the dream” is something that in effect really keeps us sleeping and oblivious to a subtle manipulation that is taken place in all spaces within our society and this manipulation seems to cross all borders from global borders to cultural differences within the human experience.

The truth if they exist as to why they remain out of sight may be as black as hell but I would still want to know even so I could decide if I want to stay and play or check out in a blaze of anger.

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 09:38 AM
Look, the basic fact of the matter is this...regardless of what you or I or anyone believes in, there is no proof...period.
Yes, there are fantastic stories, wild conjectures, convenient excuses and wonderful stretches of the imagination.
All that can possibly be said on the subject has been said and we're none the wiser or no more in the know, so...that being said...let's consider this another lizard people thread that has gotten us absolutely nowhere and I have stealthily stepped behind it, slit it's throat and put it out of it's misery.

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 10:42 AM

Originally posted by Matthew Dark
Look, the basic fact of the matter is this...regardless of what you or I or anyone believes in, there is no proof...period.

Absolutely correct and I agree no one is saying otherwise here or in any other of a thousand other threads on the subject here at ATS or any other conspiracy website.

Originally posted by Matthew Dark
Yes, there are fantastic stories, wild conjectures, convenient excuses and wonderful stretches of the imagination.

And this is why talking about the fantastic stories, wild conjecture, convenient excuses and wonderful stretches of the imagination is so compelling because it is fun, mind stretching and sometimes in the back of the skull something goes “ping ” and before you realise it another layer has been added to the fantastic stories, wild conje.... Oops

Originally posted by Matthew DarkAll that can possibly be said on the subject has been said and we're none the wiser or no more in the know, so...that being said...let's consider this another lizard people thread that has gotten us absolutely nowhere and I have stealthily stepped behind it, slit it's throat and put it out of it's misery.

Well we are obviously on opposite sides of the coin because from where I am sitting a person can never say enough about any subject, and you can always find more to say on the colour and consistency of rubber if you really wanted to.

Lizard theory threads are a lot of fun to indulge in and without meaning to be rude to you because I am not meaning to be but if this is just another lizard thread that will ultimately get you nowhere why drop in and post as much to people who obviously have much to say on the subject and who find such threads vehicles to indulge their thoughts and imaginations, theories?

It is not as if a kitten is disembowelled every time someone creates a lizard thread so I say if a thread is going to die it will die when the contributors to said thread have indulged whatever thoughts they might have had on the subject?

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 10:51 AM
Not saying i believe 100% but it makes alot of sense with all of the serpent symbology, and ancient artifacts and myths from different parts of the world that had no contact twith eachother, and things like that. But what i have learned about these beings. This is the theory i believe a lot more than the one saying that they change our minds so they cant be seen. which is well known if you get into it, is that they dont walk around the earth physically as we do very often. I find it quite hard to find physical proof of a being that is not of this physicallity, and not living within out physical plane of existance. They operate through certain human beings as a vessel for being able to interact with this reality. They do this from their "interspace plane" or "world between worlds" as the Zulus call it. which is apparently a plane in between our physicallity and the one beyond. sort of like a radio tuned in between two stations. Another thing i learned is that apparently thousands of years ago they were able to show themsellves openly to the inhabitants of this planet because the people were sort of used to it. Now adays they play their roles behind the scenes and now it is just to frightening and unusual for most people, so they CHOOSE not to let themselves be shown in their true form and risk everything they have worked for. Like i said, this is just based off of information about them that is fairly common in the genre. I guess the op hasnt done a lot of research into the matter. but i just dont see how you can expect physical proof of something not so physical? just like ghosts pretty much. so if you are the type of person who has to see it to believe it i guess your probably out of luck.
try some EVP or something like that, its probably as close to physical proof as you can get without being face to face with one of these things.
ever look up a man nammed credo mutwa? im not so into david icke but this credo guy is fascinating.

[edit on 27-12-2009 by Consciousness]

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