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BBC now Admits Al Qaeda Never Existed!

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posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 10:47 PM

BBC now Admits Al Qaeda Never Existed!

For those of you who are only interested in the truth to how Al Qeada was invented by our FBI here is the proof.

The FBI made up this fantasy to sell OBL as a terrorist. Anything to sell the lie to the American people that OBL committed 911. Please watch this video before you comment and please let’s keep this civil.

Remember the FBI had their hands in every part of the 911 OS. Now we know how the FBI went about accusing OBL for the bombing in Tanzanian they did it behind his back. perhaps if OBL was supposently captured I am sure he would have blew the whistle on the FBI. Now we know why OBL could not be apprehended, it’s because it would have blown the government OS, and our government would look guilty of doing a false flag operation, which I still stand by.

[edit on 26-12-2009 by impressme]

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 11:13 PM
I know that Al-Q. doesn't exist, however the only thing I actully don't get is this: Does everyone in the FBI and other agencies such as the CIA know this? I mean wouldn't we have a whilstleblower by now?

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 11:18 PM
reply to post by impressme

Where in the video does the BBC say that AQ doesn't exist? I must have missed it.

[edit on 26-12-2009 by 767doctor]

[Mod Edit - Replaced quote with Reply To tab]

[edit on 27/12/2009 by Sauron]

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 11:26 PM
A great clip from a great documentary but i don't recall what the name of it is... anyone know? I have seen so many docs on the subject, i can't keep them all straight.

As for the subject at hand, when you factor in how the Laden and Bush family have been old friends and business associates, you can see how easy this casting call was, to fill for the world stage.

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 11:38 PM

Just helping you out here.

[edit on 12/26/2009 by ugie1028]

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 02:40 AM
Can someone please point out to me where the BBC have announced that Al Qaeda does not exist.

They are still referring to Al Qaeda in news broadcasts :-

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 02:51 AM
reply to post by impressme

Al Jazeera, hardly a tool of the FBI, doesn't seem to have much doubt about the existence of Al Qaeda :-

As with so much in the truther world your op is simply a false statement masquerading as a fact.

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 03:07 AM
This certainly is an eye popper for me personally.

Loved seeing again Rummsfeld describe the cave network and its sophistication, but now I realize that to this day no photos of this have been provided of it. Except that cartoon drawing that is

This sounds like BBC program Panorama. Any one knows?

PS: Looking at the comments below that Youtube video is interesting

[edit on 27-12-2009 by shakespear1]

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 03:08 AM
I don't really understand the fetish these truthers have with ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS misrepresenting everything, every chance they get. We see some suggestive title called, "BBC NOW ADMITS AL QAIDA NEVER EXISTED", but when we watch the flick we find out it doesn't say any such thing. It's NOT the BBC, but a video about what some journalist says. Even then, the journalist himself doesn't ever say Al Qaida never existed, but that al Qaida AS A SINGLE FORMAL WORLD WIDE TERROR ORGANIZATION doesn't exist. Rather's it's a loose association of disillusioned militants throughout the Muslim world, and who look to Bin Laden for funding and assistance. It's still a dangerous organization, it's just an organization laid out differently from what people think it is.

Al Qaida means, "the base" and in an interview on Al Jazeera on Oct 2001 Bin Laden himself says his group got its name years ago during the was against the Soviets, where they'd call their mujahadeen training camp, "the base" and the name stuck.

Bin Laden interview transcript on Al Jazeera

In that interview he specifically says that the reason for the attacks was for revenge from Muslim people being murdered by Christian-Zionist policies. Whether Al Qaidsa exists as a formal organized entity or a loose collection of like-minded radicals, it doesn't matter- the 9/11 attack really WAS a terrorist attack and your "controlled demolitions planted by the gov't" stories are STILL rubbish.

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 03:08 AM
reply to post by Alfie1

Al Jazeera, hardly a tool of the FBI, doesn't seem to have much doubt about the existence of Al Qaeda :-

As with so much in the truther world your op is simply a false statement masquerading as a fact.

Your joking right!

Foreign disinformation doesn’t cut it as the truth. You are asking open minder people to believe in a rag as Al Jazeera NEWS MIDDLE EAST YELLOW Journalism as being truthful and to think they are not influence by out side forces. Like the United States LOL

Suspected al-Qaeda commanders have appeared at an anti-government

This is the same garbage that Fox News parrots if this is what you depend on for your information then I feel for you.

[edit on 27-12-2009 by impressme]

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 03:15 AM
reply to post by Alfie1

there are Al Queda warriors, the same way there are Jedi Knights.

Nerds from rich countries like Jediism so they pretend to be Jedii.
Young Arab males who hate American like Al Queda so they pretend to be Al Queda.

Al Queda exists as a fantasy. Jediism exists as a fantasy.

Al Queda as it has been depicted during the War on Terror never actually existed, the same way the Jedi Order as it was depicted in Star Wars did not exist.

However there are over five hundred thousand people who believe they are Jedi.

I'm sure there are even more who believe they are Al Queda warriors, regardless as to whether the organization was ever real.

Your proof fails.

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 03:15 AM

Originally posted by impressme
Now we know why OBL could not be apprehended, it’s because it would have blown the government OS, and our government would look guilty of doing a false flag operation, which I still stand by.

Actually in one of the earliest interviews with OBL after 9/11, with a Pakistani newspaper, he denied involvement in 9/11 and said if anyone wants to know who actually did it, he said he would personally look first to the US or Israeli governments.

There are at least 3 different interviews from 2001 that I've seen where OBL declares his innocence in the attacks... Apparently he could not make up his mind. You know his "admission tape" was supposedly found by US army searching a random basement in a bombed-out Afghani town, supposedly a home video OBL made that he never intended anyone else to see.

Originally posted by kingoftheworld
I mean wouldn't we have a whilstleblower by now?

A guy from MI5 (British intelligence) blew the proverbial whistle some time ago, that "al Qaeda," literally "the base," is literally just a database of Muslim extremists that Western intelligence agencies keep tabs on and train and fund for their own purposes. They believe they are fighting for Islam but really they are soldiers of Western governments and agendas.

Not surprising really considering the CIA's involvement with these groups in the 1980s. OBL used to be a hero here in the US. A Soviet-killing, front-page-making hero.

[edit on 27-12-2009 by bsbray11]

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 03:19 AM

Originally posted by impressme
Your joking right!

Foreign disinformation doesn’t cut it as the truth. You are asking open minder people to believe in a rag as Al Jazeera NEWS MIDDLE EAST YELLOW Journalism as being truthful and to think they are not influence by out side forces. Like the United States LOL

So then why the heck are you so eagar to swallow BRITISH yellow journalism like the BBC? If anything, they'd be more influenced by outside forces (like the United States) than Al Jazeera would be. Besides, wasn't it YOU who pointed out that the BBC was in on the 9/11 plot solely becuase they announced WTC 7 was goign to collapse before it actually collapsed? Whatever they're telling you, it would've necessarily come from the same disinformation agents you're complaining that we're listening to.

To you, credibility has absolutely nothign to do with the source of the information, but whether or not it happens to agree with what you yourself want to believe, and you don't even care if you only wind up contradicting yourself. You're barking up the wrong tree with this bit. Move on to the next secret conspriacy hell bent on taking over the world, already.

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 03:21 AM

Apparently he could not make up his mind. You know his "admission tape" was supposedly found by US army searching a random basement in a bombed-out Afghani town, supposedly a home video OBL made that he never intended anyone else to see.

Poor Soviets, they should have sent more of their officers to Film/Theater School to learn how to put on a plays. They definitely had the worst PR during their stay there

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 03:28 AM

Originally posted by bsbray11
Actually in one of the earliest interviews with OBL after 9/11, with a Pakistani newspaper, he denied involvement in 9/11 and said if anyone wants to know who actually did it, he said he would personally look first to the US or Israeli governments.

That wasn't an interview. It was a list of written questions that the Daily Uhmat sent to the Taliban gov't in the hopes they would forward them to Bin Laden, since Bin Laden didn't have any reliable mail address. Those answers were from what the Taliban mailed back.

Impressme is well known for respescting the concept of "chain of custody", so unless he's a complete phony with a double standard, he will not find your statement credible becuase there is no chain of custody whatsoever showing Bin Laden was the one who actually answered those questions, rather than someone in the Taliban's ministry of propaganda covering for him.

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 03:45 AM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Al Qaida means, "the base"

Said whom?

and in an interview on Al Jazeera on Oct 2001 Bin Laden himself says his group got its name years ago during the was against the Soviets, where they'd call their mujahadeen training camp, "the base" and the name stuck.

Source Please?

I don't really understand the fetish these truthers have with ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS misrepresenting everything, every chance they get.

That is not true, and I disagree with you. Stop lumping ALL Truthers in one basket to say they “always misrepresenting everything, every chance they get” is a false statement.

It's NOT the BBC, but a video about what some journalist says. Even then, the journalist himself doesn't ever say Al Qaida never existed, but that al Qaida AS A SINGLE FORMAL WORLD WIDE TERROR ORGANIZATION doesn't exist.

No, they proved it was conjured up by the FBI, watch the video again.

It's still a dangerous organization, it's just an organization laid out differently from what people think it is.

That is your opinion.

Whether Al Qaidsa exists as a formal organized entity or a loose collection of like-minded radicals, it doesn't matter

It does matter, when it was all proven a lie. You can justified it anyway you like, the fact is Al Qaida was made up by our FBI.

the 9/11 attack really WAS a terrorist attack

Yes it was, by insiders in our government.

your "controlled demolitions planted by the gov't" stories are STILL rubbish.

This thread is not about controlled demolition.

please let’s keep this civil.

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 03:51 AM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

To you, credibility has absolutely nothign to do with the source of the information, but whether or not it happens to agree with what you yourself want to believe, and you don't even care if you only wind up contradicting yourself. You're barking up the wrong tree with this bit. Move on to the next secret conspriacy hell bent on taking over the world, already.

This video and thread is not about my beliefs please keep your comment to the video and not on me thank you.

Anymore insults will be notified to the Mods.

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 04:32 AM
reply to post by impressme


Will you please indicate to me why you think your video has anything at all to do with the BBC, beyond being so labelled on u-tube whch seems to be ultimate truth for truthers.

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 04:39 AM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

I have to hand it to you Dave, at least you didn't claim the entire thing was a hoax.

So if the chain of custody is questionable here, how much moreso the US military "finding" the "admission tape" in a bombed-out basement collection of VHS's.

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 04:49 AM

Originally posted by kingoftheworld
I know that Al-Q. doesn't exist, however the only thing I actully don't get is this: Does everyone in the FBI and other agencies such as the CIA know this? I mean wouldn't we have a whilstleblower by now?

You only need a few at the top who tell others not to investigate things. If your boss tells you not to do something you will do it.

Also the people inside probably know what the fbi can do to anyone going against there wishes.

But 911 was bigger than fbi, who are like the mi5 in uk. A secret police national force.

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