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Activism...friend or foe?

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posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 10:50 AM
I would like to pose a question to ATS and its members concerning activism and its implications..

When will ATS be intelligently active in organising a peace movement that involves all of its members?

I say this because this site has a true potential to change the world.

With the speed at which information can change hands on ATS and the numbers of people involved is it not in a prime position to collectivly move forward and bring peace to the world?

Are we lacking direction?

I think these are valid points to open discussion.


posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 10:54 AM
We are not lacking direction.

You've had two threads closed for breaking T&C and now you've started another two - about the same topic that the administrator closed.

It is in the T&C. Read the policy.

I'm pretty sure the moderators are not going to pleased with all this spamming.

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 10:54 AM
6b) Neutrality: The Above Network, LLC provides a forum for discussing a wide variety of subjects, but does not endorse any particular theory, opinion, viewpoint or position on any topic. Furthermore, though operating costs are supported by advertising and promotional revenue, The Above Network, LLC does not officially endorse or promote any commercial product or service.

1e.) Recruitment/Solicitation:

i) You will not use your membership at The Above Network, LLC site(s) for any type of recruitment to any causes whatsoever. You will not post, use the chat feature, use videos, or use the private message system to disseminate advertisements, chain letters, petitions, pyramid schemes, or any kind of solicitation for political action, social action, letter campaigns, or related online and/or offline coordinated actions of any kind.

ii) You will not use the discussion boards, the chat system or the private message system to collect or ask for the personal information (data mining) about forum members, including email addresses and "real life" names, in any manner whatsoever, or for any reason whatsoever.


Hope that helps.

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by infinite
We are not lacking direction.

You've had two threads closed for breaking T&C and now you've started another two - about the same topic that the administrator closed.

It is in the T&C. Read the policy.

I'm pretty sure the moderators are not going to pleased with all this spamming.

Well it does not really matter what i post, what you are saying to me really is "hush boy or we will remove you"

Whatever anyone posts can be looked objectively through positive or negative perceptions.

You can find good and bad in every single ATS Post and yet "you" choose to percieve my posts as negative.

That is your choice but when you prompt ATS Moderators to close these posts it brings to light your true nature and intent.

Given that what i have posted has been in a loving light and given your approach i will "hush" to make you feel vindicated.

But please note that i have my eye on you too..


posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 11:11 AM
reply to post by spirit777child

You can't recruit because it gives a reason for tptb to shut them down. If everyone had the ability to use these forums to recruit, you'd have extremists here in a second. This would force the authorities to act against the site, and the good would be shut down as well as the bad.
Best thing to do is allow none of it.

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 11:14 AM
I totally agree and this is why i have moved away from the idea of bringing people together outside of the ATS forum.

Besides this post has nothing to do with prior posts as suggested.

it is merely to focus on a way forward for all of us.

If we can not first deal with the inconsistancies of human tendencies and start looking at the world as spiritual enlightened beings, trusting and loving one another...then what other way forward is there?


posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by spirit777child

Firstly, if you think the title of my profile means something you are extremely paranoid and probably need to research. The fact you take things too seriously might imply why the core idea did not work.

Secondly, as I've pointed out, we've had nasty experiences. Springer never questioned your heart not being in the right place, of course it is, but these threads can quickly get out control. As the FSME for the NWO, I've literally witnessed members wanting to carry out shootings - obviously, we cannot have ATS damaged. Or linked to murder.

The problem is we have mix personalities here and some do have extreme ways of dealing with TPTB. Groups tend to get rather serious and agenda's can damage the site. Having a activist groups means the owners have to endorse it and put their name on it, so do advertisers.

A few years back, I brought up the very same topic being raised in your thread. Other FSME's and even moderators were supportive of my suggestion, sadly it didn't work in practice. If we were allowed activism, I'm all for an ATS core. Seriously, I would support it. Yes, good old infinite has always supported it.

Sadly we cannot. It is one of those features of ATS we can never have. Believe me, I've tried hard in the past to change the policy. For the legal reasons, it cannot happen.

[edit on 26-12-2009 by infinite]

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by heyo

Exactly. A reason is giving to shut us down.
For the OP, we even discussed a political group on ATS - but again, we have too strong opinions on this site.

Sadly, we do need to stick to the law.

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 11:25 AM
I assure you i am not parranoid a little curious yes but that is only natural given your influence on ATS.

regarding your past activities and attempts at as you put it doing the same thing i am doing, that is good of you however i think we are not doing one and the same thing.

My objectives have not even come to light so to assume we are or have tried the same thing is incorrect.

One of my soul objectives is of a very spirtual nature. It is to question the motivations and in-actions of man.

My take is far more esoteric than perhaps meets the eye. It is more about the transormation of the human psyhe and raising awareness of the power elites future agenda.

It is as much about thinking outside the box as it is thinking and transforming within it.

if ATS are unable to move forward collectivly as part of a peace movement i think we need to look at why. Why is a positive thing prevented from occuring?

Ultimatly it is the only movement that will save us and if this movement is prevented from taking place then humanity has no other means of surviving.

ATS preaches about acting before it is too late. Wake up now and so on and so forth. that is all well and good but why promote something that when push comes to shove you are not willing follow through on?


posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 11:29 AM
What distinguishes my approach to the approach from ATS is the non inculsion of retaliation or weapons.

I dont promote either in any capacity.


posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 11:29 AM

Originally posted by spirit777child
ATS preaches about acting before it is too late. Wake up now and so on and so forth. that is all well and good but why promote something that when push comes to shove you are not willing follow through on?


For the reasons in my above post. It's not going to change no matter how long someone questions it.

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 11:31 AM

Originally posted by intrepid

Originally posted by spirit777child
ATS preaches about acting before it is too late. Wake up now and so on and so forth. that is all well and good but why promote something that when push comes to shove you are not willing follow through on?


For the reasons in my above post. It's not going to change no matter how long someone questions it.

Because "you" are unwilling to change.

We are each responsible for ourselves. We can talk for the many but it is each of us individually that has to change.

The question is what catalyst will it take for you to turn the wheel within. benevolence or destruction?


posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 11:33 AM
if you're serious about it, start the movement in a separate venue and come back here and post a thread about the movement you "found"

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 11:35 AM

Originally posted by spirit777child
ATS preaches about acting before it is too late. Wake up now and so on and so forth. that is all well and good but why promote something that when push comes to shove you are not willing follow through on?

This is topic that requires the owners, it is their site and we post at their pleasure. Blood, sweat, tears and finance came from them. Endorsement is a difficult area - we cannot please everyone and legality reasons are important too.

As for ATS preaching, what do you think ATS is, in your opinion? ATS is a different entity to different people - not always agreeing on her core meaning. Some see us as revolutionaries, freedom fighters but others as elders or scholars.

I've been here for six years, I've seen this place evolve so much over time and change into different meanings. But, fundamentally, we are a community seeking the truth.

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 11:35 AM

Originally posted by spirit777child
Because "you" are unwilling to change.

We are each responsible for ourselves. We can talk for the many but it is each of us individually that has to change.

The question is what catalyst will it take for you to turn the wheel within. benevolence or destruction?


OK, you've been shown twice why this isn't going to fly.


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