Von Däniken's convictions had to be mentioned. It is also worth noting that his theories have been money-spinners on an unimaginable scale via his
books and also
his theme park, etc. Some might say 'convicted fraudster + big business = need for
Leaving the above aside, this program is addressing undeniably fascinating questions. It has brought together many of the most interesting
archeological conundrums and presented them very well. (I was, however, just a little surprised that it didn't mention
The Baalbek foundation stones.)
Presented with such glaring oddities it is not surprising that someone would come up with a theory along the lines of 'alien intervention'. And why
not - if scientific consensus (based on peer review) won't go there, free thinkers often have a more open mind.
Yet there is a major flaw in the way the proponents of Von Däniken's theories put their case forward, namely that their explanation is the only
possible alternative. This is not at all the case.
It was stated in the documentary that we should not presume that our ancestors who developed ancient civilizations were necessarily less intelligent
than modern man. I believe there is indeed sufficient evidence to make that a reasonable statement. In fact I would go further: what if our ancestors
managed through their own ingenuity to discover and develop knowledge and techniques that enabled them to attain insights in astronomy, physics,
construction techniques, etc., that might rival or even transcend what we have today? Is it actually necessary to presume alien intervention?
Dead Men's Secrets
by Jonathan Gray looks at the evidence presented in this documentary — and much more besides — and draws a very different conclusion to was was
presented in the video.
It alludes to the idea, mentioned in the video in fact, that an ancient civilization/ancient civilizations may well have reached levels of attainment
that standard historical theory would regard as fantastical — but were then, for whatever reason
wiped out. In effect the human race had to
start once again from scratch. But perhaps tantalizing pockets of that prior knowledge were handed down, initially by word of mouth, and bequeathed to
subsequent generations in the form of legends...
A lot more could be said, but suffice it to say that encounters with beings from other planets is
certainly not the only explanation. At the
same time someone with acute business acumen could tap into the philosophical openness left by post-modern society by suggesting a radical new
interpretation of history that resonates with popular culture, and make a killing.