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Smoke and Mirrors.. Shadow Gov of 911

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posted on Dec, 25 2009 @ 08:31 PM

We all see countless threads on 911, argueing for 20 pages on "banking angles"

types of smoke and dust with or without Thermite . The events on 9/11/01

where well set in place long before that day , and were keep on track by

agencies of the US Government. It was a done deal.

You'll see and hear through news segments and Senate hearings, how things like

Able Danger (military investigations) were muted and files deleted. How Bush Sr

and Bin Laden Sr were in the white House on 911 watching the events unfold.

This video , while long , is well put together and easy to watch and follow.

Anyone with even a mild interest in 911 , or needs to see for themselves

how the Shadow Government operates MUST SEE this video




Enjoy and be enlightened

posted on Dec, 25 2009 @ 09:37 PM
Its ironic , the 2 top threads being discussed at the moment


Wrong , its a dictatorship


wrong, youv'e already lost and don't even know it

Englighten your mind , it all ties in the video

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 12:49 AM
Thank you for the vid sean. I will check it out over the weekend.

I completely get what you are after, with only one slight tweak/exception... I would venture to say that we are a Plutocracy masquerading around as a Democracy.

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by The Blind Eye

Bump for the best video showing that 911 was going to happen

no matter which party had power

The PTB wanted this and went to extremes to make sure it happened.

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 05:26 PM
this is just too late...records have been destroyed...people that would have come forward have been killed off, or the threat of being killed has shut them up. it's almost 2010, and it's over and done with people, everything have been effectively buried. it's JFK all over again, i was just coming into my early teens when that happened and the same gameplan went down. my folks followed the investigation of JFK intensely...and it's the same crap, different decade.

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 09:11 PM


posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 10:19 PM
Nice video Sean48! S & F's to you for posting this.

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 10:11 AM

Originally posted by jimmyx
this is just too late...records have been destroyed...people that would have come forward have been killed off, or the threat of being killed has shut them up. it's almost 2010, and it's over and done with people, everything have been effectively buried. it's JFK all over again, i was just coming into my early teens when that happened and the same gameplan went down. my folks followed the investigation of JFK intensely...and it's the same crap, different decade.

Things ARE different this time my friend , people aren't letting this just

fade away. This event has many sources of information , paper trails that

lead to the corruption.

This time the faith in the US Gov is at a totally different place. During JFK

murder, the people had full believe in their Gov and took what they said

at face value, now , We know the Gov lied.

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by jimmyx

I'd also like to add, that if we had the internet and supporting technologies as we have them today, back when jfk was shot we would have had a larger pool of people actively engaged in cracking the mystery. To the point i think it would have made a significant difference. A large segment of the populous can clearly see that 911 as it was told/sold doesn't add up... and we can thank all the extra people who are involved in the investigation... most of which would not have been if it wasn't for the internet. Every year new revelations surface and are well distributed among all interested parties, this conspiracy is of all the conspiracies the most crackable.

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 04:10 PM

Originally posted by mikelee
Nice video Sean48! S & F's to you for posting this.

If you get a chance to read this , shoot me a u2 , if this vid helped

you to lean more to the "dark side " lol

For me it only confirmed what I already felt

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 06:23 PM

Originally posted by Sean48

Originally posted by mikelee
Nice video Sean48! S & F's to you for posting this.

If you get a chance to read this , shoot me a u2 , if this vid helped

you to lean more to the "dark side " lol

For me it only confirmed what I already felt

Hey man,
Will do, fixing to watch here in a little while

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 07:50 PM
reply to post by Sean48


Wrong , its a dictatorship


wrong, youv'e already lost and don't even know it

This is so true, and the reason is the government has gotten out of control with corruption, it is rotten to the core. We need to start over again and the people in America need to wake up and fast.

Perhaps, there will be a war in this country it will be the American people verse the government and military. We the people know that something is going to give eventually because, this government has lost it’s way. This government, congress is not representing the people any longer. This government only represents the greedy corporations who line their pockets for their next campaign election and favors for CEO position in these corrupt corporation when they leave office. These corrupt government officials have one goal and that is for themselves.

The Health care bill was a prime example on how the Healthcare lobbies paid congress to take out public options so the healthcare industries would not have any competition. Meaning the greed pigs can still charge as much as they want without any competition.

It is “ALL ABOUT THE MONEY”! How much do I get?

[edit on 27-12-2009 by impressme]

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 08:26 PM
I watched about 10 minutes of your over 2 hour video. I know what youre trying to do. You know they tried to attack the same building in 93'. I know somebody who was in desert storm with Saddam Hussein against Bush senior that he tried to assinate. I dont know about 40 or 50 years of history between different countries and their leaders. We are a continent, if you look at the size of countries in Europe and the Middle East they are states Iran has 11 or 15 million people, we have 300 million. They bombed the Pentagon and maybe tried to kill the president. We are at war for about a decade and in a recession or depression , and you think the government arranged this somehow with people who live in the desert in like the 12th or 16th century with techology and ability to contact ? All these threads about 911 think some sort of massive conspiracy was going on, there have been a lot of wars in the last 100 years or even before that and reasons countries go to war.

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 08:29 PM
reply to post by P. O. W.

Im not trying to do anything, I had no part in 911, or this movie.

Give the movie a half hour , whats the harm, the truth is in there

its not a brain washing program, you can separate any wheat from the chaff Im sure

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 09:14 PM
I'll say this regarding the video...

I just watched the entire video. 10 minutes does not do it justice! This is a MUST SEE. Without a doubt. I'm not easily swayed as many of you know, I try to keep an objective outlook regarding 911, but this video makes valid and more importantly factual points that others like "loose change" and other along that context cannot compare to. I was impressed and thats not easy to do.

This IS NOT the typical "conspiracy garbage" video.

Kudos to Sean48 for posting it. It is an important find, at least in my opinion.

[edit on 27-12-2009 by mikelee] added a line & spelling correction.

[edit on 27-12-2009 by mikelee]

posted on Dec, 27 2009 @ 09:24 PM

Originally posted by P. O. W.
I watched about 10 minutes of your over 2 hour video. I know what youre trying to do. You know they tried to attack the same building in 93'. I know somebody who was in desert storm with Saddam Hussein against Bush senior that he tried to assinate. I dont know about 40 or 50 years of history between different countries and their leaders. We are a continent, if you look at the size of countries in Europe and the Middle East they are states Iran has 11 or 15 million people, we have 300 million. They bombed the Pentagon and maybe tried to kill the president. We are at war for about a decade and in a recession or depression , and you think the government arranged this somehow with people who live in the desert in like the 12th or 16th century with techology and ability to contact ? All these threads about 911 think some sort of massive conspiracy was going on, there have been a lot of wars in the last 100 years or even before that and reasons countries go to war.

Respectfully, watch the entire video grab a cold one and watch it objectively. Thats all you need to do man.

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 01:03 AM
reply to post by Sean48

Superb vid Sean. 3 things I want to reiterate from vid:

--The astonishing money that is being made, from bankers financing our debt, for every dollar (taxpayer money) the USG shovels out in so-called stimulus money. I think the vid said perhaps est $40 or earned by them for every every $1 being shoveled out. All the while driving the econ into bankruptcy. Who among us has given this angle any thought?

--The reiteration time and again that we, the People, are being driven against one another and the plea that we open our eyes to this fact. And

--Those who spoke eloquently to the merit of loyalty to the Constitution and Bill of Rights, rather than political party.

[edit on 28-12-2009 by pumpkinorange]

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by pumpkinorange

My overall assumption is;

The Bush Adim found out about the planned attacks, THIS IS PROVEN BEYOND


And they did EVERYTHING in their power to MAKE SURE it happened

think back to Bush , Cheney, Con Rice, Powell , ALL saying they had

no PRIOR knowledge of the Attacks, ALL LIES

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 08:57 PM

Originally posted by Sean48
reply to post by pumpkinorange

My overall assumption is;

The Bush Adim found out about the planned attacks, THIS IS PROVEN BEYOND


And they did EVERYTHING in their power to MAKE SURE it happened

think back to Bush , Cheney, Con Rice, Powell , ALL saying they had

no PRIOR knowledge of the Attacks, ALL LIES

ALL LIES...Particlualy clear when W said he "saw" the attacks on tv prior to the school reading stint. Thats on tape in his own words, hard to deny that one!

posted on Dec, 29 2009 @ 12:12 PM
I just finished watching the video. Excellent information.
I don't know of any way this can be debunked.

Star and Flag for you.

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