posted on Dec, 25 2009 @ 07:13 PM
Ok...bear with me here, this is a little hard to explain and I don't have a pic to post.
The other day, I was standing in the backyard enjoying a nice Cohiba and the sunshine. While doing so, I was admiring the nice ChemTrails and
"spraying patterns". That's when I first noticed something really odd.
I was watching one particular airliner laying down a pretty heavy chemtrail when I noticed that the plane appeared to be following what I can only
describe as a 'shadow trail'. It was flying the exact same path, strait as an arrow.
Now, this 'Shadow Trail' wasn't black smoke, or anything like that, it's kind of hard to explain....It literally looked like a photo negative of a
normal white chemtrail, but not 'smokey' looking.
What was even weirder was, out in front of the ChemTrail plane, this 'Shadow Trail' was getting longer and longer as I watched. My best guess was
the ChemTrail plane was at approx. 20k+ feet and the "Shadow Trail" was leading it by approx. 10-20 miles.
As I watched the "Shadow Trail" pass in front of a cloud I went and got my 10 dollar binoculars and when it got passed the cloud, into blue sky I
looked at the leading point of the 'Shadow Trail' and couldn't see any plane, or any other object. NOTHING.
It was like something was invisible and laying down some sort of 'Shadow Trail' for the ChemTrail plane to follow....
I watched until both were on the horizon and to far for me to see any more....
Weirdest thing I've ever seen.
Has anyone else seen anything like this or even know what I'm talking about????