I was just surfing the net and came across a song that was introduced when I was just a strapping young fella.
Music soothes the savage beast. I was just wondering the if you folks here at ATS have songs that soothe your savage beast.
Some songs reach you, in the heart, in your very SOUL. Which ones are yours. Sometimes songs reach you at the very beginning of your
conscientiousness, sometimes it is just the DAMN SONG!
This is my first thread on BTS, and please give me your soul-when it comes to music!
To start out the music, I offer Driver's Seat by Stiff'n the Tears
I will post others that reach my soul later, for now, I want to hear yours!
edit to fix color posts- WTF, only one color post per comment?
Boat Leaves From
Chicken Fried - Zack Brown Band
Jolly Mon Sing
Coconut Telegraph
One Particular Harbour
Son o Son of a Sailor
Last Mango in Paris
breathe in, breathe out, Move On
- Jimmy Buffet
Canadian Railroad Trilogy
Don Quixote
Pony Man
Minstrel of the Dawn - Gordon Lightfoot
Neat post...I'll play along. I have three music moods.
Mood #1: Music I need to workout, fight, bring out my inner beast and just be motivated to kick some !!!!
Mood #2: Music that allows me to relax, unwind, sit there and be on my computer, read, have on in the background during a BBQ, etc...
Mood #3: Music that makes me dig deep within myself, soul search, think about things, life, love, family, etc...and its not always the lyrics of the
song in this mood, its just sometimes the music.