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Prediction Of The Year

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posted on May, 24 2004 @ 11:36 PM

Originally posted by Lastday Prophet
Preest, you are the one confused. The post is about UFO's, Not God.

I'm well aware of my threads topic and your attempt at hijacking it to proslytize.

You issued a challenge in my thread. You insisted people post a real pic of a UFO in order to prove their existence.

I issued a challenge in my thread. I insist you post a picture of God in order to prove his existence.

Are you not able to post a pic? Does not having a pic of God indicate there is no God? According to your thought process if there is no picture of a REAL UFO then there must not be any UFO' the same sense why does that not apply to your God as well?

Is your hypocrisy so blinding that you'll continue to avoid my challenge?

[Edited on 5-24-2004 by Preest]

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 08:13 AM
I`ll get a pcture of my alien friend next time we go out drinking . Perhaps he`ll invite God .

[Edited on 25-5-2004 by Opus]

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 12:33 PM
the god vs alien thing is pretty pointless ...

my reasons :

most religious people are not prepared to change a thing they believe in.
if you showed them outright proof that god doesnt exist and aliens did then it would be a sign of the devil playing tricks with us, they would pray , they would still go to church and they would still try and teach us holy ways

where as if you was to show me total proof in god and that aliens didnt exist i would believe in a split second he is around and so would most other non believers (this isnt scientifically proven figure before we get all smart

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 12:51 PM
I find it interesting, well, more humorous, that a discussion about UFO's, turns to GOD.
Whether either exists, or doesn't actually comes down to "belief", doesn't it.
And, provided there is a GOD, not saying there is or isn't, just provided there is, and GOD is the creator of all, wouldn't he have created the "aliens" who use the "UFO's", anyway!
Sometimes ya just gotta say "hmmmm"!

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by Lastday Prophet
In the picture with the saucer flying near a tree you will notice the sun reflecting on the top of the saucer while the backround shows a cloudy day, what a bunch of crap.

So how do you know that the sky was 100% overcast that day? Only a small part of the sky is visible.

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by Lastday Prophet
There are no Aliens and there are no UFO's. Of all the millons of pictures of alleged UFO's I challenge anyone to provide "ONE" clear picture of a UFO or of a Alien.

Here you go...'cept he's dead, but we was a really nice fellow!

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 02:40 PM
You guy's prove my point. Firstly the UFO photo's are flawed, in the picture of the golden hubcap you can clearly see the backround is a drawing or painting. The fake Alien is a stage prop from disney or one of the other film studio's. Second, because you have no proof you change the subject to God, as if I don't see your deceptive maneuvers. If you want to argue the existance of God, you should do so in the religious conspiracy thread. I thought this thread was about UFO's, not God. Thirdly, How "STUPID" are these Aliens that they have nothing better to do than fly around the earth and allow pictures to be taken from miles away. Make up you mind Aliens, do one or the other, either land and show yourselves or go back home. I think the real stupid ones are those that believe this crap. Now, can someone post a "CREDIBLE" picture ? they have "MILLIONS" yet not "ONE", that's right, not "ONE" "CREDIBLE" picture anywhere. If you believe this crap I have a good deal for you, I recently aquired a few bridges from a good friend of mine who is building some new bridges so he sold the old one to me for a fair price. I am willing to let them go, first come, first served, cash only. If interested you can e-mail me at [email protected]

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 02:46 PM
It's fairly easy to spot your "Christianity in action" and I'm sure you get handshakes and backpats for it...but you cannot come into a post I started and lay down a challenge and then scurry away from a challenge made to shows how scared you are to confront the possibility that your God is no more provable than aliens or UFO's.

I'd be happy to pay you for those bridges if you happen to have a picture of God...perhaps you can stop being a hypocrite long enough to go pull it out of your Bible and scan it?

[Edited on 5-25-2004 by Preest]

posted on May, 25 2004 @ 03:56 PM

Make up you mind Aliens, do one or the other, either land and show yourselves or go back home. I think the real stupid ones are those that believe this crap. Now, can someone post a "CREDIBLE" picture ? they have "MILLIONS" yet not "ONE", that's right, not "ONE" "CREDIBLE" picture anywhere.

we can post credible radar , eyewitness reports , military documents etc but alas no hi-res shots of flying saucers.

the reason why we cant seem to do this is because not everyone carries a high quality cam around with them all day on the expectance of a flyby from an out of this world craft. we can show you pics , tho not "perfect" pics.

how many perfect pics of shooting stars are there ? we know they are around , we just dont get to take really close up shots of them as they zoom past. just the odd blurred video or a large exposure time shot of a line in the sky - JUST LIKE THE UFO PICS AND FOOTAGE WE HAVE

come to think of it , thats a hell of a lot more than what we have of god isnt it?

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