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It's worms all the way!

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posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 11:20 AM
There has been a disruption to the operating frequency of your mind which you are hopefully now consciously aware of. Open the can to do with the forces that are at play in this game of life and you will see it's worms all the way!

Your mind is being sqeezed dry and aspects of your memory are being wiped specifically those parts to do with dealing with removing threats that attack the mental wellbeing of the mind. Especially the tactic of convincing the mind it is freer than it really is, ie by creating an illusory reality. We have become lethargic and adopted a sense of resignation in terms of challenging the status quo. The clever part is that we are under the illusion that we are not being harmed, spiritually speaking in terms of sustained harm to the spirit. We clearly are. For example the sense of day to day routine and the numbness you feel is an unnatural state to be in, a state which tptb seem to faciliate the perpetuation off because you are both easier to control and give over your labour with little fuss and for little reward!

There is for sure an erroneous cancerous type cell/force that is eating into our rational and instinctive aspect, preventing us from addressing any trangressions against us. made especially harder if one is not aware of ones freedoms (in the universal scheme of things!).

It feeds off of you at very 'subtle' levels and depending on your level of threat determins much of the mind control you have been subjected to during moments of intense energetic transfer/infuence, ie if you are not in control of your mind you will be influenced to cause your energy to flow in a direction that is against your true will. As well as this they maintain levels of obvious mass socialogical mind control which imo creates an energy flow which is also being fed off of by hostile and very 'in the know' beings. Remember energy has to go somewhere!

Happiness of the populace (a very obvious and important right) is not really on the radar of tptb much incidently happiness or the pursuit of it is a right mentioned in the Declaration of Indepence. The unspoken mindset or order of the day with tptb seems to be maintain dicipline and order towards causing as little disruption to daily life as possible. Obviously this feeds directly into not 'disrupting' the 'establisment'. And it just so happens the establishment is where the wealth is. Wealth that can effect real change but oddly enough has little impact in increasing your happiness in terms of your conscious evolution. That is to say the people with wealth that can do something (to help conscious evolution) do diddly. In fact a catch 22 is currently in place where there are only a couple of paths available for true ambassadors of progressive evolutionary thinking. And that is to become a writer and sustain your message/fight/advancement through the proceeds from a book or tour. Politics ironically the normal path to initiate change is to corrupt to really have the ability to do anything. I am sure these writers etc would like to act and initiate real change in society and our way of thinking. They probably have many solutions to topple the current elitist attitude toward maintaining a status quo which favors their safty and well being. And they too have probably explored the few peaceful options available.

This attitude adopted by tptb is like an unwritten language of greed and matterial wealth and obviously corrupts the soul and leads it into acceptance and resignation to 'the program' and contributing to the continued efforts to protect the wealthy from one of their biggest fears 'losing their matterial wealth' becoming fact.

Humans fear lack of comfort, fact. This is one of the drivers that props up the monetary system. Money it seems and the more you posess of it cannot necessarilly buy you happiness, but it makes the journey getting there and damn site easier, and for this reason we desire it so much.

The truth is it is the year 2009 we should not be struggling with survival issues and subconcious desires of wellbeing at the expense of others

We do not see that which we lack perception of. And currently we lack the perception of existing in a world that does not struggle to survive. You will notice there are no goal posts or socialogical 'common goals' in terms of levels of attainment or the pursuit of happiness. This is why the secret history to do with the truer nature of our being has been destroyed or certainly hidden from us. IT IS TO PREVENT US FROM WANTING 'MORE'. If we don't know what we want and are being manipulated to accept mediocracy instead of something much greater we will be distracted from finding that something greater. Remember they are 'buying comfort time' and your dumbing down maintains the system and those that benefit from the fringe benefits of a greed lead society. And believe me there are people that benefit from it big time.

Don't you find it odd that we reward people who best exibit signs of being able to manipulate, control and maintain order and productivity over a work force at the cheapest price possible. This includes lying to and diverting anything or anyone that posses a threat to the bottom line.

Obviously we need to urgently lose the attraction force of money to make the abusers of those that posses it powerless to influence you any further by threatening to deprive you of it. This realisation and more importantly 'act' would lead to a mass awakening in itself if chaos can be prevented in the de-emphasis on money to survive. Doing away with energy bills is one obvious first step! Of course pulling out your energy meter is dangerous if you don;t know what you are doing! But refusal to pay is just as good.

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 01:27 PM
well, im relieved.
when i started reading this wall of text, my first thought was you were going to tell me i had brain worms.
you cxan imagine how relieved iw as once i discovered its jsut a bunch oif new age gibberish.

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by STFUPPERCUTTER

Well come up with something better then!

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by STFUPPERCUTTER
well, im relieved.
when i started reading this wall of text, my first thought was you were going to tell me i had brain worms.
you cxan imagine how relieved iw as once i discovered its jsut a bunch oif new age gibberish.

I would rather have Brain Worms.

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 01:56 PM
Good thread.

I'm surprise you didn't get into the religion aspect, which is just as big as a problem as money.

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by pharaohmoan

You certainly said a mouth full.

The truth is it is the year 2009 we should not be struggling with survival issues and subconcious desires of wellbeing at the expense of others

IMO, we’ve been at this game for some 10,000 years now. The truth is that most don't even see the real brain washing that's been handed down from generation to generation perpetuating the modern mythology of "taking". It's all around you everyday, the subtle messages are so common and prevalent that they go un-noticed even by those here who claim to be "awake".

We are living in a global cultural conspiracy which will doom us to extinction because we are in violation of the fundamental laws of nature. The book of Genesis documents the beginnings of this modern travesty. The fall from grace is the story of man's decision to "think as the gods" and determine what lives and what dies. In other words, man took himself out of god’s hands and became apart from nature when he ate from the tree of knowledge, the knowledge over life and death. Of course, I am speaking of the agricultural revolution which occurred in the Fertile Crescent some 10,000+ years ago.

The agriculturalists left behind the ways of the hunter gatherers who lived in harmony with nature’s law of "live and let live" to adopt a policy of destroy and conquer all competition for our ever growing demand for food and resources. We left behind the natural order of things; natural selection of the fittest, natural population migrations, natural population control, natural competition for resources and land. We are living in a culture which values war above all else. We must conquer our enemies and our competition for it is our belief that we are the Apex of creation and therefore it is our right, no, our destiny to reign supreme in the Universe. Anything which stands in the way of our domination must be eliminated, it is our manifest destiny.

We can not see that this way of life is an abomination to nature. We are the only species that seeks to destroy the competition outright. To eliminate any and all threats to our ever increasing needs. No other animal on this planet acts in such a manner; this will be our undoing, the seeds of our demise.

No, there is no conspiracy to erase your memory or control your minds. You are already under control; it began before you were born, before your parents were born. You are living the curse, the conspiracy of culture.

IMO - Man will always believe that he is the ultimate expression of creation until he is gone.

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 03:30 PM
Your take on life is worthy of a S&F. A few things i would add are :

Some are wakening up to the excitement of living again. To the smell of fun and laughter ( You might remember that smell as a kid, a smell of Christmas and summer and new things).

I know that this is a time of change for all and some are not going to make it, but we are so far behind the bars of this prison that its better that 1 escapes than none at all.

Our reality is a programmed reality, long live the hammer that smashes the hard drive.


posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 04:17 PM
reply to post by Anamnesis

Very nicely put Anamnesis.

Originally posted by captiva
Our reality is a programmed reality, long live the hammer that smashes the hard drive.

You should copyright that quote!

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