Wow, yeah.
I suppose thats related to the theory I was talking about somewhere that we're always alive in some parallel universe no matter what happens and this
is because we can't imagine what the universe will be like without us, or something. I'm no expert, just someone I know was talking about it...
Yeah, I suppose people get that feeling that 'something' is different, maybe that
something is because we've had a dimension slip and not
realised. *shrugs* Who knows. I'm no expert, but it is very interesting.
LOL! The dog just walked into the room, I turned too quickly and cudda sworn I saw an arm reach over to where the bottle is. That happens to me all
the time, always scares me half to death, and always ends up being my hair, my nose or a reflection in my glasses or something equally as stupid!
Yeah, and we know nothing about any of this really, they could be easily visible if you measure something that no ones thought of yet.
Say if every time something traumatic happens, it leaves behind this massive energy and this sticks somewhere. This means there could be hundreds of
'ghosts' around us, some not necessarily from death - just a moment, that is left.
Now if you die, then your imprint can also be left behind, and if these imprints/echoes are particularly strong, they get stuck they can still think
and communicate... Or just relive a moment.
I dunno where I'm going with this, but if you think about everything you've had a weird feeling, or deja-vu or something. That could be some type of
echo or ghost that's just left hanging there from some moment. Coz I don't think everything you feel like that it's from a 'ghost'. Or else we'd
all be haunted 24/7!
It's weird to think of that kinda stuff, really.
But yeah, let me know if theres anything of interest and I'll definetely pick some books up in the summer and start reading up on it!