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Is Humanity Ready To Accept A Messiah?

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posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 05:19 AM
Hi, I have been a long time believer in the appearance of a world Messiah.

In the past many men of wisdom and enlightenment have graced our history be it through reality or myth or fable.

The truth is wether or not these avatars were in fact on this planet and in touch with humaity they have all had major impacts on the way we have behaved and acted and what we beleive.

Most of these messiah's have been linked to major world religions be it Jesus Christ, Khrishna, Mohammed, Buddah and so on...

So Religion has always had a major part to play in this area.

Now that 2012 is fast approaching and there is talk of a reappearence of a messiah, be it the christ, mahdi, maitreya or other worldy avatar many therories and conspiracies are arising. Be it The Messiahs links to aliens, project blue beam, the norway spiral, lights in the sky, the 4 stars of benjamin creme and obviously its links to the coming new world order and the arrival of the antichrist.

My point is i honestly dont think humanity are ready to accept this man.

The reason i say this is that the mind state of the world seems far too gone.

Many people nowadays are far removed from anything religious with the youth opting for weed and playstations over religion and benevolence. Women competing for high street fashion trends over being the caring and loving aspects of humanity and generally humanity as whole not actually caring anymore for things of a religious nature.

There are so many distraction today that lead us away from a spiritual path even the music and games of todays society are more focused on industry and commercialism, selfishness money and greed and many games have more and more graphically violent themese which im sure impact on the players psyche to some degree.

So my question is how on earth is a messiah going to come to humanity and preach peace on earth, love and sharing for all humanity and so on without being exposed to the reaction of the people.

To me it is obvious so many people will simply scoff at the suggestion that the world teacher has arrived. People will laugh and make up nasty stories to break the credability of this avatar or messiah. The world will crucify this enlightened being before he or she ever gets a chance to spread their message.

So how will a messiah approach humainty in solving its problems of war, famine, disease, agression, competetiveness, selfishness, greed and so on??

Short of the signs we are seeing which are speedily disected and killed off before they have a chance to breath and short of any miracles this messiah will perform which in my opinion defeats the purpose of faith, words alone and peacful messages of love and kindness will simply not be enough.

Is it too late already for a messiah and are the people of the world really willing to accept such a person?

Also what approach do you think would best suit this messiah?

Id love to hear your comments...

peace and blessings

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 05:45 AM
reply to post by spirit777child

Is Humanity Ready To Accept A Messiah?

There's an old saying that there are no atheists in a foxhole. Basically, there with your life hanging from a thread and nothing between you and sudden, violent death... and all that self reliance fades. You fall back on that one thing that is capable of saving you; God.

We have turned into a very cynical, very bitter world society that has no tolerance for anything or anybody but ourselves.

So, what if Jesus or Muhammad were to drop by? How would we treat them in light of our current situation?

Well, some would undoubtedly rush to them in hopes of salvation. But others would undoubtedly revolt and devote themselves to smear campaigns. Sides would be drawn up, as they are so often here at ATS on issues of faith/religion, and there would be a battle of the various belief-cultures.

I think the Christian Bible makes it fairly clear that before the prophesied return of Christ, the world is going to be mashed through God's wringer-washer. And that when it finally emerges on the other side, there won't be a lot of complaints about His arrival.

For anyone to accept being saved from anything, there has to be that foxhole moment when you realize that short of God's intervention, there is no other hope. Man's governments and social systems will have to fail on a colossal scale in order for that moment to be realize. And at that moment when we, as a race, taste complete and utter defeat at our own hands... then salvation will be welcomed.

Short of all of this coming to pass, humanity is just too much caught up in itself, happily relying on its own clear imperfections to succeed.

Right now, Jesus and/or Muhammad are not only not wanted, they would be not be welcomed.


posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 05:52 AM
Hi ,

Loving the Foxhole example and breakdown and agree 100%.


posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 06:34 AM
Not meaning to go off topic but the “no atheists in a foxhole” is a crock and really grinds my gears every time someone triumphantly throws it up because I am an atheist and I have been in a foxhole metaphorically speaking on a number of occasions over the span of my life. I have even faced death, looking it square in the eye to the extent that I sincerely believed that I was about to check out.

Yet at no time during my goodbyes and words of reassurance to my wife did I entertain the notion of having a prayer or of thinking that god (or Satan) was about to welcome me. I even told a priest to get out when he tried to give me the last rights - I was baptised against my will as a child.

Just saying sirs, carry on

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 06:43 AM
reply to post by spirit777child

So my question is how on earth is a messiah going to come to humanity and preach peace on earth, love and sharing for all humanity and so on without being exposed to the reaction of the people.

First off, I am an athiest and firmly disbelieve most of what you had stated in your OP, so this is a hypothetical of sorts.

I say 'of sorts' because there have been people who have spread the message of peace and love, they have not been Messiahs, but ordinary (some might say extraordinary) human beings. Just like you and me.

People like John Lennon, Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jnr.

Now what do these people have in common?


If a Messiah did appear, I have no doubt he/she would be killed just like the examples I have given.

The reality is that there will be no Messiah, at least no Godly, all powerful, performing miracles one.

We need ordinary humans to be the ones spreading this message of love and peace. If you are waiting for some God to come and help us out, you will be waiting for ever.

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 07:12 AM
reply to post by SmokeJaguar67

Not meaning to go off topic but the “no atheists in a foxhole” is a crock and really grinds my gears every time someone triumphantly throws it up because I am an atheist and I have been in a foxhole metaphorically speaking on a number of occasions over the span of my life. I have even faced death, looking it square in the eye to the extent that I sincerely believed that I was about to check out.

I understand what you're saying. If it helps any, I applied it less as an axiom and more as a metaphor... to illustrate a point.


[edit on 22-12-2009 by redoubt]

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 07:19 AM
The question in my head is the other way around, is humanity ready to be their own 'messiah' and stop waiting for some magical solution again not from their own making but something/body else that cleans up our mess. We have to get out of our societal diapers and get potty-trained already.

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 07:32 AM

Originally posted by Harman
The question in my head is the other way around, is humanity ready to be their own 'messiah' and stop waiting for some magical solution again not from their own making but something/body else that cleans up our mess. We have to get out of our societal diapers and get potty-trained already.

It's a worthy and noble cause, to be sure. If humanity could rise to succeed in spite of itself, it might well eliminate the need for deities. But I don't hold out a lot of hope for that. If anything, 21st century man seems headlong into exploiting his worst tendencies upon himself.

It is a lesson that will have to be learned first hand. Like a child who must touch the stove even after he is told that it is hot, or stick a finger into a light socket, or pulling the dog's tail while it is chewing a bone... these are things we must discover on our own for the lesson to be of any use.

[edit on 22-12-2009 by redoubt]

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 07:41 AM

Originally posted by SmokeJaguar67
Not meaning to go off topic but the “no atheists in a foxhole” is a crock and really grinds my gears every time someone triumphantly throws it up because I am an atheist and I have been in a foxhole metaphorically speaking on a number of occasions over the span of my life. I have even faced death, looking it square in the eye to the extent that I sincerely believed that I was about to check out.

Yet at no time during my goodbyes and words of reassurance to my wife did I entertain the notion of having a prayer or of thinking that god (or Satan) was about to welcome me. I even told a priest to get out when he tried to give me the last rights - I was baptised against my will as a child.

Just saying sirs, carry on

Hi i hear what you are saying. I myself have been in those situations and the last thing on my mind fear. But i still think it is a good analogy that was put forward in that many people in their time of need look to god for solutions. I see both points and agree with both also.


posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 07:43 AM
The myths surrounding messiah's of any sort are merely a tool in the instrument of control that is Religeon itself. If you have any actual proof of a messiah be sure to let me know. Im not bagging religeon here as people do get a lot of strenghth from it and it can turn bad people good.

In answer to your question. "Would we be ready for the coming of a new messiah" There is no answer except hypertheticaly because its never going to happen. No one bieng is going to step up and save humanity. People just pray that there will be because its easier than dealing with there own responsability. That way when everything goes to the dogs. They can sit back and say "come on jesus what happened" or "God where were you"

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 07:44 AM

Originally posted by LiveForever8
reply to post by spirit777child

So my question is how on earth is a messiah going to come to humanity and preach peace on earth, love and sharing for all humanity and so on without being exposed to the reaction of the people.

First off, I am an athiest and firmly disbelieve most of what you had stated in your OP, so this is a hypothetical of sorts.

I say 'of sorts' because there have been people who have spread the message of peace and love, they have not been Messiahs, but ordinary (some might say extraordinary) human beings. Just like you and me.

People like John Lennon, Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jnr.

Now what do these people have in common?


If a Messiah did appear, I have no doubt he/she would be killed just like the examples I have given.

The reality is that there will be no Messiah, at least no Godly, all powerful, performing miracles one.

We need ordinary humans to be the ones spreading this message of love and peace. If you are waiting for some God to come and help us out, you will be waiting for ever.

History would paint this picture yes. However i also think that like the bible says (and i am only using this quote to make a point) "that he will deceive the very elect" that to me means the government the illuminati the powers that be or what one wishes to call them. So perhaps those that would initially try to assasinate him/her would not do so thinking he is rallying for their cause...

Just a point of consideration i suppose.


posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 07:46 AM

Originally posted by Harman
The question in my head is the other way around, is humanity ready to be their own 'messiah' and stop waiting for some magical solution again not from their own making but something/body else that cleans up our mess. We have to get out of our societal diapers and get potty-trained already.

I think this is a key point. But like children and some adults that do to school to learn and gain knowledge and wisdom i can also see the benefits to mankind from a world teacher. That way we in a sense are guided but ultimatly yes the change should come from us. We in my opinion have just lost our way a little and need to be steered back on to the path which serves us best.


posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 07:48 AM

Originally posted by Algebra
The myths surrounding messiah's of any sort are merely a tool in the instrument of control that is Religeon itself. If you have any actual proof of a messiah be sure to let me know. Im not bagging religeon here as people do get a lot of strenghth from it and it can turn bad people good.

In answer to your question. "Would we be ready for the coming of a new messiah" There is no answer except hypertheticaly because its never going to happen. No one bieng is going to step up and save humanity. People just pray that there will be because its easier than dealing with there own responsability. That way when everything goes to the dogs. They can sit back and say "come on jesus what happened" or "God where were you"

Quite possibally however with all the recent activity in the world surrounding consipricies i would not exculde any possibility or eventuality. I would rather remain open minded to all possibilities.
But thats just me.


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