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Obama: We Can't Treat Tax Dollars Like "Monopoly Money"

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posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 08:39 AM
reply to post by djusdjus

I am very sorry that you have trouble accepting facts and that your socialist president is probably the worst this country has ever had.

The facts do support my statement. I have researched this extensively. I also said I was not happy with Bush.

Bush spent three hundred billion in stimulus money during his presidency. At the time that far outweighed what any other president had done. Now Barrack Insane Obama has spent over a trillion.

WHICH IS MORE THAN ALL OTHER PRESIDENTS HAVE SPENT COMBINED. I thought you might be able to figure this much out, that excludes military budgets.

However, Obama spent more on the so called stimulus than was spent in both Iraq wars. He has actually spent more than two years worth of GDP in less than a year.

[edit on 23-12-2009 by russ212]

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 08:40 AM
reply to post by djusdjus

By the way, If you have any facts I would be happy to review them. At least I did give you some information to review, and if you would like more I will be happy to share the information that I have with you.

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 09:03 AM
Because the president before him didn't spend trillions, nor commit us to actions in other countries which auto-earmarked trillions for the future.

No, of course not.

Part of being an adult is realizing that throwing a temper tantrum and shouting while placing the blame for something on one person blindly is, well, childish.

Maturity is the sum of experiences in our lives and how we've incorporated those experiences into our person. What have we learned, or not learned, in other words.

You're not very mature if you're going to blame 1 president for this problem when he's been in office less than a year and the president prior left him many of the issues.

8 year is, after all, a long time to be at war, and solve nothing.

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 09:30 AM
reply to post by Meesterjojo

I agree whole heartedly, 8 years is a long time and a lot of things were horrible during that time.

However, what bothers me is that Obama is STILL after 1 year blaming everything on the Bush administration. I would like to see him take responsibility for his own polices and act like a president. He is the one that pushed the Tarp bill, he is the one that is pushing the trillion dollar health care overhaul. He just needs to take ownership of his own budget.

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 09:41 AM
reply to post by Meesterjojo

Yes, we get it. Bush was a big part of the problem we are in. But this whole "Oh, Obama hasn't even been in office a year yet, lets wait and see because he can't fix Bush's mistakes overnight" excuse is getting old.

As someone who didn't vote for either, Bush was bad but Obama put us in the express lane.

You don't need to "wait and see" if a doctor walks in after a visit for a sprained wrist and begins measuring with a hacksaw on your foot. I don't care if it is in the first moments(year) of the visit(presidency.)

It's like telling somebody who broke their ankle running to fix it by doing sprints. Doesn't take a "wait and see" approach to realise it's a bad idea.

[edit on 12/23/2009 by DiabolusFireDragon]

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 02:10 PM
I think he made an error. What he meant to say was, "You can not threat money like its monopoly money, but I can." He has had those printing presses spitting out money just as fast as he can spend it.

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 07:27 PM

posted on Dec, 26 2009 @ 02:56 PM
Lets not forget he promised no more ear marks and TRANSPARENCY!
yeah it is transparent HE LIED!

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 01:46 PM
First of all I love that he says, "little effort was made to cut wasteful spending." It seems as if everyone has cut back on the amount of money they were putting out after the market collapsed however, the governement continues to spend money on things like a bail-out plan, even though several companies that recieved a bail-out made little effort to none regaurding there own personal expenses. I'd also like to know who this is directed too, God I hope it isn't the American People, cause everyone knows we're not spending our tax dollars, it's this idiot and the rest of our government.

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 01:48 PM
oops the above comment was made by puzzle pieces not one divided, sorry didn't realize I wasn't logged in

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 01:53 PM
kinda sad, catching himself in full circle of contradiction... we cant spend money like it monopoly money, yet banks like franny n freddie get unlimited access to it* what an embarasing caught in action phrase he made

posted on Dec, 29 2009 @ 01:34 PM

Originally posted by kozmo
Does this assclown think we're all stupid or something?

Only those people who voted for him and continue to defend his performance. Everyone else - those who voted for him and regret it, those whote voted third party, those who voted Republican, now just shake their heads in awe of what a complete wanker was elected into office in 2008.

posted on Dec, 29 2009 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by Dbriefed
Come on guys, Obama is a politician. Politicians are corrupt and they lie. Don't be surprised by overt 1984 doublespeak. Taxes are not monopoly money, take a look at the multiple stimulus bills, the Trillion dollar budget and the Healthcare bill tab!

No, no, no you don't... no one gets to use the "He's a politician, what do you expect?" excuse with Obama. No SIR! This was the guy who campaigned on "CHANGE YOU CAN BELIEVE IN". He was supposed to set a new standard. He was supposed to ring in a new era of politics. Remember transparency? No lobbyists in his administration? And all the other promises we now know are bunk. He and had a majority of America believing he would actually be good for America and be a different kind of politician. In one year, he's proven that the majority of American people can be spun by a sharp public speaker and a bought-off media.

Obama is lower than a typical politician because he knowingly defrauded the American people out of their votes for real change. The man is scum.

posted on Dec, 29 2009 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by russ212

Dude, just let it go. djusdjus doesn't want to pay attention to facts, he/she/it wants to defend Obama no matter what, for whatever reason. Just write this clown off as a typical board troll and move on.

posted on Dec, 29 2009 @ 02:01 PM

Originally posted by OneDivided
oops the above comment was made by puzzle pieces not one divided, sorry didn't realize I wasn't logged in
Ok this one has me totally confused...or it could be that I just woke up.

posted on Jan, 9 2010 @ 10:01 AM
Obama the puppet does and says only what his teleprompter tells him to. Obama has no original thoughts of his own and can not carry a conversation because he only speaks about what he is told to speak about from his elitist NWO controllers.

Obama has been consistent only with his lying and deception to the American public and as such Obama can be considered as nothing but a arrogant grocery sack boy, doing the bidding of moronic grocery clerks.

What we need to know is who really controls Obama because his focus and his concern is not with the American public and has nothing to do with fixing anything wrong with the economy. To review what Obama has done to date would imply that he and his criminal crew are trying to undermine the economy and are working overtime to devalue the dollar.

Obama is liability that many are beginning to understand does not work for the American public. Obama works for the bankers and is nothing but a bribed, corrupt, inept, incompetent criminal doing the bidding of other criminals. American concerns are not in any way a concern for Obama and therein lies the rub. Obama is a sad excuse of a president and the sooner he gets removed the better off this nation will be.

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