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9/11 for Dummies?

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posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by weedwhacker

First you completly refuse to believe anything is wrong when it comes to 911. So you resort to calling anyone who does not agree with you "amateurs", "inexperienced people in a lot of aspects" and other names. but while that makes you feel good about your side of things, it fails to explain anything. The media began the questioning the whole 911 fairy tale in the first place not the "truthers" as you people call them. Do you blame the media as being "amateurs" or "fools" as well due to them questioning the non sense of our government too?

There are a lot of people here in this 911 forum with more attitude than the ability to ask simple yet important questions regarding 911 that must be asked. One don't have to be conspiracy theorist to determine the OS stinks of cover up, lies, faulty evidence and the like. As I have said before, I used to believe the OS before I started looking into it and realized things don;t add up. At that point I was LIKE YOU. A believer & defender of the OS.

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 05:37 PM
reply to post by mikelee

I've tried very, very hard to impart what I KNOW, in the aspect of the point of view of someone who has actually flown the airplanes involved in 9/11 (the Boeing 757/767) and I impart my knowledge based on experien ce in other airplane types, as well.

I have NO OTHER desire, nor any "agenda", other than to deny ignorance in matters that I happen to have knowledge of, and WHEN I see false or incorrect 'information' being presented, I feel it's important to correct it.

On occasion, my EMOTIONS have been my undoing, in my FRUSTRATIONS at not being able to prolerly exporess myself, in a written venue, such as ATS provides.

(I have suffered the "slings and arrows" that come with that sort of loss of control, by the hands of the ATS Mods, on numerous occasions. It is a volatile topic.....)

Nevertheless, each time I see something REPEATED that I KNOW to be incorrect, I bristle.

It is my nature.

I've been flying for TOO LONG to let obvious misconceptions slide without challenge. (AND, yes....sometimes when it's a 'CUSTOMER' WE JUST SMILE, AND GRIT OUT in....."Oh, Are You Guys Drunk???" --- or any other self-indulgent and stupid questions.....)

Flight Attendants, who have far. far more personal contact with "customers" (along with OTHER airline employees, keep them ALL in mind, will you??) have to deal face-to-face FAR more often than WE do!!!

We (pilots) have the luxury of just walking away, most of the time, depending on the problem....(UNLESS, of course, we are there in an emergency situation....but that's another story....) because MOST problems involve lost bags, or seating problems, or whatever....OUR job is simple, do it safely. PERIOD!!!

HAVING such an experience, and personal and profesional knowledge of the inner workings of the airline industry, and knowing that there are VERY FEW other ATS members (I can count a few on one hand) to also offer their perspectives, I take it upon myself to offer MY perspective, when warranted (and sometimes, I overstep....which is what I alluded to before).


This diatribe of mine is meant not only for the posters who have contributed, but also for the OP to ponder.

May not address the issue, but is intended for a different purpose, I suppose.

Point to make is, I do NOT know how to "edit" my comments well, because I have a lot to say, and I HAVE a lot of opinion to convey....I work better verbally (with hand gestures), than in written word, but I am trying to learn to write more concisely, when time permits......

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 10:20 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
I have NO OTHER desire, nor any "agenda", other than to deny ignorance in matters that I happen to have knowledge of, and WHEN I see false or incorrect 'information' being presented, I feel it's important to correct it

DITTO, I feel the same way, when i see incorrect informatin or someone that thinks just because they are a pilot they know what happened then i have to speak out.

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 10:28 PM
reply to post by REMISNE

....or someone that thinks just because they are a pilot they know what happened...

Well, thank you for acknowleging that I am a pilot.

But, you see, BECAUSE of my (and MOST of my colleagues' experience and opinions) we come from a perspective that most laypersons don't have.

AND that is based on many, many YEARS of experience. It is a shame that there exist a very, very SMALL minority of a few aviation "professonals" who may, or may not, still wish to have their names and reputaitons associated sith some of the claims masde by certain "organizations" who are so proud to repeat their member "roster"....

I think we all know who I'm referring to....

For all who will wish to turn there, and cite those 'credentials' from that particular site, I suggest you first ASK about just how ACTIVE any of those alleged 'core members' still are, and IF they regret adding their names and reputations to that endeavor....

Fair questions, and no one seems to ask.....

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 10:50 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

Giving credit where it is due , isn't hard to ask .

Check out the creditials of these gentlemen sir .

We have Generals, Colonels , Majors , well these a few Hundred of them

all saying the same.

The truth is not what the government said.

Are you going to tell a man who investigated aircraft accidents and aircraft

parts authority for 34 years, Col George Nelson MBA US Air Force (ret)

that you , know more of the events on 911 than he.

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 10:52 PM

Originally posted by psikeyhackr

The laws of physics don't give a damn about conspiracies or emotionalism.

Skyscrapers MUST hold themselves up. The designers must figure out how to distribute the steel for them to do that. They must know the distribution of concrete to determine the distribution of steel.

So why don't we have that information after EIGHT YEARS? If the buildings could hold themselves up then they could not collapse like that.

Some people just prefer to BELIEVE that they could because they want to avoid the EMOTIONALISM that the obvious conclusion would force them to. The laws of physics don't care about Islam, Christianity, America, Freedom or Human Beings in general.


oooook? Even engineers make mistakes. Who is to say the real conspiracy isnt that the government is trying to cover the engineering firms ass who placed a bolt in the wrong spot letting fuel and fire through a firewall? We can all make shots in the dark.

As to why it isnt public knowledge, that is anyones guess. But just because we arent told doesnt mean anything. No matter what they tell you, most of the people here wouldnt believe it anyways!

By the way, I am not sure if you are implying that my personal beliefs have something to do with my opinion or what, but I am not of any religion and I am not for the government in anyway. I just do not feel the need to find secrets in the horror that was 9/11 because there was nothing to hide! There is mountains of proof for the public side but less for the darker side. Each call each other crazy, but I guess that is life.

Originally posted by Sean48

A lot of people Cried that day, world wide.

Then some people went out to find what made them cry.

You ask for experts in plans crashes, demolition, here you go Generals, Colonel Generals, Plane Recovery Experts ,, Time for you to start reading

I made it real easy , just scroll and read

So wait do we trust government employees now or not? I lost track.

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 10:57 PM
reply to post by Sean48

Am I going to tell Colonel Nelson that I know more than him.....when he continues to rely on conspiracy websites for his opinions...YES.

Do you realize that the man is retired and as such had absolutely nothing to do with the investigation and is not privy to the accident reports?

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 11:12 PM

Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999
reply to post by Sean48

Am I going to tell Colonel Nelson that I know more than him.....when he continues to rely on conspiracy websites for his opinions...YES.

Do you realize that the man is retired and as such had absolutely nothing to do with the investigation and is not privy to the accident reports?

Cmon man, this guy investigated airplane accidents, knew airplane parts as

his job for 34 years ,reached Colonel, and you ...........

You go to a hack 911myth site. Please sir

you now are making a mockery of yourself.

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 11:15 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
But, you see, BECAUSE of my (and MOST of my colleagues' experience and opinions) we come from a perspective that most laypersons don't have.

But you see i am not a layperson. I have experience in aviation (that even most pilots do not have) and law enforcement.

For all who will wish to turn there, and cite those 'credentials' from that particular site, I suggest you first ASK about just how ACTIVE any of those alleged 'core members' still are, and IF they regret adding their names and reputations to that endeavor....

I do not think we need to ask for credentials from people like Lear. I think even you will agree to his creds when it comes to aviation.

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 11:15 PM
reply to post by A-E-I-Owned-You

Not gonna give you a reply with that snide crap

The title was meant to make 911 understandable..

It wasn't a requirement for you to post sir.

[edit on 23-1-2010 by Sean48]

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 11:26 PM
reply to post by Sean48

Sean, I would ask you to VERY, VERY carefully read through ALL of the contributions to that site, the 'patriotsfor 9/11" site.

I just glanced through, to look for any names on note....and I saw an Astroanaut's name, so that caught my eye...but THEN I red his statement, which reads, in part:

...WHEREAS, many New York City voters believe that there remain many unanswered questions critical to establishing the truth about all relevant events leading up to, during and subsequent to the tragic attacks occurring on September 11, 2001 (“9/11”), and ,,,

PLEASE read, very carefully, that very carefully worded statement. AND, while I would NEVER presume to disparage any Astronaut, especially Dr. Gordon Cooper, I MUST add that he has become an "icon" of the UFO Movement" for whatever THAT may be worth (and for the record, I comprehend the "Drake Equation", so to me the possibility of Extraterrestial Intellgence is a given fact ---whether 'they' have actually discovered our 'cul-de'sac' little planet, that's another matter, and fodder for other threads...)...

I don't know why someone of the stature of former Astronaut Gordon cooper would lend his voice to this...(except, see above...just sayin'....)

Just take everything with a "Grain of Salt", is my advice. That's what I do...

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 11:28 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

I agree

thats why i never brought Cooper's name into this

there's more than 200 more

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 11:32 PM

Originally posted by Sean48
reply to post by A-E-I-Owned-You

Not gonna give you a reply with that snide crap

The title was meant to make 911 understandable..

It wasn't a requirement for you to post sir.

[edit on 23-1-2010 by Sean48]

It was a legitimate question. How can the one say the government is covering up the mass killing of its own citizens then use the very same government as proof? I just did not follow your thought process there is all.

[edit on 23-1-2010 by A-E-I-Owned-You]

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 11:35 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker


I just want definitive proof of what I suspect. If that proof points to anything else other than what I suspect I'll examine it and make any judgments based upon the evidence, its collection methods and integrity. I think that's pretty standard methodology.

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 11:37 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
I don't know why someone of the stature of former Astronaut Gordon cooper would lend his voice to this...(except, see above...just sayin'....)

You do know that most Astronauts and several senior pilots have made official statments that they have seen UFOs?

[edit on 23-1-2010 by REMISNE]

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 11:57 PM
reply to post by Sean48

There are far more than 200 more.

BUT, even so....

Out of the aggregate of the over two BILLION who (at a conservative count) must exist as living, breathing and thinking adults in the modern World....even 20,000 (and that IS an incredible exagerration) would still be an insignificant percentage.

WE calcualte the TOTAL Earth's Human population at over SIX BILLION, so I dropped it to TWO, to be conservative. Drop it to ONE BILLION< or even 500 MILLION< whatever, still even 20,000 is a SMALL percentage....

Sorry if maths are difficult to comprehend....

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 11:59 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by Sean48

There are far more than 200 more.

BUT, even so....

Out of the aggregate of the over two BILLION who (at a conservative count) must exist as living, breathing and thinking adults in the modern World....even 20,000 (and that IS an incredible exagerration) would still be an insignificant percentage.

WE calcualte the TOTAL Earth's Human population at over SIX BILLION, so I dropped it to TWO, to be conservative. Drop it to ONE BILLION< or even 500 MILLION< whatever, still even 20,000 is a SMALL percentage....

Sorry if maths are difficult to comprehend....

So there are half a billion Colonel's in the US army ???

200, 000 aircraft accident investigator's ???

I'm sorry if the concept was too deep too grasp.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 12:05 AM
reply to post by REMISNE

You do know that most Astronauts and several senior pilots have made official statments that they have seen UFOs?


I have very, very definite opinons on that.

The topic, here, is not relevant....except IF the implication is, that BECAUSE a few pilots and Astronauts saw something that can rightly be defined as "UFOs", therefore those handful of pilots/Astronauts who coincidentally MAY also "question" the event of 9/11 (AND this is NOT a corelation, only inmplied by way so many "Truthers" out there....gotta kep selling those trinkets!!!).

Even IF a few distinguished persons of stature saw "UFOs"....your point is way off the discussion of 9/11, sorry. I cannot think of how it links, UNLESS you subscribe to one of the very fringe "theories", and if THAT is the case, then I wish you luck, because you are in a very, very small "club" at that point....(IF so, give our regards to John Lear, mmmmmkay???).....

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 12:10 AM
UFO can technically describe anything. It could be a bird or other object that cannot be clearly seen from your vantage point. But even if not, I would imagine that pilots and astronauts can get very stressed and work under extreme conditions. I know when I push my body to or over its limit it reacts rather strangely in every day situations. Hallucinations, hearing stuff that isnt there, etc. Not saying any of that is fact, just playing the other side of the fence because we cannot all be on one side or there would be no need for the fence.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 12:14 AM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
Even IF a few distinguished persons of stature saw "UFOs"....your point is way off the discussion of 9/11, sorry.

NO it is not off discussion. You tried to use a point of an astronuat seeing UFOs as a way to make a person look like they are less truthful.

Also you bring up John Lear, i guess you are probably jealous becasue he probably has lot better creds then you do.

[edit on 24-1-2010 by REMISNE]

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