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Its True about 2012 Something will Happen, but Question is what?

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posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 04:06 PM
As you may know and might heave heard, the queen is buying property in Colorado where the famous airport is located, but the question is why colorado? does the queen of uk know something that we dont know?

Its true something will happen during 2012 and after 2012 there are many speculations for the event that will happen.

Its true that Nibiru exists you can believe that it doesn't exist if you want to let me tell a funny story in the past, skeptics never believed the earth was around, in fact they to at a time once believed the earth was flat,

until someone had set off for the seas to prove them wrong, and what happend after that? the skeptics went in hidden silent.

You know why we have Skeptics? its not because of there views, or making us want to believe them its because they want attention.

Its True that something is been hidden from us, nobody knows what it is, only speculations from (portals,stargates,doorways,powers)

Well i am done with my speculations

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by Agent_USA_Supporter

Speculate away.

The climate in Colorado is excellent for fallout. But reality is that the source of destruction will more likely be war than any other source of destruction.

After several cities across the country have been destroyed including DC, they will make Denver the Capital of the North American Union, or uhm One World Government.

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by Agent_USA_Supporter

LOL, because humans thought the Earth to be flat, Nubiru is real? That's your argument? You're right. That indeed is a funny story.

People used to think the Earth was flat....... You owe me 6,000 dollars. See, I can play your game of making things up based on one human mistake too.

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 04:53 PM
The queen is buying property in Colorado? The Queen of England? Source for any of this since I did not hear the news.

The interesting thing that I found out about the Queen is that according to her financial advisors, if she continues to spend the unprecented amount that she did in this past year, she will be completely broke by, you guessed it, 2012. She spent something like 42M pounds or so. This was apparently quite out of character for her and many were wondering if she is ill.

Why the heck do you guys think that Colorado is going to be the capital of the NWO? If 2012 is an event that nature creates, Colorado is not where you want to be. In fact, the only place in the world that will remain largely unchanged is actually Africa. Which leads into my conspiracy theory about why the government has been throwing al-Qaida / Taliban words and Africa around lately. But I digress....

Now, if you think that 2012 will be the result of manmade destruction, aka war / nukes / etc.. then I guess I would go to wherever they are going since I am fairly certain they won't blow themselves up.

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 05:09 PM
Some believe Colorado will still be above sea level after The Great Flood II .

Queen Buys Prop. in Colorado & Other Interesting Stuff

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by lpowell0627

There is no official source for that information.

She supposedly has been buying land in Denver, but under an alias.

Just read any Denver International Airport conspiracy.

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 05:44 PM
Firstly there is no proof that anything is going to happen in 2012! What we have is a lot of speculation happening all at the same time and that does not make anything true!

It all started with the Mayan thing and their Calendar and Nibiru. The guy who interpreted claims that the world is coming to an end or the end of the age. Critics who ‘also” study the Mayans have called him out on what he said as they don’t interpret it the same.

Dec 21 2012 is just another winter solstice like today, the only difference is the Earth will be a little more tilted on its axis. The so called alignment with the center of the Galaxy happens this time every year, no great shakes in that . In fact its not even a perfect alignment and will also not be in 2012.After 2012 the Earth starts moving back away from the Galaxy. I.e 2013 will be similar to 2011.

As for Nibiru, the same clown that said it be here in 2005, now moved his date to 2012. It supposed to be so big that it’ll effect Earths magnetic field. It has to be very big then to effect us and will have to come close to us. In order for it to be that close and be here in 3 years time we should be able to see it in the sky already- like a big sun and another planet. (its all about distance traveled over time taken)There is more people out there than Nasa with telescopes. 1000’s of them. You can’t hide a planet (brown dwalf) of that size.

As for the people who believed the world was flat. Mayan’s believed that too ??? And these are the people you want to believe now?

The Earth goes through cycles and changes, the Sun is now moving into a new cycle and they expecting more solar flares. Nothing new just another cycle, if I’m not mistaken the cycles are around 7-10 years each. So if something happens with solar flares –its not Nibiru or 2012 stories. Its normal Sun activity.

These same cycles effect tides and weather patterns, Hence our Global warming stories ( The earths is in fact cooling—ooops Glitch) Just pay attention to the weather and you’ll see the changes we having- again its not 2012 or Nibiru-these are normal changes.

A few important thing to note when you hear these weather stories is this. Notice that its always the 2nd or 3rd worst “event in that State or Cities recorded history. Mmmm think about it. They’ve had 1 or 2 worse events before !!! get the picture. A cycle!

We’ll have weather maybe a few stronger solar flares, maybe Obama will bankrupt us who knows, we might even go to war again. But don’t be surprised if 2012 comes just like today did and nothing happens.

Oh! we also will not get UFO Disclosure-sorry David!

As for the queen, Nuff said all this B.S flying around she's ducking for cover. Colorado has large Military underground facilities that's why they buying in that area. Just incase!

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 06:10 PM
reply to post by SharkBait

firstly, you seem like your trying to be smart.

but your terribly ignorant on the subject.

do you realize how advanced the Mayans were?

some of the most precise astronomers, but that's besides the point.

the world isn't going to end, sure bad things may happen, but it's not going to be the end of the world.

the Mayan calendar of conscious evolution ends on October 29th 2011, not 2012.

if you don't understand whats going on, that's one thing.
but don't discredit a entire civilization.i think they knew what was up.

as for disclosure? i would bet my left leg it happens before 2011, but we shall see.

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 06:15 PM

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 07:04 PM
I'm not sure how much the Mayans knew. I've read that Thoth gave the Mayans their calander and it was given to him by the Arcturians. Here are some recent things put out that may happen real soon. We'll see. This one says aound March 21, 2010 This one says maybe next week.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 07:09 PM

Originally posted by Dave157
reply to post by SharkBait

firstly, you seem like your trying to be smart.

but your terribly ignorant on the subject.

do you realize how advanced the Mayans were?

some of the most precise astronomers, but that's besides the point.

the world isn't going to end, sure bad things may happen, but it's not going to be the end of the world.

the Mayan calendar of conscious evolution ends on October 29th 2011, not 2012.

if you don't understand whats going on, that's one thing.
but don't discredit a entire civilization.i think they knew what was up.

as for disclosure? i would bet my left leg it happens before 2011, but we shall see.

We are alot more advanced in astronomy, why are you taking their word and not our astronomers?

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 08:14 PM
reply to post by SharkBait

and what did the mayan interpreters believe...there will be a alchemical changing of earths harmonics because of the surge of energy we will receive from the galactic core or the dark rift as they called the time of this energy surge and there will be waves of this energy the strongest being on the solstice...when receiving this energy u must have peace in your heart mind and spirit or the energy wave will probably send you to the frequency of your being...but more than anything 2012 is about us coming to know gods law and nature and become one as a whole again because we are the body of christ and he will not let us as a mass be destroyed before we know his true nature and what are purpose of being is about

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 08:24 PM
It's the queen. She's an evil bi*ch, of course she knows something that we don't!

I have heard that the US government is planning on crashing the American Dollar and sending the world into chaos.

I have also heard that a huge asteroid is going to crash into the Earth.

Who knows what is going to happen, the government are losing a battle against us. Soon, I am sure they will start to pull out a series of tricks and lies to try and convince us that they can help us when everything goes wrong.

Don't trust anything that the government says.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 08:30 PM
Colorado is where Cheyenne Mountain is located - huge air force security underground city - doors are thick steel, security is above hi tech, etc.

Queen probably feels that is the most secure/safest place on the planet.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 08:33 PM
The effects of 2012, per say, are already happening on the planet - increased volcano activity, as well as floods, tsunamis, earthquakes, etc.

It is only going to become worse as we go - strap on your crash helmets and get some popcorn - the show has only just begun.

Wait until the 100 lb hail stones begin raining down -

Ya might want to stock up on a pair of ear plugs, too.

posted on Mar, 7 2010 @ 08:57 PM

Originally posted by tamiica
It's the queen. She's an evil bi*ch, of course she knows something that we don't!

I have heard that the US government is planning on crashing the American Dollar and sending the world into chaos.

I have also heard that a huge asteroid is going to crash into the Earth.

Who knows what is going to happen, the government are losing a battle against us. Soon, I am sure they will start to pull out a series of tricks and lies to try and convince us that they can help us when everything goes wrong.

Don't trust anything that the government says.

Ah yes, the government that wants to crash its own currency, makes total sense.

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 12:18 AM

Ah yes, the government that wants to crash its own currency, makes total sense.

Trust me, it won't be the government itself, but the people who control the government; the people "higher up",

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 09:31 AM
The end of the world scenario is very difficult to comprehend for the majority of the earth population.

There will never be end of the world ever, for there is no beginning, there is no end,there is only change. The time period (dimesnion) of the time-space continuum where we occupy our bodies right here right now is called the transitional spectrum of physical activities which culminates itself in manifestation of ever increasing changes of our sensible surroundings. It is very difficult to desribe how and what is happening right now, but everyone must be prepared for the upcoming changes. In fact everybody right now who is not totally programmed into i am my body will feel this pusle of energy that goes through his body and spirit, and is already subonsciously prepared and knows, that the changes have already started.

Not only "human" conscious perception of reality rapidly changes, the earth spirit is also changing, our solar system is changing. This process will become faster and faster until 2012 when the changes will be more likely finished in the preparation for the new age of existance.

Cataclysmic events will more likely occur before 2012.

People have to understand, that time is not linear and were are here on earth to evolve spiritually not technologically.The upcoming chages will show us just that and even more.

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 09:58 AM
I think we will see some event. But life doesn't ends before 2013...2012 is only a part of the adventure...

I think the incredible will become known with evidence...

I hope I will see the show called " counting to that day of 2012 " in its completion! It will be exciting!

Yes, I'm a believer of some kind of events going to happen in 2012, obviously not involving Nibiru, but than...Something its true...2012 will happen , but it will be a surprise...

posted on Mar, 8 2010 @ 02:45 PM
2012 will be either the worst year of your life or the most wonderful experience u will ever imagine...the key is controlling of your mentality and and state of if u are equipped with the armor of truth and self knowledge and have no fear of death because the truth will set you free from these chains that bind are mind with space and rhyme intended lol

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