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Attempted Murder of 6 Harvard Microbiologists

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posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 05:20 PM
As a lot of you are aware, in recent years life as a microbiologist has been like being in the movie 'Final Destination'; they've been dropping dead after all kinds of 'accidents'

Here's the List:-

List of Microbiologist Deaths

Here's an article discussing the matter:-

Strange Cluster of Microbiologists' Deaths

Now, here's the most recent attempt to assassinate microbiologists. It took place on 26th August 2009 in Harvard Medical School. The first thing I would like to point out before anything else is that if any of the work of these scientists has been used in the H1N1 vaccine which many say is a 'biological weapon', I strongly believe that all these scientists would have been against it, hence why there was an assassination attempt. They do their research because they have a joy for science. This is why they would need to be assassinated, as they would know who had access to their work and they would also recognize the symptoms of their work in those who took the H1N1 vaccine.

Here are the details of the assassination attempt Experts discount ‘accident’ theory in Harvard coffee poisoning

and here More details

And here is the Harvard Pathology Department website Harvard Pathology Department
In there you can see the members and if you click on them you can see what they research.

Could it be that some of their research has (unknown to them) gone into the H1N1 vaccine. Or is it just that they are knowledgeable on the science that has been used to make the vaccine toxic? Whatever the explanation, someone wanted to get rid of them and that is clear!

Here are some examples of parts of their research:-

- 'Our lab works on the polyoma virus' - 'Polyoma is a small DNA tumor virus capable of transforming cells in culture and of rapidly inducing tumors in its natural host.'

- 'projects in the lab involve cloning of lymphocytes capable of inducing an experimental multiple sclerosis-like disease and analysis of the cytokines produced by these cells'

- 'Analysis of immune responses'

- 'tested whether it is possible to extend the lifespan of a mouse'

- 'some individuals able to live past 100 and remain cognitively intact'

The reason I've included the 'lifespan extending' work as this is the other topic that the elite are interested in. Rockefeller is in his 80's and is a few years away from his One World Government; he wants more time to enjoy it.

Back to the big question, what is it that these scientists know or have worked on that caused them to be placed highly on an assassination list? The timing of just before the mass vaccinations is no doubt key.

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 05:56 PM
It admittedly does seem suspicious and not statistically likely. Are you convinced however there is no other explanation then the H1N1 vaccine ?

Is there any info relating to which of the deceased may have been working on/privy to H1N1 details ?

I also think at least 2 or 3 of the deaths can almost certainly be written off to more prosaic reasons.

Nice article though.

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by kwisatz
It admittedly does seem suspicious and not statistically likely. Are you convinced however there is no other explanation then the H1N1 vaccine ?

Is there any info relating to which of the deceased may have been working on/privy to H1N1 details ?

I also think at least 2 or 3 of the deaths can almost certainly be written off to more prosaic reasons.

Nice article though.


There are many reasons that I believe the two are linked. Here's an article that can be used to link the two The Strange Case of Joseph Moshe

I haven't investigated the exact details of the deceased and their projects. It is my personal opinion after much research that these microbiologists are being killed off as they 'know too much' about a huge crime that's about to be committed. The crime is that the H1N1 vaccine is in fact a biological weapon disguised as a vaccine.

Thanks for the compliment

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 06:18 PM
I have no doubt of one thing James. If TPTB do have any hand in/ulterior motive with H1N1 they would not hesitate a second to murder anyone they saw as a threat to their plans.

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 06:26 PM
Some insane person who works there with access to various poison chemicals might have just put the poision in the coffee machine, too. Just saying. I know they are saying it was "not an accident" but that doesn't mean they were necessarily chosen to die strictly on purpose, either.

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by silent thunder

silent thunder,

Agreed, we cannot write that off. In fact it's mainly the long list of dead microbiologists that also leads me to be suspicious about the Harvard case.

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by kwisatz
I have no doubt of one thing James. If TPTB do have any hand in/ulterior motive with H1N1 they would not hesitate a second to murder anyone they saw as a threat to their plans.


Absolutely, like the Charlie Sheen's and the Polish Health Minister. I'm expecting Putin to have a 'car accident' or a 'heart attack' at some point

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 08:00 PM
"I strongly believe that all these scientists would have been against it, hence why there was an assassination attempt. They do their research because they have a joy for science. This is why they would need to be assassinated, as they would know who had access to their work and they would also recognize the symptoms of their work in those who took the H1N1 vaccine."

Access to their work? Is their work classified? I would rather doubt it unless they are specifically working on bio-weapons. Recognize symptoms? The symptoms of an infectious disease can vary widely in different individuals. Since you seem to believe that it is the H1N1 flu shot that is the vehicle for the coming plaque then I assume that those symptoms would be flu-like symptoms, which are common even in people who do not have the flu but are infected with something. Exactly what symptom would be the "Signature Symptom" that would clue them all into the fact that their research was being used to kill people?

"Could it be that some of their research has (unknown to them) gone into the H1N1 vaccine. Or is it just that they are knowledgeable on the science that has been used to make the vaccine toxic? Whatever the explanation, someone wanted to get rid of them and that is clear!"

Sure. And it could also be that this was not connected to H1N1 in the slightest. I think you are stretching here in order to tie these events, and all of the other mysterious deaths of microbiologists into the H1N1 conspiracy theory. You honestly offer no real proof of any connections whatsoever. you merely hint that they may be there. So far all the swine flu innoculations have failed to produce bodies stacked like chordwood in the streets of my town, and, as I have previously stated, the introduction of a virulent human pathogen on the part of the Illuminati would be a rediculous and potentially disaterous (for them) approach to culling back the human population. All they really have to do is just let nature run its course anyway. The die-off is coming on its own. They need only wait and fleece the flocks for as much drachma as they can before it all goes south. Why go to so much trouble and expense to force something that's going to happen anyways?

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 08:04 PM

Originally posted by jameshawkings
It is my personal opinion after much research that these microbiologists are being killed off as they 'know too much' about a huge crime that's about to be committed. The crime is that the H1N1 vaccine is in fact a biological weapon disguised as a vaccine.

Is the vaccine going to sit dormant? It doesn't seem to have triggered any effect yet.

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 08:28 PM
- 'Analysis of immune responses'

- 'tested whether it is possible to extend the lifespan of a mouse'

- 'some individuals able to live past 100 and remain cognitively intact'

It looks like they were killed for figuring out what common sense has already been telling us: we don't want what they're trying to sell us. These events are a part of a very unsettling business, not limited to only h1n1 by any means, either.

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 08:39 PM
See my post from 5/156/09

The number keeps growing.

Somethings going on and it keeps escalating.

The numbers keep increasing this has been going for a while now.

Work on something the government or big corporations (one and the same) don't want the public to know about and learn too much and your number is up.

Thank you for calling this information to the front.

And no, IMO I don't think this is just related to the H1N1 Virus. There are a lot of "black op" programs in the area of viral / biological / chemical warfare going on within the Corporate Dictatorship of America.

Remember folks, we were the first and only country to use a WMD.

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 09:24 PM
I think this is related to GMO's, mycoplasma, & nanobots. Have been doing some research on these topics lately. In a nutshell, we're all screwed! It seems that the stories about chemtrails are true. Morgellons is manifesting in people at alarming rates, to various degrees. I think remote mind control may actually possible now. Perhaps these scientists were compartmentalized, unknowingly taking part in an evil scheme, and started to put together the bigger picture. Not sure, but the amount of microbiologists to die in the last decade is too much to write off as mere coincidence. Think outside of just h1n1. It's in the water, food, & air. The war on humanity...WW3 has been happening for some time now. It knows no boundaries. Waves no flags. It's literally a war for our bodies, our minds, our soul. We need to all wake up ASAP.

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 09:38 PM
I have a microbiologist in the distant family. SHE takes precautions every day and , as a PHD, teaches in Harvard and in Puerto Rico, and she says her collegues are always super cautious due to the nature of their work.
The Dr. is fighting cervical cancer, maybe natural, but i've had my doubts for years...
Any way, she does tell me they are well aware their "specialty" work is something dangerous nowadays.

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