posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by audas
It was not a war per say. It was the systamatic destruction of the people by the government. This was done by communist Russia, and people are still
being killed in China for practicing religion.
War can be raged in the name of anything, and yes atheist have killed people for believing in God, because it did not serve their purposes.
In Russia they wanted the people to look to the government for all of their answers instead of a higher power. This gave the government more control.
They killed anyone caught worshiping anything but the government, Stalin, or science.
I still do not understand why someone elses beliefs offend atheist so much. What are they really afraid of. They can make all of the excuses in the
world for why they hate a belief in God. But what it really boils down to is they do not want to be criticized for their actions or told what they
are doing is wrong.
A person made the statement earlier that Christians should just kill themselves so they can go be in heaven. What reasons do athiest have to live.
There is no reward or punishment outside of this short life that we have.
If I believed there was nothing beyond my life I would kill myself because nothing I do would matter. It would just go black and I would not care
anymore because there is nothing left to care about.
I know I said I would not post again, however, I am truly shocked by the war being raged on Christians in this thread.
Human beings are evil and will find or make up reasons to persecute one another, with or without a God.
I also asertain that every war that has ever been fought was truly about power, and who would have control, not religion. Religion may have been used
as a rallying cry however.
[edit on 21-12-2009 by russ212]