posted on May, 23 2004 @ 07:00 PM
...but way behind the rest of you geniuses. Genii? But anyway, I really appreciate PurdueNuc's clue website, and props to JCMinJapan and zsandman and
alex kennedy, and several others, you know who you are. If I can contribute anything its this...
1) I think the seven red dots provide no greater significance than to add weight to the claim that the mystery letter was actually from uncle
jeff...if you look at it in context:
"That's his handwriting, his writing style, and even his stationary. Also, the back of the envelope had seven red dots, a personal inside joke of
significance, only he and I knew about."
Beyond that, no mention of 7 red dots anywhere.
2) We can likely eliminate pgp as a form of encryption for any as yet un-deciphered message due to the nature of pgp encryption. You have a key *and*
a password. You give away the key so people can send stuff that only you can open with your password. The nature of it is you dont give out your
password, you just exchange keys. It doesn't fit the way the encrypted messages have been presented so far.
3) The riddle in source code mentions 3 fourths and one fourth. this mirrors the picture clues 3 physical and 1 digital ring. The
whole thing reads like an abstract preamble to the game.
This is really quite immersive as far as "stuff I've done online" goes. I've been incredibly entertained with it the past few weeks.
Keep solving those clues guys, I can't wait to see how this unfolds!!