posted on Feb, 26 2003 @ 07:19 PM
MidnightDestroyer, I can't comment on how much dyslexia may be fun � but as a person who has a mild form of dyslexia myself, I can share some
humorous stories from my own life.
I had to go to an address given to me over the phone. I wrote down the address and a brief description of the house, before my girlfriend & I
We drove to the street and went up & down it several times, never finding the address I�d written down. After giving up and deciding to go eat
something, I noticed a house that seemed to match the description of the house that I was looking for. We backed up and when I looked at the house
numbers, I noticed something familiar to me. I�d written number 861, what I saw on the house was 816 � I knew right then that my dyslexia has
sabotaged me again. I went to the house, knocked on the door and sure as $hit, the person I was looking opened it.
It�s a humorous story, but I find dyslexia a mild annoyance more than a disability. I�m much better with a word processor, but when writing with my
hand, it can be very hard.
Here�s an example from yesterday:
I had to mark student evidence portfolios whilst in class, so I had to fill in an assessment form by hand. I made numerous mistakes, because whilst I
see the word spelled correctly in my mind � I seem to skip letters when writing it out. For the student assessments at the end, there were loads of
crossed out words because the faster I write with my hand, the more times I confuse letters and place them out of order.
Again, it�s much more frustrating than an actual disability.
Funny tale - but true,