I think I finally figured it out. Why we all feel it is so important to "get the word out", and that's because it really does come down to
consciousness. I didn't quite grasp this before, in fact I assumed that the consciousness within someones head is what controls their physical
body, if the physical body was to hurt another body, that would in turn affect that bodies consciousness. This can be with words or with
actions, negative or positive, but I never really considered the thoughts themselves. I simply figured that as we go around bumping into each
other, the thoughts within our heads, controlled how we interact with one another, influencing the thoughts within the minds of those same
This is how I thought it affected everyone else. Say if I was a dick to my neighbor, and that started a chain reaction that could potentially reach
around the earth. To me this is still very true, it just doesn't include the rest of the spectrum
The way I see it now is that every living thing is communicating with practically every other Living thing. You can witness this right here
The movie is called The Secret Life of Plants, it shows that plants respond to different brainwaves. There are quite a few good experiments, that
really are pretty amazing. I'm sure a lot of you have already seen this. If you haven't check it out sometime.
I had also read about a Russian experiment where they were "telling the plants how exactly they wanted them to grow". If anyone knows what this
is please tell me.
Kymatica is another good one. You should be able to find it if you search around that link. There is a part that describes how the primary
function of DNA is actually electromagnetic energy reception and transmission or bio communication. And this was known in the 1990's, some of the
stuff on the Plant movie was known for almost a century. This stuff isn't new.
Now I really see how it comes down to the energy that you put back out into the universe. We've heard all that before, but it's true, and
it's also the reason that we've always known we need to inform everyone before any real change comes about.
Max Igan points out that people need to be aware of their thoughts and how they are affecting others at all times. I completely agree with this and
feel the same way. Positive thought vibrations look totally different than negative vibes. I mean you've always been able to tell if there is a
"vibe" in a room, most people don't take this seriously. Some people do but don't yet fully understand the significance. This is kind of a
curve ball(and I might sound like I'm preaching) but We really need to do what those old bumper stickers said and that is to "Kill Your T.V.". I
look at television now as the worst psychic "manipulator" for lack of a better word. I mean there is nothing but drama, violence, and fear. Or
in other words bad thought vibrations within your head being sent out to the world.
That's what it's all about, we quite literally create the world around us. I can think of a few friends who just love the drama(I stay away)
they always have to have it. Those same people wonder why they're depressed all the time, or why bad things always happen to them. What I'm
really trying to get down to is not thinking positive ALL THE TIME, but to minimize the negative. We already know that negative thoughts can be
damaging physically.
Could they also be harmful to the people around you? For the past few months I have to answer that with a yes.