These are the coordinates for what looks like ruins off the coast of cuba. You can find more areas like these in the surrounding waters to the east
and west. There appears to be what look like roads running in an east west direction as well as square and rectangular structures.
No, the underwater city is over 2,000 feet underwater. The area where these photos are taken is not that deep.
If there was something that close to the surface the Communist government would be using it to try to get money off rich nations, or even just to
advertise something new to get more tourism to the island.
Satellites orbit objects such as the Earth usually at high speed which under certain circumstances can produce image artifacts. Higher magnification
imagery also requires stitching, a process in which multiple small pictures are integrated into larger picture with additional artifacts as the
smaller images are produced from varying times and angles. Add to this image compression such as jpeg which can also introduce rectangular blocks and
you have images that look like what you've posted.