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President Obama: Federal Government 'Will Go Bankrupt' if Health Care Costs Are Not Reigned In

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posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 04:39 PM

Originally posted by Erasurehead
What bothers me about this is that in the past few months Obama accused the opponents of the bill of scaring people and then he turns around and does the exact same thing to try to get it passed.

The sad thing is that a lot of Americans will watch this and believe it without question.

That is because the majority of Americans are stupid. They don't want to think. They don't want a cause. All they want is their evening television, their fast food and to ridicule anything that can't be packaged, stuffed into 30 minutes or 1 hour time slots, easily disposed of, or takes too much time or effort. I'll say it again - the majority of American people are STUPID.

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by Erasurehead

What bothers me about this is that in the past few months Obama accused the opponents of the bill of scaring people and then he turns around and does the exact same thing to try to get it passed.

This is what ALL politicians do. Obama is no different than any other. He is an master at eloquence of speech. Far more so than Bush II, but less so than Reagan. Still, his delivery is soothing to the numbed masses who are evident even here on ATS

The sad thing is that a lot of Americans will watch this and believe it without question.

Agreed, the MSM still has a firm control on the masses, but there IS a growing movement of Americans who have gotten a peek around the blinders. I am one of them, as I suspect you are also. The mission is to get people involved. I mean really involved. Get them to go to public meetings (not just protests) real political shaping meetings, Know your representatives and stay in toucch with them. Follow the bills that they sponsor or are against. Vote accordingly, and perhaps campaign for your candidate.

We are on a slippery slope, and I hope we can right the ship, for the good of mankind.

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by sos37

And still think its the wild west...

1) Think the dolla is still backed by gold
2) Think the fed is a part of the goverment
3) Have no clue that the goverment pay intrest on the "bailouts"

Shall i keep going?

the 1.1 trillion that just got passed "came with 800billion intrest from the fed"

They left that part out "sneaky little congress men"

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by 13579

How did you get my opinion on socialized vs. private health care out of my post above? I never offered my personal opinion on the health care debate. I only pointed out the fear mongering tactics being used to pass the bill.

Whether or not I agree or disagree with the bill is irrelevant. It's the tactics being used to push it through which mirror what the government did in the past with other bills: 'If we don't do this, we all gunna die!!!!111!!!!' so to speak.

I am actually FOR socialized health care. But not for scaring people into it and I am not for this specific reform bill at all because it's not universal health care. It's universal forced insurance.

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by AlienChaser

Well me being from England. I can say one thing..

we hated bush, and we like the current POTUS. why? i hear you shreek?

he makes sens?

He may be a puppet, but give me him anyday over darthcheny and his little gimp GWB

They made nixon look like bambi

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by sos37

Yes, sadly most Americans are just drones with little or no orginal thoughts of their own. They just parrot what they hear from TV.

You'll see, before long you will hear people saying. "We must pass this bill or the federal government will go bankrupt!!"

Very much like the recent past:
"We must pass this bankster bailout bill or the whole economy will collapse!!"

"We have to go to war in Iraq because Saddam has WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION!!"

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by sos37

That is because the majority of Americans are stupid.

You know, if the words above had been said by a European, there be a war raging on this thread right now.

Yes, many will believe Obama because they feel he is barely getting started or are blindly in love with him. Some even give him the benefit of the doubt.

However, you can only cry wolf so many times and this bankruptcy cry has been going on for quite some time.

Kinda makes one wonder if even the hardcore Obama supporters are buying what he is selling.

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by AshleyD

So telling the truth is scare tactics? like DEATH PANNELS?

Trust me i watch more C-span than most americans..

I can even name your top 5 debter nations, tell you how much your in the red and when your "heath care goes pop"

and by the way its not obama saying that its the CBO
you should take the time to watch commites more they are very interesting..

I would like to know how the UK manages to borrow the USA 280 billion?

and for what? beats me.

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 04:50 PM

Originally posted by jam321
reply to post by sos37

That is because the majority of Americans are stupid.

They are.

"Im from the UK" and no offence but most of the PLANET is stupid.

[edit on 16-12-2009 by 13579]

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by 13579

Originally posted by jam321
reply to post by sos37

That is because the majority of Americans are stupid.

They are.

"Im from the UK" and no offence but most of the PLANET is stupid.

[edit on 16-12-2009 by 13579]

Agreed. There seems to be an epidemic of stupid on this planet and every country has their share.

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by 13579

No offense taken. In a way, I have to agree.

After all, we are the ones who let our government take things to extreme as we sit back and type away on our computers.

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by 13579

So telling the truth is scare tactics?

It's not the truth.


Preaching to the choir. You again wrongfully assume my opinion on another topic.

Trust me i watch more C-span than most americans..

Good! Then you should be very much aware of what I say when I refer to the fact they do this all the time to get bills passed. Oddly, you don't seem to be aware of it, though. More C-span?

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by 13579
reply to post by AshleyD

So telling the truth is scare tactics? like DEATH PANNELS?

Trust me i watch more C-span than most americans..

I can even name your top 5 debter nations, tell you how much your in the red and when your "heath care goes pop"

and by the way its not obama saying that its the CBO
you should take the time to watch commites more they are very interesting..

I would like to know how the UK manages to borrow the USA 280 billion?

and for what? beats me.

Obama is not telling the truth. The truth is we are going bankrupt regardless of the final outcome of the health care bill.

BTW.. Why would a Brit want to spend time watching C-SPAN? I find it quite boring and I live here.

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by AshleyD



And yes i know what im talking about

1st link is 2 hours..

2nd link is 20 odd minutes

you should be lucky most are 3 hours long "one session"


posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by Erasurehead

I love c-span!!! why?

because i love the FED
and how its a total monster.

Dodd is one of the minions
i seen one time when some guy was being asked who put the clause in the TARP for bank bounus

Guess who?

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by 13579

Yet you pay insurance companies for heathcare?

you PAY them not the goverment "they set the price" not the goverment.

Yes and No, we do pay insurance companies, but they do not set the price of healthcare. They work in conjunction with heathcare to decide what will be paid for healthcare, and the hospitals/clinics bill accordingly. Often these are hyperinflated for the benefits of both corporations, and with nor regard for whether the public at large can afford it or not. People are conditioned to believe that Tylenol costs over 6 dollars a pill if you are at the hospital, and that's just the way it is, Wrong! If this bill would address the cost inflation and waste on top of absorbitant salaries within healthcare I would be for it. It does NOT. It will only increase costs, and has little resemblance to European healthcare, except for the "social" title.

Call me stupid but you are BROKE and paying insurance companies all this money aint helping

I love my socialised heathcare

I won't call you stupid, but do a comparison between your healthcare and this proposal. You will find that the two are very different things with a similar feel to them. This feel is what proponents are banking on to get it passed. Unfortunately for them but good for us, is that people are starting to realize that we are not copying others socialized healthcare, we are creating a government run perversion of the concept.

That is why people are opposed.

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 05:06 PM
reply to post by jam321

its insulting to say americans are dumb, when as you said the fair share of the planet have a cronic "dumbness" going on.

They can name the people in pop idol and have no clue who runs the planet and why

Now thats pure and simple "i dont care"

funny thing is they bitch and whine about it as long as "im ok jack" is happy..

That is called single tracked mind. Im ok long as i got wat i want mentality is what the NWO lurrv.

Healthcare? its real it has to be paid for somehow? the reason most americans hate the idea of a single payer system is idiots on cable networks saying.


what part of the goverment dont own your life ? LOL so funny

Most people in the UK accept we are PLEBS and get on with it.

Take this as an example, i was having a convo with a dude from america on eve and we was talking about the fed and he said.. we cant elect our repesntive ie "PM"

he thought the QUEEN made the rules!!!! LOL was classic

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by AlienChaser

I understand but if you take into account that your paying a "middle man"

not direct to the "hostpitals farma companies" that is the problem!

In the UK we have Hospitals that are NOT run by the goverment but are in fact PRIVATE. The goverment tell them the rules and how long people have to wait

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 05:50 PM

I understand but if you take into account that your paying a "middle man"

not direct to the "hostpitals farma companies" that is the problem!

Again, The problem with the healthcare bill is that, THERE IS STILL A MIDDLE MAN!

The bill does not address the crazy costs in healthcare. In fact it will cause a huge influx of people who can't currently afford health care bills, to suddenly get them, BY WAY OF THEIR INSURANCE GAPS

You see we won't just be paying the government higher taxes to support this influx, we will also be paying the SAME outragous bills that we pay now. In the end the profits travel up, to a higher class of citizen. This further decimates the middle class and helps to strengthen the upper/lower class divide.

I see your point about the "middle man" but true socialism would eliminate the health insurance industry outright, and place government imposed cost fixing on all healthcare. I personnally so not see anything on the horizon that simplifies or creates better health care for Americans in this bill. Nor do I think that the goal of such a thing is in the peoples interest. Money is, after all, the root of all evil.

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 05:56 PM
Isn't this raquettering?
or even terroism?

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