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Be Warned Drugstores now getting H1N1 vaccines

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posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 12:27 PM

If people aren't getting there vaccines from the clinics or doctors, what better way of bribing the people to get the shots through drugstores?

For canadians be warned i have werid feeling this move might also come to canada, seeing how the so called top doctors arent happy of there vaccine roll up effor.

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 12:35 PM
We've had both vaccines in walgreens for months.

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posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 09:57 PM

Originally posted by Agent_USA_Supporter

If people aren't getting there vaccines from the clinics or doctors, what better way of bribing the people to get the shots through drugstores?

For canadians be warned i have werid feeling this move might also come to canada, seeing how the so called top doctors arent happy of there vaccine roll up effor.

Wow, real good predicting skills. Pharmacists up here got their vaccination tutorials back in late October. Clearly they are the agents of the NWO-Big Pharma alliance to depopulate the masses. Of course, don't believe me, after all it isn't like my uncle is a pharmacist who told me already.

This idea came up in Canada for use in mid-2010, you know, when it becomes a more backshelf issue and can be stored in the refrigerators if necessary. Don't feel worried for Canada, if you follow the "highest oil consumers get depopulated first" theory then its USA, China, Japan, Russia, India, Germany, and Brazil before you get to us. But if you're going by population amount, well most of Europe will get taken out before us since we are only 34 million people.

[edit on 16-12-2009 by Dnevnoi]

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 10:00 PM
Was talking to a coworker today who was nervous because she only had a day to decide whether to innoculate her son. When asked why, she said because the school was giving the shot. [insert dark music]

Meanwhile I just heard that the `pandemic' is over, with much less fanfare (and damage) than predicted. Profits too, one would assume.

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 10:03 PM
Its time to fight people through words and simple meaning,
time to strike them at there brainwashing.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by Mr Headshot

I asked a manager at wallgreens if he had heard about the vaccine being usless do to mutation of the virus he told me he did not care it would up sales.

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