posted on May, 23 2004 @ 09:46 AM
On the Holy Grail show I saw yesterday on TV, this research team finally got permission to dig under the Tour Magdala near Rennes de Chateau and see
if they could find some hidden Grail documents (or the Grail itself?). They did some radar stuff that indicated that there was indeed a large mass
under the tower and so they began to dig. Just after they dug like 2 feet max, they struck a hard object & dug up some wood chips (from a wooden
chest?). Then the owner of the property suddenly said they couldn't dig anymore, that it was hopeless, and that was that. Why did the owner, who
gave permission to dig in the first place, get so freaked out by the wood chips? How did the wood chips get there? What was the mass under the Tour
Magdala, and what did the diggers strike with their shovel? They showed a medium-sized rock they dug up and said maybe that was what showed on their
radar...but the diggers said what they struck and where the wood chips came from were from the side of the hole, and if they were only given a chance
to dig just a bit more...
The Tour Magdala's owner's sudden reluctance to dig further when faced with the real possibility that there really could be something down there
(the wood chips, the hard object the shovel struck) seems very fishy to me...Did somebody call him and tell him to call off the search or else? Or
was he seized by a primal fear as to what secrets the hidden treasure might yield?
Don't these cover-up people realize that such fishy sloppy cover-ups like this only fan the flames of conspiracy more? What would it have hurt to
keep digging?