posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 04:27 AM
Has anybody noticed the fact that everybody is going suicidal? I have several people that I am very close to that all have threatened to take their
own life, attempted to take their own life, or unfortunately have actually committed the ultimate act of suicide.
Recently I’ve come up with a theory and was planning to put this information together for a very well thought out and organized post on ATS. I
talked about it to my friend and as we were discussing it we were interrupted by a good friend of ours who’s sister actually slit her wrist TODAY
and luckily was discovered in her bedroom within most likely minutes of bleeding out. She is only 19 and although some pretty upsetting things had
taken place in her life, it isn’t anything out of the ordinary of an average teenager’s life.
One thing that has come to my attention over the past year, is that more and more pills people are taking to do anything from reduce stress, quit
smoking, or achieve better sleep have warnings of “suicidal thoughts” or “acts of suicide”.
Just a couple examples:
Best resource I could find on suicide rates increasing
Well here is my point… I don’t think increasing number of people that are going suicidal is limited to those that are taking prescription drugs.
It is obvious that if so many drugs have this as a somewhat “common” side effect, the powers to be also have access to such technology. Yes,
anybody who would benefit from mass amounts of people killing themselves could in fact “encourage” this trend to take place via water supply,
vaccination, food, etc…
Anybody like the Illuminati, terrorists, governments, etc…
The problem is that it’s difficult to point fingers when people are taking their own lives unless you can accept the fact that there are chemicals
that can in fact cause such tendencies. Without a doubt, these chemicals do in fact exist, the only question is. Who is going to use them first or
who is already doing so?