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2012 Startling New Secrets! *VID

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posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 12:46 PM
Awesome documentary that puts the whole 2012 theories together, including Richard C. Hoagland and many more known faces. I thought it was well put together and definitely some new connections, including the search for the labyrinth in Egypt and how it's all connected to upcoming events in 2012.

The more I read and watch these research/theories the more I think we're already in this transition process! LOT of NEW research were shown on this video, a MUST watch!

2012 Startling New Secrets Pt.1/9

2012 Startling New Secrets Pt.2/9

2012 Startling New Secrets Pt.3/9

2012 Startling New Secrets Pt.4/9

2012 Startling New Secrets Pt.5/9

2012 Startling New Secrets Pt.6/9

2012 Startling New Secrets Pt.7/9

2012 Startling New Secrets Pt.8/9

2012 Startling New Secrets Pt.9/9

Your thoughts?

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 01:24 PM
For me it was just a fear-mongering advertisement for the movie, released the same week. It might help to get people interested, but it is not good information overall.

I'm looking forward to Jesse Ventura's 2012 episode.

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 01:32 PM
reply to post by Tgautier13

I don't understand why people get so "fearful"! Hey, if the world is coming to an end well then just accept it and move on to the next life, if nothing is gonna happen then at least enjoy the ride while it lasts.

Personally NON of these fear mongering stuff works on me, it may piss me off government killing people around the world, but I'm not feared by it. I do think all these bizarre weather patterns has something to do with 2012, personally I don't think anything in particular will happen on Dec 21, but I do think we're already part of a transition of something major happening to our world...

financial systems collapsing, people are waking up to truth, weather pattern is getting more aggressive... the world is changing faster then ever! Something is going on...

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 01:50 PM
I can say with conviction..... the world will not end in 2012, and will be in fine form thousands of years from now.

What will end is hidden agendas. Humans will know past history(the true version) and will not be as tollerant towards violent behaviour.

I can also say with certainty you and I will both die, in due time.

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 02:13 PM
It makes me cringe whenever I hear or see someone talk about how 2012 means we're all going to die. My wife keeps trying to say that as well (she hates to hear me talk about 2012).

Simple fact is this: NO ONE ever said 2012 was the end of the WORLD

In fact, all the ancient prophecies and warning, including the Mayans and the bible, refer to this time period as the End of Days or the End of Time. This all comes down to interpretation and when you understand the celestial changes, it makes sense.

First, it is expected that the world will shift. The poles will shift, the earth will tilt in another direction, changing how we view the stars above us.

How has man measured time since the inception of the concept of time keeping? According to the earth's relation of itself to the moon... the sun... and the stars (planets too).

Tilt the earth, and now you have to change how you view time. The days of the last age are over.. and a new age begins. That's what the Mayans were trying to say.

And other civilizations? There was a man in the 70s who mapped out Chinese Astrology on a graph. What he found was that every low point on this line graph marked a negative significant world effecting event. WWI started, WWII started, JFK was assassinated, etc. Yes, this is an actual true story. I'm not making this up.

Believe in Chinese Astrology or not, it seems to work. One could use this chart to predict WHEN a tragic even would happen, but not what. Amazing, right? Only problem is... it stops. It stops on December 22, 2012.

Does that mean the world ends then??

It means that the relation of the earth to the celestial bodies will change. When that happens, one must refigure the Chinese astrological charts. Make sense?

(NOTE: I watched this Chinese Astrology thing over ten years ago on the discovery channel.)

In short, do not be afraid the world will end.

Instead, be prepared for the world to change, drastically.

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 02:21 PM
Continue from above:

SECOND: Many people believe that the Mayans said that a cataclysm occurs at the end of the five ages of the earth. Some believe that we are in the fifth and final age.

That's false. The Cataclysm occurs at the end of every age, that is true, but we are in the fourth age, moving into the fifth age. A good reference of these ages are the Hopi Indian prophecies. They coincide with the Mayan "prophecies" very well.

Be forewarned, life will not be easy for many years after 2012. The government knows this. Look into the Casket Liners that are being stored by FEMA. Do not underestimate the Solar Storm predicted by NASA for 2012. Cross reference it with the Solar Storm in 1859 and realize the implications.

Keep in mind the impact a polar change will have on the earth. You have to put all the pieces together and realize what position we'll be in.

If you are spiritual, get right with God and pray often.

Do not wait for man to save you.

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by Messenger74
There was a man in the 70s who mapped out Chinese Astrology on a graph. What he found was that every low point on this line graph marked a negative significant world effecting event. WWI started, WWII started, JFK was assassinated, etc. Yes, this is an actual true story. I'm not making this up.

Believe in Chinese Astrology or not, it seems to work. One could use this chart to predict WHEN a tragic even would happen, but not what. Amazing, right? Only problem is... it stops. It stops on December 22, 2012.

I couldn't agree anymore! I think the man you're talking about was Terrence Mckenna. He used IChing (one the oldest and most accurate forture telling, still used by the Asian tycoons for future predictions) model to create a software to predict our past and future. This was all done randomly through IChing and all the highs/lows matched major events in the past (WWI, WWII, etc...) and ironically enough it showed the biggest spike on Dec 21, 2012! Mind blowing.

He also claimed that TIME is accelerating! Something many have claimed is already happening.

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 03:15 PM
Would this have been seen by many people? A big network?

The reason I ask is because the man Patrick Geryl in the video was also on project camelot in august...

And stated that his theory would be broadcast in Dec for a major network! He also stated that his friend had found the Great Library and that he had to keep the information on it secret. I did not take much heed of him or what he had to say in the video really until now......

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 03:25 PM

Originally posted by Messenger74

Simple fact is this: NO ONE ever said 2012 was the end of the WORLD

Many, many people have said it's the end of the world. Or at the very least, a very destructive event.

But they and their sources are all wrong and you and your sources are all right so never mind.

Things will happen in 2012. Just like things happened in 2008, are happening in 2009, and will continue to happen.

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