It makes me cringe whenever I hear or see someone talk about how 2012 means we're all going to die. My wife keeps trying to say that as well (she
hates to hear me talk about 2012).
Simple fact is this:
NO ONE ever said 2012 was the end of the WORLD
In fact, all the ancient prophecies and warning, including the Mayans and the bible, refer to this time period as the End of Days or the End of Time.
This all comes down to interpretation and when you understand the celestial changes, it makes sense.
First, it is expected that the world will shift. The poles will shift, the earth will tilt in another direction, changing how we view the stars above
How has man measured time since the inception of the concept of time keeping? According to the earth's relation of itself to the moon... the sun...
and the stars (planets too).
Tilt the earth, and now you have to change how you view time. The days of the last age are over.. and a new age begins. That's what the Mayans were
trying to say.
And other civilizations? There was a man in the 70s who mapped out Chinese Astrology on a graph. What he found was that every low point on this line
graph marked a negative significant world effecting event. WWI started, WWII started, JFK was assassinated, etc. Yes, this is an actual true story.
I'm not making this up.
Believe in Chinese Astrology or not, it seems to work. One could use this chart to predict WHEN a tragic even would happen, but not what. Amazing,
right? Only problem is... it stops. It stops on December 22, 2012.
Does that mean the world ends then??
It means that the relation of the earth to the celestial bodies will change. When that happens, one must refigure the Chinese astrological
charts. Make sense?
(NOTE: I watched this Chinese Astrology thing over ten years ago on the discovery channel.)
In short, do not be afraid the world will end.
Instead, be prepared for the world to change, drastically.