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The NWO and Jesse Ventura, Why Jesse must be careful

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posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by desertdreamer
The gunshot wounds to his torso were what killed him (perforation of the heart), the gunshot to the head was CONTRIBUTORY. So, lets practice what we preach shall we?
I do practice what I preach, and if you read the report a bit closer you'd have seen that the shot in the head was what killed him and that the other shots and injuries were "AFTER" he was dead. Maybe you should get that hooked on phonics program again and try to learn it this time!

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 11:06 AM
reply to post by desertdreamer
The gunshot wounds to his torso were what killed him (perforation of the heart), the gunshot to the head was CONTRIBUTORY. So, lets practice what we preach shall we?
Once again, I practice what I preach!
Bill Cooper died in a 'reported' gun battle with the Apache County Sheriffs Department in the White Mountains of Arizona.

Evidence now coming forward indicates that the deputies report concerning Coopers death may have been falsified to coverup the cold blooded assassination of Bill Cooper by these Apache County Deputies.

Craig M. Pradarelli, former 20 years plus veteran licensed private detective. determined, after reviewing the autopsy report, that Cooper was shot in the head at a distance of no more than 3 feet. He drew this conclusion based on the stippling .
The bullet entered through the area of the ear and then proceeded to travel "downwards", indicating the shooter may have been standing 'over' Cooper
Cooper was 6 ft. 2 inches and may have been in a kneeling position when he received this shot.
Craig found it interesting that the shot to the head was done before a shot to the heart as there was a geat deal of subarachnoid hematoma. He determined that the heart had to have been pumping for sometime for this to have occured.
One of the other shots took out both the left and right ventricles of the heart. Many seconds, after the head shot.

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 06:00 PM
What matters is what the ME says, and what was on the autopsy report is what I quoted directly from your link. I don't give a crap what some investigator says, it's what the autopsy report and the ME say that matters.

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 07:46 PM
reply to post by desertdreamer
Ohhh, what the ME says??? LOL

Just like what the offical ME report said on the "Warren Report" and the "magic bullet" that killed JFK? Or the official report on Jon Bonet Ramsey? Or the official report on Marilyn Monroe? And lets's not forget that official report on Vince Fostor either.

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 08:28 PM
Bill Cooper was gunned down for what he knew and what he made public knowledge. Anyone who denies this is living in a sad state of denial. Period

RIP William Cooper. You will not be forgotten.

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 10:28 PM
reply to post by shasta9600
Exactly Shasta!, and Bill Cooper is one of the biggest reasons we've not been taken over yet by the NWO! Now let's get back to the thread topic folks!

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 01:29 AM
reply to post by PrisonerOfSociety

A joker using a redirect...Would they be that stupid....come on....

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 02:26 AM
reply to post by jam321

He opens it up for us to finish. Most American/Canadians/sheeple of the world don't even think for a second about anything other than what's in their closed little world. Everybody these days are too bloody complacent. We need to get off our lazy ***es and force the changes needed to make a difference.

Thank you Jesse! At least he's out there making an effort which is far greater than what the most of us have ever done. The next president will be none other than what is hyped up through the media. Its worked ever since the discovery of the TV.

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 10:13 AM
The most important detail of this Jesse Ventura development is to remember that this man has the establishment to thank for all of the fortune that has come to him in his life. He's one of them. He always was and he still is.

I don't believe for a minute they'd let this guy spout off about this on TV the way he does unless he was doing exactly what TPTB want him to do. This show reaches way, way too many people. Not just the "conspiracy minded". It reaches people who might not even be looking for the answers. Their domination of the MSM has been too complete for this to be the real deal.

Ventura is doing exactly what he was doing on those wresting shows. He's an actor.

posted on Jan, 14 2010 @ 10:49 AM
reply to post by crunchypickle
Ventura is doing exactly what he was doing on those wresting shows. He's an actor.
I've thought the same thing pickle, but one thing still puzzles me. In last week's show about the Manchurian Candidate and mind control, that one guy he was talking to said that Jesse was "too" high a profile figurehead to knock off.

This make me wonder if the elite are using Jesse to tell us how they're gonna kill us off so we'll submit to their microchips and total enslavement?

I have studied his shows closely every week, and if you put the pieces of the global puzzle together, they do fit nicely into their agenda.

posted on Feb, 12 2010 @ 09:18 PM
Bill Cooper exposed & is full of BS, for more information

check this site out at

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 07:49 AM
reply to post by thewind

Jesse Ventura is one of my most favorite people on the earth. He is one of the few people that have the guts and determination to go on network television news and tell it like it is to the mainstream media news.
In a time when news anchors applaud themselves on how they can get their interviewees to “shut up” and accept the anchor’s point of view Jesse will not shut up.
On Friday October 15, 2010 Jesse Ventura’s show Conspiracy Theory will come back on the air with season 2 on Tru TV. What will be the topics?
The topics will include the alleged missile attack on the pentagon, Area 51, bio warfare at Plum Island, the assassination of John F. Kennedy, and the BP oil disaster.
If the American people got together Ron Paul would be running for President with a running mate of Jesse Ventura as Vice President.
Make sure you don’t miss it. In a time when the mainstream media is filled with reality fluff shows, and shows about celebrity body parts, it is good to know that one show is willing to get close to the truth.

Don’t forget to check out my blog at [SNIP]

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