posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 07:39 PM
This is both funny and a reality check at the same time!
On one hand, you have to look at SOHO or some program to get anything like this.
It is a slap in the face really! I mean, anyone who has ever heard of that person Lear. A little crazy, yes, but, a little on key with advanced
technology you bet! How much life on how many planets – wow! You are crazy!
Are you serious - they show a few people in a craft floating around still doing tests on anti-gravity plant/bacteria growth? Prepackaged crap food and
worrying about debris as small as a grain of rice hitting the side at 30,000+ mph - please!
What a joke
This is nothing but a dumb down program telling you - this is the best we can do!
School – Fluoride – Lead, yes it is for a reason. “Do not think for yourself or think to much”
In some ways it is - but only in the outer more advanced and closer areas of near space. Get rid of nuclear, space weapons, HAARP, and the recently
tested LHC - and we might have a chance. The LHC has shut down so many times, why - for what reasons? Really?
Until then - there is a detour at the edge of our "solar system" that says: Avoid the blue planet at all costs. This is not to mention the
collateral damage, which is really ignored due to the fact that the beings in these craft are nothing more than mechanical biological entities built
on a different living technology. Living, no - not really. They still need a protein bath every six months. One cow will provide that for about 500 of
these entities, but it must be replenished. Think of a – well – sourdough base - They absorb this protein to keep their outer biological parts
running. Cattle mutilations, hmmmm.
It is the technology - free energy (a miniature created Sun within a containment system with never ending and replenishing energy) this we should not
have. They are worried because of the "Earth Defense" application.
Has anyone seen the NASA video where you see an “outer earth” vehicle change direction and a shot in the dark or defense based missile shot is
fired and the craft predicts this – evades - you know of what I say. That is the problem!
There is so much going on you can’t see – none of us and “they” like it that way.
They have been here since Sumerian times and we all have this in our minds - 99% forget the past - others wake, a little. Waking up, is more than you
Trust me - "Wake Up"
Forget hate - racial divide - trivial human waste
The time is at hand
We will all need each other more than anything expressed here. We all have no idea what is coming
I only say that because this guy can capture perfect solar images, wave data, eruptions, discharge and even the SOHO blue screen without being in
What is the Space Shuttle - a dumb the public down - (It's the best we can do) senario?
What would you think if you KNEW - we could teleport to Mars right now. What would you think if you knew Mars had an atmosphere you could breath
(almost) underground? That there was once life on Mars and a planet collision changed life there, but they knew what was coming and prepared. Some man
- I won't say the name - said that life is on almost every planet in our pffffft - Solar System. That is such a weird thing to say - not sure
Oh what is this they found, Miy Way Galaxy black hole much closer than thought.
Oh, new infrared satallite to go into space and keep a watchful eye - of what - a brown dwarf - oh, ignore that - lol
Nephelim - what is that?
Um, can you feel it? Trouble sleeping? Are you waking up/half asleep - no matter what? Something is going to make sure of that! It is World wide -
not the web. Kids asking more questions? Worried about vaccinations, water supply, frequencies bombarding you, concernes about 2012 (Galactic
alignment - to galactic center)
Don't be, answers will come - I will give a date! Anyone here - who has followed my posts know I am the real deal. The date: May 27th will be a new
beginning leading up to the "true awakening"
Wait - anything you have planned for that future date - keep packing up and preparing. This is no joke!
MAY 27th - a major sign! you cannot ignore.
Everything I have said - is the truth. Like it or not