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Experts Warn About Powdered Alcohol... Also comes in Pill Form!

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posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 06:59 PM
Great... Make an easier way for our children to get a hold of alcohol. Drugs are bad enough... but I think something that can be sold such as listed in the articles below and on the internet is such a bad idea...

Would be interested in hearing some of your thoughts in regards to this new powdered alcohol... that can come in Pill form.


They look harmless enough, the inconspicuous packets often next to the cashier at gas stations, convenience stores, beverage stores and bars. But according to consumer protection officials, that's what makes them all the more dangerous, since the powder inside contains alcohol, and a lot of it -- about 4.8 percent by volume. That is the equivalent of one to one-and-a-half glasses of liquor. The product is called subyou, manufactured by a company in North Rhine-Westphalia, and is marketed squarely at teenagers with slogans like "taste for not much dough" and "gets a good buzz going." Add the powder to cold water, and consumers have an alcoholic drink containing either vodka or rum. "These are just as dangerous as the alcopops that came in the bottles," Birgit Rehlender, nutrition expert at consumer affairs organization Stiftung Warentest told Der Spiegel weekly.

You can also read other articles here that talk about the same thing...
Huffington Post

Thanks to a new technique developed by Russian professor Evgeny Moskalev, now you can get drunk without drinking.

Source: Times of India

“Dry” vodka can be wrapped in paper and carried around in a pocket or a bag. Vodka in form of a pill would come handy at parties when “consumers” would be able to calculate their exact required dosage.

posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 07:05 PM

Tax exempt

While authorities were able to curtail the consumption of alcopops with a special tax on the drinks last August -- which put them out of the reach of many teenage budgets -- these new alcopops in powder form cost between 1.65 and 2.40 euros ($2.06 and $3.00) per package. Subyou is able to get around the tax because its product comes in powder form.

It's amazing how new taxes can inspire people to new heights of ingenuity.

posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 07:06 PM
wow. . . just wow. . .
people are getting dumber and dumber. nature did not spend millions of years of evolution for us babbling apes to come up with such horrid things.

i wonder if the clerks even know that alcohol's in them?

alcohol/tobacco/related companies need to stop marketing to children. they are the leading cause of cancer, death, and sickness in this country. the idiots who do this need to stop NOW! they target kids because they are "easy" prey, and are at a very impressionable time in their life.

luckily not all of us fall for this, though some have.

prohibition would be the best.

[edit on 14-12-2009 by LocoHombre]

posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 07:12 PM
Gotta love those russians. Could make drunken vomiting and hangovers a thing of the past. Ahh, progress.

posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 09:13 PM
reply to post by x2Strongx

Great... Make an easier way for our children to get a hold of alcohol.

Its fairly easy to get anything, even if you are a kid. Remember, drug dealers do not check IDs, stores do.

reply to post by LocoHombre

prohibition would be the best.

Prohibition has had worse effects on society than drug use itself.

Also, when did parents stop being parents to the point that ones first inclination is to have the government function as parents?

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by DINSTAAR

I'm not saying Government should function as a parent. But, I think there definitely needs to be over-sight on this part of the industry to make sure that this stays out of the hands of children.

However... every thing seems to be coming out more compact and more available... Energy Drinks, Pill form of Caffeine, Nicotine Gum, Slow Your Roll Drank... etc... Is this a better thing or something bad for the human population?

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 03:37 PM
Alcohol in pill form big woop. A legal substance in an edible form, i do not see the big deal.
I guess what we need is some reppers talking on the MTV about how cool the new pills are.
If you are worried about kids i knew i highschool there were a whole bunch of people that would drink the pepermint and vanilla extract, they have more alcohol than some beers and liquors and anyone can buy them.

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 03:46 PM
reply to post by zaiger

This is a legal substance... but instead of it being liquefied to slow down the consumption... You can just swallow a twelve pack or a whole bottle of vodka in just one gulp.

Just some of the dangers:
- Drunk Driving
- Date Rape
- Alcohol Over-Dose
- Increased Health Care Cost
- Addictive properties

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by x2Strongx

Just some of the dangers:
- Drunk Driving
- Date Rape
- Alcohol Over-Dose
- Increased Health Care Cost
- Addictive properties

Drunk Driving - pill form will not change that
Date Rape - lol, again booze pill will not turn people into rapists.
Alcohol Over-Dose - Retarded people do that on regular booze a pill will not change that.
Increased Health Care Cost - lol where do you get this crap from?
Addictive properties- ???? do you really think that booze in pill form changes it this much?

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by zaiger
reply to post by x2Strongx

Just some of the dangers:
- Drunk Driving
- Date Rape
- Alcohol Over-Dose
- Increased Health Care Cost
- Addictive properties

Drunk Driving - pill form will not change that
Date Rape - lol, again booze pill will not turn people into rapists.
Alcohol Over-Dose - Retarded people do that on regular booze a pill will not change that.
Increased Health Care Cost - lol where do you get this crap from?
Addictive properties- ???? do you really think that booze in pill form changes it this much?

Drunk Driving: People can get intoxicated quicker by just swallowing a few pills. Before it took them a certain amount of time to drink three drinks.

Date Rape: A girl asks for an asprin... gets a pill form of alcohol instead. What happens if she is allergic to alcohol

Over-Dose: You can overdose on taking 6 pills of alcohol a lot quicker than drinking. I think accidental overdose would be a big problem with this...

Increased Health Care: Injuries from overdose... driving while intoxicated, domestic abuse, etc...

Addictive Properties: I think a lot more people or teenagers would be more willing to try to "Just take a Pill"... then drinking. I would think there would be an increase in people that would become addicted to alcohol.

Again... the above is my MHO...

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 04:13 PM
Where can i get some of these tablet's they sound fantasticle.

Take care.


posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 04:22 PM
reply to post by x2Strongx

Drunk Driving: People can get intoxicated quicker by just swallowing a few pills. Before it took them a certain amount of time to drink three drinks.

How about you should not be drinking oor taking pills at all before driving.

Date Rape: A girl asks for an asprin... gets a pill form of alcohol instead. What happens if she is allergic to alcohol

Here is a scenario for ya. A girl asks for an asprin... The guy tells her to shut up and then rapes her, then he goes home and watches the simpsons.
Yeah Roofies have been doing the job so far just fine.
If one pill = 1 drink you would have to give a girl 6 of these pills to MAYBE get her intoxicated enough to not remember and that is a BIG maybe.
But all that aside rapists rape and the alcohol pill will not change that.

Over-Dose: You can overdose on taking 6 pills of alcohol a lot quicker than drinking. I think accidental overdose would be a big problem with this

Well moonshine is stronger than the pills and it is not exactly a huge problem. People who take too much are people who take too much if they were not popping 10 of those pills at a time they would be slamming down a 12 pack through a beer bong to show off for their friends. Dumb people do dumb things that is the way it is.

Increased Health Care: Injuries from overdose... driving while intoxicated, domestic abuse, etc...

The pill will not make these things worse at all....

Addictive Properties:

It is just a different form of the same thing... Are the pot brownies and cookies an effort to market to toddlers?

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 04:24 PM

I would like to point out that mint extract (found on the spice isle in the grocery store) contains 92% alcohol by volume...and can be purchased at any age. Other extracts have varying amounts of alcohol too.

It's really not that difficult for kids to get their hands on mind altering or not.

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by x2Strongx

These are marketed to teenagers because in Germany - where it's produced - the drinking age is 16.

Which, to me, seems much more sensible. Let 'em learn how to handle alcohol BEFORE you let them buy a gun or drive a car.

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 07:39 PM
Interesting, now you can chose between pills and drinking. One question though, would it affect the outcome of a breathalyzer tests?

posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 07:55 PM
They have been out over 2 years at least because I have found post about SubYou that old.

I cannot find an ingredient list. Please help me find one.

This stuff is marketed as an Energy drink with no mention of powered alcohol.

It is possible this article is a fraud and there is nothing wrong with the product.

[edit on 15-12-2009 by JohnPhoenix]

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by TheWalkingFox

Which, to me, seems much more sensible. Let 'em learn how to handle alcohol BEFORE you let them buy a gun or drive a car.

I find it best to do all three, plus sex and drugs, at once. Get is all outta their system in one swoop rather than over years of trial and error.

I am not joking.... I am so serial

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 07:47 PM
You realize that this is somewhat of a Hoax right???? Try to find the so called professor Moskalev on the English version of St. Petersburg Technological University... low and behold...He doesn't exist!!! He is not listed as a Professor there, nor a distinguished alumni, nor even an honorary Doctorate. He is a fabrication.

This story originated in the Times of India and was picked up by the international news wire. The Times of India is not known for their investigative reporting.

From Wikipedia:

According to food chemist Udo Pollmer of the European Institute of Food and Nutrition Sciences in Munich, alcohol can be absorbed in cyclodextrines, a sugar derivate. In this way, encapsuled in small capsules, the fluid can be handled as a powder. The cyclodextrines can absorb an estimated 60 percent of their own weight in alcohol.
So, take some strong vodka, mix it in with a special sugar derivative, and you have a small amount of alcohol in a powdery form.

This "powder" when mixed with water makes about 4.2% alcoholic beverage, or roughly the same as a german beer. You can not simply take the powder as a pill, It needs to be mixed with water.

Currently, alcohol powder which is unfit for beverage purposes is sold as a food flavouring in the United States.
In the US a food patent was issued for this back in 1974. It is not at all a new invention and more than 35 years later, it has not become the demon it is being made out to be.

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 08:14 PM
Reply to post by TheAntiHero420

No it wouldn't. If your intoxicated there's alcohol in your blood. If there's alcohol in your blood you're going to exhale it.

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posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 09:02 PM
reply to post by Terapin

In the US a food patent was issued for this back in 1974. It is not at all a new invention and more than 35 years later, it has not become the demon it is being made out to be.

Darn. Did anyone else's Christmas plans just change?

Good find Terapin

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