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The Clone Conspiracy: Stars and Celebrity Clones

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posted on May, 20 2012 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by CaptainLJB
reply to post by someotherguy

I'm saying that if someone says they saw a 10' tall humanoid (or for that matter, a 10" tall critter) step out of a flying disc, I can't just accept it on his word.

Really? You wouldn't accept direct evidence from a credible witness? People are executed based on eyewitness testimony.

Until that happens, I stick with basic simple common sense and Occam's Razor.

Occam's Razor doesn't necessarily lead to the Truth. And how does common sense lead to the Truth? It usually takes research & investigation to get to the Truth.

Who'd want to clone Paul McCartney?

Paul wasn't *cloned.* He was doubled-out by a lame impostor. Anyway, the OP has forbidden us from discussing Paul on the clone threads b/c he wasn't cloned. Feel free to check out Getsmart's thread > PID - Motivations for the murder of Paul McCartney for ideas about why he was impostor-replaCIAed.

posted on May, 20 2012 @ 07:51 PM
reply to post by someotherguy

Well, as I recall, when McCartney was "replaced" as you say, his girlfriend at the time was the actress Jane Asher. She's still alive and well, last I heard, maybe you can nab her and interrogate the truth out of her...

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 03:02 AM
ATS friends,

Actually, I told this Sunday to a full table with people who have known me well for ages, who know my neighborhood, where I live, where my car was parked, the street I was walking down, where I witnessed the humungous Reptoid, and I told them over lunch that I had witnessed this one night back in 2007. It is harder to do when you are faced with the direct reaction of people who know you well, who trust you and respect your mind and judgment, and tell them such a story. They didn't know how to react, and I can well understand why. Some tried to change topic, to spare me ridicule. So it isn't exactly easy to have such an experience and relay it to others.

The one I saw was clad, hooded, wings folded under jacket and had darker scales

I don't expect anyone to believe me, and as I said already in several threads here at ATS, I did question my own sanity because it was NOT POSSIBLE that such a creature could exist, much less walk down a city street. Yet it did happen, and I was there as a direct eyewitness as well as witnessing it simultaneously by my sixth sense which was definitely set into alert mode. It took me two years to get the gumption to even write about it anonymously here at ATS. It was that jarring an experience as it called into question first my sanity, second my notion of our reality, and third the degree of complicity this entails on behalf of those entrusted with our safety in government, the police and the military. Finally it exploded any simplistic ideas I had whereby humanity was alone and that our historic and current difficulties were only related to human matters, meaning that all earthly politics must invariably have to some degree an exopolitical component.

Regarding whether Charlemagne (which means the Magnum Charles or Charles the Great or Tall Charles) I have an inkling, but this time without any visual confirmation of his genealogy or physiognomy, that he did get Cloned into none other than Charles De Gaulle, also known as the "Le Grand Charles" though affectionately referred to as "Mon General". He happened to be the President who struck a deal unifying France with Germany with German Chancellor Adenauer. Just like Charlemagne was the King who united Germany and France.

I had occasion to meet a man who deals in antiquities and historical memorabilia and to ask him about items showing Charlemagne, and he told me in confidence (I don't know why it would have to be confidential, but that was how he told me), that the public imagery of Charlemagne wearing a beard was not accurate at all, and that his image had been purposely concealed. But he wouldn't tell me more about what he looked like. His shop happens to be near the Elysees Palace where Charles De Gaulle was President, and many of his clients are members of the French Government. Maybe that's why he wouldn't say any more? The truth would be too shocking due to its implications, especially as he was revered and even venerated by the French almost like a demi-God.

Regarding the Clone Conspiracy in general, I cannot say what is going on. Sure, just like anyone else I'd rather consider that they are simply people who happen to carry certain genetic characteristics which will randomly express themselves from one generation to the next. But I find it uncanny that certain people happen to seem identical to a progenitor, and find themselves somehow magically propelled to become our rulers or celebrities. Statistically none of this can make sense, you could say that such an explanation defies logic as well as any known laws of science, the recurrence being so frequent as to defy any possible cause other than willful cloning by some group or groups.

This is the reason that the investigation by amateur sleuthing brought us to consider various alternative theories hopefully offering possible reasons for why Clones would be made and raised to high positions in our human society to the point where it appears that we are being RULED BY CLONES. This leads to the questions:




Regarding the investigative methods, the first one used here has been the verification of physiological traits and the visual appearance of people who lived often centuries ago and our contemporary politicians and celebrities. This has revealed an unusual and statistically impossible correlation between former members of royal lineages and contemporary plebeian politicians and stars. That they were cloned from their DNA is at least statistically the most compelling theory, given that cloning is a simple technical procedure which is today used to clone the meat we are sold in supermarkets in an industrial process, human cloning being far easier to perform if desired. Notions that this could not have been done before today's times is contradicted by the direct evidence of the presence of so many clones in these fields of endeavor.

Other investigative measures could include both donor and clone DNA sampling and whistleblower testimony. It is also going to be hard to ensure the authenticity of the source DNA samples, that no tampering with this DNA is done at any stage of its conveyance and handling, and that the Lab will remain honest and accurate despite the likely pressures to silence them. However I must suggest that we not pursue the path recommended above by the Captain, and that we must stop short of brutally interrogating or otherwise subjecting suspected Clones to any form of harsh treatment. While they might be a security threat, they are also possibly victims: those we have an axe to grind with are the ones creating them, programming them and controlling them. In the effort to investigate and understand the situation, any help is welcome.


edit on 21-5-2012 by Getsmart because: somebody is Cloning people, for some goddamn strange purpose !

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by Getsmart

Actually, I told this Sunday to a full table with people who have known me well for ages, who know my neighborhood, where I live, where my car was parked, the street I was walking down, where I witnessed the humungous Reptoid, and I told them over lunch that I had witnessed this one night back in 2007. It is harder to do when you are faced with the direct reaction of people who know you well, who trust you and respect your mind and judgment, and tell them such a story. They didn't know how to react, and I can well understand why. Some tried to change topic, to spare me ridicule. So it isn't exactly easy to have such an experience and relay it to others.

I'm really glad you are willing to share what you saw. I've started sharing more openly that I'm a trance medium. Anyway, most people barely see past the tips of their noses. It is time they broke out of their ridiculously small paradigm that has been constructed for them by the Controllers... The more people who share their experiences that don't fit into the box, the sooner the stupid false reality can be vanquished. Then we can get on with dealing with Reality as it is & now how they'd like it to be.

edit on 21-5-2012 by someotherguy because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by Getsmart

Assuming what you saw is absolutely true and you actually saw what you really did see, let me offer an alternate explanation based upon my own research into generally weird reptilian sightings and all that goes with them... Here I go again giving excerpts from my unpublished book:

The problem I have with Aliens is that they're just not alien enough for my taste. Yeah, statistically speaking they must exist but that's a far cry from them being bipeds which very roughly follow our same physical layout (2 legs, 2 arms, a head with 2 eyes, nose, mouth beneath flanked by 2 ears etc.). I won't go into the details here since they'd be off topic to say the least but from what I've read over the decades I tend to favor underground dwellers who evolved right here on Earth. To cut to the point, my theory: 65 million years ago not all the dinosaurs died out, a more intelligent breed survived by retreating underground. Possibly related to the Leaellynasaura, on the verge of intelligence and with big eyes... Give them millions of years of a headstart on evolving and founding a civilization than humanity and the results might be rather impressive.
Reptilians play quite a role in our ancient history if one cares to look. The talking serpent in the garden of Eden, various gods worshipped by ancient man including Kukulkan are at least "flying serpent" related. The Aztecs and Mayans got on off worshipping reptilians. If Madame Blavatsky, the founder of 19th Century Theosophy is to be believed, the Lemurians were reptilians, but I wouldn't place much faith in her as reliable source material. The Nagas were snake deities in India. The Australian aborigines worship the Rainbow Serpent as well as a snake critter named Wollunqua. Going way back to the ancient Egyptians, Set and Apophis were snake gods; and further back, the Sumerians had a snake god named Ningizzida. According to Greek mythology, a serpent named Ophion once ruled the world with Eurynome... The list goes on and on and is by no means complete. The bottom line here is that reptilian-worship was a worldwide phenomena going back into prehistory and one wonders if there's not something substantial in it, like a real-life species of intelligent snakes at one time or, rather, beings which at least superficially resembled snakes. After all, why worship these slithering critters? If you're going to worship animals, then why not worship birds or squirrels or wolves or deer or... The cold-blooded critters are It worldwide!
There's the old Chinese Dragon and, in fact, the whole dragon myth itself which is suspiciously similar to long-extinct dinosaurs like pteradactyls! Not surprisingly, in ancient China unearthed dinosaur bones were referred to as dragon bones. Fairy stories of knights slaying dragons who breathe fire and protect treasures in underground lairs Might have their basis in truth? The American Indians even had their Thunderbird, and the Mound-Builders left snake-like constructs... Dragons are said to live within the Earth according to some myths. Getting back to the Christian Church, Satan is often depicted as being reptilian and lives in an Underground Hell consisting of burning stones and oil--lava, as in geothermal underground heating? Old churches have Gargoyle statues and decorations which are uncannily reptilian... The Serpent figure is prominant all over the ancient world. Why? One theory is that thousands of years ago these guys walked the surface of the planet as gods, and as humanity grew more advanced and proliferated, the reptilian species retreated (presumably back underground from whence they came). The technical word for reptilian-worship, incidentally, is Ophiolatry.The reptilians might have not only influenced religions but created them to Control the population--blind speculation on my part, of course. If UFOnauts are dinosaur-descendants, then looking into deep space to find them is obvious misdirection when we should be digging 180 degrees in the opposite direction--right beneath our very feet. Of course that might be intentional, for what's more frightful: aliens from light years away or from miles underneath our own planet?This goes into a sub-genre of conspiracy/paranoia theories and stories relating to deep underground bunkers and cities either developed by aliens or by our government or by our government working with aliens, and some people who believe the last like to throw in the Illuminati for good measure! There are also beliefs in underwater UFOs, naturally related to underground dwellers. If you ask me, Mothman and the Jersey Devil are one and the same. And you notice those gargoyle carvings on old churches? The Devil is frequently drawn with reptilian features and lives in Hell... Where's Hell? Under our feet. Lava flows there. Brimstone. Maybe this is where certain Christian religious footnotes originate from...

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 02:16 AM
Hi Someotherguy,

Thanks for the words of support, for you can imagine what a kook you sound like when you tell a lunch table of twenty people such a story. Those who would try to be understanding notice others eyeing them, and there tends to be a judgment by consensus. Is he crazy? Just how crazy in he? But I know him and he's not at all crazy. Then why is he telling us this crazy story? Etc.

Hi Captain,

I am with you 100% in this being as much a possibility as the Repts being of other worldly origins. What shocked me was not so much its demeanor and size, but its intelligence, these beasties are less beasts than we are! They are damn smart. That is my trouble spot: we aren't the smartest ones on Earth and that hurts my human vanity. Plus it is our main justification for what we eat: stupid chickens and stupid cows are fine, but we are reluctant to eat monkeys and dolphins because they think.

These beings have such intense brainpower that I expect they feel as if we were akin to clucking chicken, and our quantum physics would sound to them like monosyllabic clucking does to us? We can even wonder if these aren't the creatures who tampered with human DNA eons ago just like we clone cows for steak quality? Is that why we are hairless, to make us easier to swallow without getting a fur ball? Whatever way we look at it, there must be some ominous reason why we aren't being told about these creatures.

Another thing that bothered me also was the fact that he was wearing "factory made" huge size clothing much like that found in our own stores. So presumably it was made by some production facility, and unless it was operated by robotics, drones, clones or alien grey biological robots, then some humans somewhere must have known that we are churning out size 120 shoes or five foot tall trousers?

So we can also justly ask ourselves if the Clone Conspiracy isn't somehow related to Inner Earth Reptilians who discretely interfere in our human affairs, tweaking our genetic development using their bio-robotic Greys, governing us and culturally grooming us through Cloned Avatars, and in general manning the Human Farm on the Surface of THEIR PLANET ?


posted on May, 22 2012 @ 02:27 AM

Originally posted by Getsmart

Thanks for the words of support, for you can imagine what a kook you sound like when you tell a lunch table of twenty people such a story. Those who would try to be understanding notice others eyeing them, and there tends to be a judgment by consensus.

Ick. Who cares what the stupid sheeple think? They live in a cardboard refrigerator box & think it's the whole world. LOL

Plus it is our main justification for what we eat: stupid chickens and stupid cows are fine

Chickens & cows are not *stupid.* People only tell themselves that to justify/rationalize being cruel to them. And I can tell you, the majority of humans barely function above the level of chimpanzees. They can't see anything past their feet. Definitely nothing to write home about.

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 07:56 AM
reply to post by Getsmart

Except I don't know what to believe anymore. All that I've typed is strictly Theory derived from half a century of reading and applying some basic common sense. I've never seen a reptilian. For all I know I could be 100% wrong and people seeing them could be delusional. I've been through the David Icke game and came to the conclusion that's he's the ultimate paranoid conspiracy writer who'll take scraps of virtually Anything and try to piece them together to fit his unique view so he can in turn incorporate it into his next best-selling book. A good example of this being Princess Diana's death as a deliberate assassination. His slim "evidence" being that her car smashed into a 13th pillar, the date of this tragedy, and a statement she once made about the royal family. I can only buy so much bunk up to a point. Reptilians at least have a strong backing throughout history and there's a curious worldwide worship of snakes going back to the dawn of our own species. "Demons" are frequently described/illustrated as having reptilian traits. Now to say that lizard people manipulated human DNA and perhaps Physically influenced Mankind is another big leap that I'm not certain on taking. One can only go so far into the unknown without physical evidence of any kind. If I dare go any deeper I'm afraid I might end up thinking that a misplaced pen might have been "stolen" by a non-human being attempting to stall my work...

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by CaptainLJB

Hi Captain,

I can well understand your reticence. There's an easy way of losing one's path and reason when things keep on matching up together but with nothing else we assume to be factual. It is a thin line between going over the deep end and remaining open minded and entertaining creative ideas. One has to fasten the mental seat belt and be ready for quite a roller coaster ride if delving into the world of Conspiracy Theories. Add to this the presence of quite a few amateur troublemakers and professional debunkers and disinformation artists, and you find it to be quite a jungle of fallacious information blended with some stupefying genuine facts.

Regarding David Icke's ideas about Princess Diana, I find it amusing that back when I used to browse his website that actually made a lot of sense to me but I couldn't for an instant believe anything he was saying about supposed Reptilian monsters. It seemed utterly ridiculous and preposterous to me. Now that I've had the distasteful and unwelcome experience of having to see one for myself, I now realize that it was one time where I ought to have been more open minded when reading his threads - actually I glimpsed at them before clicking off in mocking laughter... If you'd like some more info about Princess Diana, I know a bit about that stuff, having vacationed on the same beaches and clubbed in the same joints. I also know very well the roads between the location of the accident and know it would take an ambulance less than ten minutes to get there at that time of night. The Police Inspector investigating was the first cousin of the Doctor in charge of the emergency room, another coincidence.

Princess Diana: The Case Reviewed

I happen to believe that she was killed. There were eyewitnesses who came out briefly on local TV but were quickly hushed up and forgotten or got amnesia. Some present have since died in mysterious circumstances. But this isn't going to tell us any more about Clones, unless somebody can confirm that Diana was one?!?


posted on May, 22 2012 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by Getsmart

I need something really substantial to sink my teeth into. All I get these days is hearsay and read stuff about Bin Ladin dying half a dozen different ways in just as many locations.

When David Icke first started out writing books--this was before he went off the deep end with the reptilian agenda--his concepts of royal bloodlines ruling was believable and his sources were half decent. Then he started up with shapeshifters and now he's peddling The Matrix Is Real stuff. I can't take him seriously any longer.

Why kill Princess Diana? That's the question that should come straight to mind. Why bother? To me it would be like knocking off America's leading bimbo Paris Hilton. Take away the money background and what's left is mostly airhead. It's a far cry from assassinating a crackpot physicist or some genius who Might be on to some breakthrough in cold fusion or esoteric energy generation. I think the best Icke could do was with the Illuminati obsession with sacrifice ceremonies and their blood-letting.

Maybe cloning her isn't such a bad idea.

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 09:01 PM

Originally posted by CaptainLJB
reply to post by Getsmart

I need something really substantial to sink my teeth into.

Here are a bunch of articles on clones... Synthetic Life

When David Icke first started out writing books--this was before he went off the deep end with the reptilian agenda--

Huh? The OP of this thread was an eyewitness to a real, live reptilian. I think it's time for people to *try* to accept that such things exist.

Why kill Princess Diana? That's the question that should come straight to mind. Why bother?

If she'd been pregnant with Dodi Fayed's baby, as rumored, you bet they would.

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 09:17 PM
How about Sly Stallone?

There's always something new to discover in Vatican City. Anthony Zonfrell, 20, a visitor to the holy city did a double take when he saw Sylvester Stallone in one of Raphael's masterpieces.

OK, so it wasn't really Stallone. But the man who brought to life "Rocky," "Rambo" -- and is reprising his role in "The Expendables 2" this summer -- does bear more than a passing resemblance to an unnamed onlooker in a 1511 painting of Pope Gregory IX approving the Vatical Decretals.
Note the cheekbones. Note the heavy eyelids. Note the nose, the hair, the chiseled chin. Heck, everything about the holy man in the painting looks like Sly.

It's interesting to note that Stallone is himself a painter


Here is a thread I made on the story.

I am still puzzled as to why it was moved to general chit chat. I originally had in it general conspiracies

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 09:49 PM
reply to post by liejunkie01

Things get moved and deleted here all the time. Half a dozen of my messages were deleted for all sorts of devious reasons...

If it wasn't for that smear under the eye, that painting wouldn't look so much like Stallone.

In any case, these things crop up all the time. People look like people. 20 years ago people said I looked like John Belushi! A decade later like some other dopey actor! What really scared me, around the year 2000 I was in CompUSA looking at computers and, just because I had my sunglasses on at the time, some guy comes up to me and thought I was Elton John! I might have a squeaky voice at times but I don't have a real English accent, and I couldn't sing if my life depended upon it!

posted on May, 22 2012 @ 10:12 PM
reply to post by someotherguy

Reptilians are one thing. But shapeshifting extradimensional ones from Draconis who need to ingest human blood to keep their human form and are obsessive-compulsive over dates and sacred geometry (because they've infiltrated or formed the Freemasons) is too much. Besides, if they could do all that they'd have conquered this planet a thousand years ago. Heck, they wouldn't need to conquer this planet, for why should they need or want to enslave a bunch of stupid humans? I know, don't answer it, they Get Off on the emotions of our Misery and it feeds them. That alone is a good plot for an SF novel.

I prefer the more direct parallel evolution theory, with the scaly guys being dinosaur descendants who built underground cavern cities a million years ago. No need for aliens to travel dozens of light years here and adapt to our climate, or to fool around with human bloodlines, and no need to invoke extradimensional-whatever. You give me proof to the contrary and I'll take the next step in that direction, but all I ever come across is hearsay and Icke's groupies who've come to the wonderful conclusion that since the government is controlled by Them, there's no need to vote anymore. All I need now is just one big giant leap off of the deep end and I'll start believing in Heaven's Gate guys. Give me a knife and I'll castrate myself then suicide for a ride on a UFO in the next life.

Clones here, clones there. There are lookalikes all over, that's what nature's about. Doesn't mean aliens cloned Elvis. The dead guy's just got a Massive fan club of wannabe lookalikes and most of them aren't even halfway there beyond the outfits. I'm not saying cloning is impossible of course, only that it's not worth the time and effort...and for what? To deceive the fans? To infiltrate? If the Controllers have such massive tech at their disposal, cloning is like using a slide ruler in place of a calculator or computer. If you want to live forever through clone bodies (like a popular subplot in Star Wars literature), I don't even see the point in a duplicate body when any guy will do, provided that consciousness transferal is even possible, in which case you wouldn't need to wait a lifetime for a clone body to grow... Even if I ran into a clone face to face I'd still scream "professional impersonator" because there's more money in that than in a clone. Cloning around doesn't pay.

posted on May, 23 2012 @ 02:18 AM

Originally posted by liejunkie01
How about Sly Stallone?

Here is a thread I made on the story.

I am still puzzled as to why it was moved to general chit chat. I originally had in it general conspiracies

Hi Lie Junkie 01,

Here is a link to that painting which was discussed two pages ago in this very thread:

Painting showing 5 actors Cloned from the Vatican

Regarding your thread being moved: Not having empirical evidence is enough for threads to get moved into one or another ghetto, designed for loopy discussions, where they get a lot less traffic. This is why I prefer to simply post my threads right here directly in Skunk Works rather than repeatedly see them get moved.



posted on May, 23 2012 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by Getsmart

Sorry, I read the first few pages of the thread.

Next time I will read more.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 09:13 PM
Let's get back on track, my fellow ATSers.

Here's another clone...

King of England William III (1689–1702)

American Actor Adrian Brody

Same "poor-little-dog" eyes. Same eyebrows. Similar cheeks & chin. Mouth looks the same too. The only thing is King William III was older --when this portrait was painted-- than Brody is today.

Next one...

King of Luxembourg Philip IV (1621–1665)

American actor Michael Rapaport

Same arch of the eyebrows. Same eyes. Lips are shaped the same way. Rapaport doesn't sport the 'stache, but he features is also a red-head and has a very similar hair line/fore-head.

Anoter one...

King of Luxembourg Francis I (1708–1765)

French Filmaker Luc Besson

Eyes are not the exact same (Luc Besson has a fiery look whereas King Francis I has a tender look on this portrait). Same mouth. Same chin. Same cheeks (plus/minus the beard).

Anoter one...

King of Portugal Joao III

Actor of the century Robert De Niro

Okay. It's not 100% striking at first because King Joao III has fuller lips and more underlined eyebrows but... De Niro makes this funny facial with his lips which make them thinner than they are. Plus the older De Niro and King Joao both feature the same well-marked wrinkle between the cheeks and the mouth.

It's one thing to find royals and match them up with clones who are currently holding power position (politics, entertainment industry...). It's another thing to explain why and how it happens. I'll try my hand at that in a upcoming post.

posted on May, 24 2012 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by A$$Cube

Well, similarities in appearance are one thing but clones are another. If you can show me human cloning facilities which have been in use for centuries, you might have a better chance of convincing me. Many Orientals look the same to me, too, but I won't say they're the product of cloning... At least show us century-old photos of these cloning tanks. Something more substantial.

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 03:32 AM
You're sceptical as they come, Captain. It's not necessarly a bad thing, but I cannot provide you with the specific pieces of evidence you are looking for. I only have a few cards up my sleeves for now, and that is my ability and will to expose probable clones from men & women of power from the centuries.

It's easier to criticize and ask for proof than to find out clues and pieces off hard evidence to rely upon (pics, painting, scuptures...etc). If you feel like trying, please do it. If not, do not look down on those who try their best at underlining the (mostly) unheard (unspoken?) of --if that makes sense.

Ottoman Sultan Murad V

Morrocan/French comedian Gad Elmaleh

Similar earlobe. Same nose. Similar star and mouth.

posted on May, 25 2012 @ 08:05 AM
reply to post by A$$Cube

Being skeptical is the story of my life. I keep an open mind (but not too far open, else it might fall out). It sometimes leads me to alternate interpretations or conclusions. Let's just say that I don't like been force-fed anything by any government or special interest group. If there's any truth to this clone conspiracy, I'll probably find it by coming at it from an entirely different angle and in my own time. Like--on your assumption that it's real--Where is it all being accomplished? Underground bunkers, flying saucer lab facilities, Dimension X... Find these locations, find the hardware, prove the theory. Lookalike photos just aren't going to cut it. One might as well believe that we're not dealing with clones but dealing with immortals who've lived thousands of years and simply change their appearances and names to give the impression of aging and dying. Like Mr. Flint from Trek's "Requiem For Methuselah"... Oh, I hope I haven't opened up another can of worms... Sometimes I scare myself...

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