posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 08:44 PM
Wilcock is full of it.
Project Camelot is full of it.
I have seen things with my own eyes, I'm not saying there are no aliens to disclose. I know some of the whistle blowers at PC. I have interviewed
Some I believe, some not so much. Best I can do is evaluate and conclude for myself. But I can't be sure of many things, and would be dishonest to
act like I am.
I have read everything on that site and my conclusion is this.
There are real and fake whistle blowers there, that's the norm.
The hosts are money and publicity mongers. that's the norm.
They are biased. Pay attention to how Kerrie tries to water down everything she personally does not agree with.
If you are going to present information from secret sources and whistle blowers you can't filter the content according to the ones you personally
relate to.
Kerrie believes there are Good Aliens, and Evil Aliens. Fair enough. Other people say no, only friendly Aliens visit us.
We can argue this forever.
I get it, if Aliens had bad intentions, the tech that brought them here is more than enough to vaporize us in a nanosecond. Additionally our own short
lifespan as earthling has shown us that at least us humans use our tech for weapons, without fail. So it would make some sense that only peaceful
races survive their advanced tech stage.
On the other hand..... We have no way to know for sure. Maybe there has to be 2 sides. Maybe there is a universal struggle between good and evil?
Maybe it's like Star Trek, there is a Federation that rules most of the universe and there are nasties out there being kept at bay by the good
Maybe the bad guys run the show and the good guys are the underdog.
Maybe it's a free for all.
The point is, whatever the reality is, I don't need to have it shoved at me through some crackpots filter. I also don't want it to depend on some
New Age dweeb that reminds me of Prof. Erwin Corey
"The Worlds Foremost Authority".
I don't appreciate the additional layer of obfuscation created by Kerrie et. al. by keeping "some" things between them and the witness because
it's too sensitive, or too dangerous to release just yet.
This is BS and I think it best to doubt anything that comes out of PC.
I like the part where during the interview the "Skype" connection drops and Kerrie comes back and insinuates, it was done by TPTB because of what
Wicock was saying or was about to say. Give me a break. Anyone here ever have a problem on Skype?
Sorry Kerrie, that is paranoid at best. Wilcock insinuates the Spiral whatever was a warning to Obama not to disclose at the Nobel awards ceremony.
That is ridiculously delusional.
When the obviously "not a witness" Greg comes on, the first thing Wilcock asks for is proof, and sources.
WHAT THE FFFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wilcock wants proof and sources? Where are his proof and verifiable sources?
You would think after none of their predictions come to pass they will be discredited. Don't hold your breath, as long as there are gullible people,
there will be places like PC in line to take your money and spin you their tales.
They are out there and eventually we will know about them for sure but I'll predict when disclosure happens it will not be predicted by a new age
Nostradamus, and it won't come from Project Liealot.
As 2012 approaches keep an eye and ear out for the same excuses we got before 2000 from the sages. It's already started the creep to 2022.
"The Coming Global Superstorm" never happened but it sure made millions for Art Bell and Streiber. Drunvalo Melchizedek is happily spending the
millions he made off the year 2000 scam. Flower of Life.
Len Horowitz is also cashing in on the pandemics and depopulation conspiracies he invented.
Who foots the bill for these thieves?
I can't wait to know for sure, but I'm not going to trust people that keep on asking for more time and more money to finish the job.
Reminds me of a crooked contractor cheating an old lady.