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People implicated in 9/11

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posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 10:24 AM

The people from whom the conspirators bought the fake planes.

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 11:08 AM

Originally posted by TrickoftheShade

The people from whom the conspirators bought the fake planes.

They used fake planes?
What were fake planes used for?
Where were these fakes planes in play?
Who makes and sells fake planes?

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by Lillydale

They used fake planes?
What were fake planes used for?
Where were these fakes planes in play?
Who makes and sells fake planes?

You'll have to ask impressme. It's his theory.

Personally I think it sounds crazy.

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 12:54 PM

Originally posted by TrickoftheShade

You'll have to ask impressme. It's his theory.

Personally I think it sounds crazy.

When did he say that they used fake planes?

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 12:57 PM
In the thread "Did the USAF Help pull off 911?" he contends that the conspirators bought fake planes and flew them remotely into the buildings.

He is, I think, uncertain as to what happened to the real planes.

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 01:26 PM

Originally posted by TrickoftheShade
In the thread "Did the USAF Help pull off 911?" he contends that the conspirators bought fake planes and flew them remotely into the buildings.

He is, I think, uncertain as to what happened to the real planes.

I guess I will have to go ask what is meant by 'fake' planes because when I see it, all I can think of it a plane that is not real.

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by Lillydale

I don't believe that 1000 people or more were involved. If there were, then you take the chance that "someone" would blab.

The guys who wired the buildings HAD to know what they were doing, it's a job for experts. The planes, well there again it's hard to say, my feelings are they were remotely controlled.

This whole saga must have taken a VERY long time to put together, who did it must have been a group of very well organised dudes.

The magnitude of this operation smels like a "military" op to me.

Chances are we will never know, but then again, I do believe that someone's consious will get the better of them as the years pass.

Expect a whistleblower in years to come, I HOPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 01:55 PM

Originally posted by downunderET

The magnitude of this operation smels like a "military" op to me.

Chances are we will never know, but then again, I do believe that someone's consious will get the better of them as the years pass.

Expect a whistleblower in years to come, I HOPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If only we had some kind of military on the government payroll that had no real allegiance to anything other than the almighty dollar. Imagine if we had greedy folks with no conscience that were willing to believe that the end justifies the means. Now imagine if the troops were mostly people from other countries just looking to get paid for anything, even kill people or risk getting killed for whatever they are told. We could call them WhiteAir, or GrayFog, RainbowIce, BlackWater.

Sorry, that all just sounds like stupid conspiracy nonsense. The US would never employ such a force.

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by Asktheanimals

Evidence of other's implication in 9/11:

Lisa Simpson holds this up before 9/11/01
Coincidence? I think not.

From the movie The Matrix 1999.
Look at the passport expiration date.

Mossad and Hollywood seem to be the major conspirators here.

Further evidence:

[edit on 21-12-2009 by LuxFestinus]

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 04:27 AM
Why would movie studios want to leave clues if they were involved in killing people? It would seem a very odd way to cover up a cover up.

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 04:29 AM
However, fair enough - I will add them to the list:

Hollywood studios and producers

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 04:56 AM
reply to post by hellfrozeover

With that in mind, from my knowledge of Construction and Demolitions, there is NOWAY Tower 1, 2 or 7 came down due to structural failing caused by fire...Period.

Anyone with the most basic knowledge of explosives could not believe that for a second. The only way to bring buildings down like that is with Controlled Demolitions. If their was structural failing the damage around the area would have been far greater in scope...blocks around, 1300'+(over a quarter mile) buildings falling in all directions, would have made the area and body count eminence.

Just that fact alone and not all the other BS, is reason enough to call for another investigation. Why are people so damn blind? Are they just to afraid to consider their government is that F-ing Evil?

thx you for your reply !!!! Just wanted to point out to the other members of what you said.. and it's the reason I made you a friend..

thx you !!! It's because of members like you that bring solid knowledge to the unresolved issue of murder at the twin towers into closer scrutiny to help free the minds of the lies they've tried to feed us.


posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 08:25 AM

Liz Foreman, at WCPO

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 08:55 AM
Can you also add to the list 19 guys who couldn't fly a Cessna and some cavemen commanding them telepathically?

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 09:02 AM
Can't possibly be that the US government was blindsided by a more intelligent enemy and they pulled off 911, huh?
Couldn't be that there are people out there that want to kill non-muslims because of their laws, huh?
Couldn't possibly be that someone has the technology to pull off a simple operation of flying planes into buildings, because apparently that's so freeking difficult to do and no one could have possibly thought that up.
Americans are dumb, that's what happened on 911.

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 09:15 AM
reply to post by TrickoftheShade

Far fewer people had to know the true mission from the beginning, and then afterward there were more who became "in on it" but were given strong incentive to keep their mouths shut.

For example, you said NORAD was in on it, but that does not have to be true at all. By presidential executive order, before 9/11, Cheney had assumed sole authority for giving any order to shoot planes down, and it is on record that the men who normally tell the military to shoot planes down were asking him "does that order still stand sir?" to which Cheney said "Of course it does!"

Obviously, all you needed was ONE man at NORAD, the Vice President, calling the shots, and everyone else would obey orders.

Also, wiring the buildings would only need to have those actually doing the wiring "in on it" since it was likely done during that period when they were retrofitting the buildings with a new security system. But clearly, there was something else used on those buildings beside super Thermite, because we have video of the steel sides of the building disintegrating into find dust, and also of many cars around the buildings melted and charred as if hit by a thermonuclear device. This strongly suggests some kind of micro-nuke or energy weapon of some kind also being employed. So, while super-thermite may have been used to cut some major joints, it does not explain why all the metal, including filing cabinets, etc., were all turned to dust. So, there may not have been that much thermite used, lowering the need for more in-the-know people. A single high-tech device planted in the basement may have been the main bomb.

We also see examples of FBI agents being told to not investigate things, and reports being ignored, so it is fully possible that only the very top people knew.

Quite honestly, most people working in government during those days in 2001 would do whatever the Whitehouse said, without question, or if they did question, they were either ignored, told to leave alone, or more severely threatened.

Not sure if 50 is the right number, or perhaps it was 100. All you really need is the Whitehouse, the top people at the alphabet soup agencies (FBI, NSA, CIA, etc.), the joint chiefs perhaps, Mayor Giuliani, and that's about it. You can get everyone else to do their part though official existing procedures, since people are used to taking orders, and if they do question, all it takes is the right threat to get them to back down. Also, don't forget compartmentalization, which works very well at not letting the left hand know what the right hand is doing. The other thing they really had going for them was that nobody ever thought something like 9/11 could ever happen, and since people tend to always want to find some other "rational explanation" for strange events, that would have been working during those days also. Now, people know better and it would be a lot harder today to pull the same stunt... a LOT harder.

[edit on 22-12-2009 by downisreallyup]

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 09:19 AM

Originally posted by SphinxMontreal
Can you also add to the list 19 guys who couldn't fly a Cessna and some cavemen commanding them telepathically?

No, they apparently weren't involved.

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 09:23 AM

Originally posted by JJay55
Can't possibly be that the US government was blindsided by a more intelligent enemy and they pulled off 911, huh?
Couldn't be that there are people out there that want to kill non-muslims because of their laws, huh?
Couldn't possibly be that someone has the technology to pull off a simple operation of flying planes into buildings, because apparently that's so freeking difficult to do and no one could have possibly thought that up.
Americans are dumb, that's what happened on 911.

Why don't you go and study the MANY problems with that stupid official story and then come back to discuss any particular point. Given the evidence at hand, NO, those things you asked in your post could not have happened.

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 09:37 AM
"No, they apparently weren't involved"

Are you claiming the trustworthy Government and media lied to us? Now I'm really confused.

"Obviously, all you needed was ONE man at NORAD, the Vice President, calling the shots, and everyone else would obey orders."

On a serious note, the perpetrators could not just blindly assume that everyone else would obey orders. This is probably why the attacks coincided with military exercises being held on 9/11 - to genuinely confuse the air defense system and decrease the chances of a "hero pilot" foiling the plan by disobeying orders and shooting down the attacking aircraft.

Basically, the military exercises insured the success of the attacks. Now, I wonder who has the power and resources to plan both the attacks and military exercises on the same day? I guess that's what you get for underestimating a bunch of cavemen.

posted on Dec, 22 2009 @ 09:42 AM
Talk is again of peace,
even as the air rings
with the hammer striking steel.
The cry is for the Jews
to be just, once more,
and shrink back to borders
that invited war.
For what purpose
does the hammer ring?
Is it a time to mourn
or a time to sing?

William Cohen, Secretary of Defense 2001

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