reply to post by Hermes8
They do everything right in front of our noses because it is humans who are too stupid to notice
Every once in while they allow a naval base to be bombed despite having prior knowledge in order to engage in a world war
(submarine warnings prior to Pearl Harbor/ WWII)
Every once in a while they start a police action based upon a lie
(Gulf of Tonkin/Vietnam)
Every once in a while they start a police action based upon a lie
(Directional drilling in Kuwait/Iraq I)
Every once in a while they start a police action based upon a lie
(No WMD's/Iraq II)
Every once in a while they start a police action based upon a lie
(Bin Ladin was a CIA asset until the day of 911/Afghanistan)
(BTW... OPIUM anyone?)
Every once in a while they blow up 3 buildings in order to start a phony war on a faceless enemy that will never end
(911/"War on Terror"tm)
Every once in a while they give minorities diseases just to see what happens
(Tuskeegee Syphilis Experiments/War on Black People)
(Crack/War on Black People)
(Small Pox filled blankets/War on Native Americans)
Every once in a while they contract the Bill of Rights to the Federal Government. Rights that we were already guaranteed through the Constitution
(14th amendment/we are property of the Federal Government/Reserve)
Shall I continue....
The governments of the world never lie, so I am 100% SURE that the "official" storyline that this spiral was produced by a "rocket" is 100% true.
Trust the government.....
It's much easier than dissent. And a lot less stressful too.
Here is some Prozac. Go back to sleep.