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Pre "Big Bang"

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posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 12:09 AM
Ok, I know how it supposedly happened but there had to be something going on before that right.
Well I've got no real clue, no one really ever will, but what do you think?

Srry wrong category here so I guess I'll add something.

Hi everybody!

I just started today like 2 hours ago and finished my post's.
Been reading this site for past year and it's really interesting and I have questions.
In school right now learning about everything and this stuff is probale the best out there (some mind blowing thery's).

[edit on 14-12-2009 by TheUserz]

posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 12:34 AM
reply to post by TheUserz

Well considering that the big bang is still only a theory and can't be proved to try and say what was here pre-big bang would also only be theory and not provable.

posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 12:40 AM
You use to be able to see evidence of the big bang on your TV, as several decades ago the background radiation was at the right frequency to be picked up by your TV antenna, which came in as snow (although, only a small bit of the "snow" was actually the big bang background radiation. I think it was like 2% or something)

Wow, having the slightest bit of an education really helps, and I'm happy for you that they're teaching you interesting things in school, so you don't end up like some of these people who are, apparently, anti science, and hate to think.

Hehe, that being said, there was no "before" the big bang, as far as anybody knows. The reason is because there was no space-time before the big bang (again, as far as anybody knows).

Without space-time, or to be more specific, "time," there is no "before."

That doesn't mean there's not more to the universe than our space-time bubble -- it's just that the only part of the universe we know about, currently, is our space-time bubble.

posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 12:49 AM
reply to post by TheUserz

According to Buddhist teachings, we are in endless cycles of rebirth and this includes the universe! The Buddha estimated the cycle from Big Bang (not called that then obviously) to Big Collapse (not even called that now) to be around 37 million years.

I don't which sutra [teaching] this is in but I'm sure you could find it online somewhere if this strikes you as some sort of truth.

posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 01:13 AM
The universe is a funny thing indeed and not endles.

This is a good way to think of how your universe works

Person: Why am i here?
Reality: To grow and keep it going
Person: keep what going?
Reality: Me?
Person: But i dont understand what you in fact are?
Reality: Im the thing that created you
Person: Yes i know but WHY?
Reality: I just told you
Person: yeah i know but what i mean is WHY me? why all this?
Reality: Well you are able to ask are you not?
Person: er yes? but whats that got to do with anything?
Reality: Without the function of asking i dont work
Person: heh? what you mean by that?
Reality: I am just like you

Person: heh? wat you mean?
Reality: I dont know why i am here
Person: but that makes no sens??
Reality: In order for the universe to work requires a question
Person: So what is the question then ?
Reality: I dont know im not asking it
Person: ok now im confused.. ok whats the answer to the question?
Reality: you are
Person: Me?
Reality: Yup
Person: ok thats just blew my mind
Reality: Thought it would

posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 01:47 AM
In ___ there are many dimensions. When three of these dimensions touched, they created a singularity, which began magnetically drawing these three dimensions into themselves, creating a focal point for this growing singularity. This might be compared to a leak, caused by the rupture of these three dimensions at a point. Hence, you have three dimensions and time.

Or, God made it.

posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 02:10 AM

Originally posted by Kaytagg

there was no "before" the big bang, as far as anybody knows. The reason is because there was no space-time before the big bang (again, as far as anybody knows).

Without space-time, or to be more specific, "time," there is no "before."

That doesn't mean there's not more to the universe than our space-time bubble -- it's just that the only part of the universe we know about, currently, is our space-time bubble.

This is partially correct. Quantum Theory (or to be more precise Membrane Theory) suggests that our Universe is merely one of an infinite number of Universes, separated by a membrane of sorts, known as the Multiverse. They are created and exist because every choice made by anyone ever in history theoretically created a new Universe where the choice not chosen in our Universe is played out.

Now, having said that, the membranes separating the Universes are constantly in motion and theoretically can touch and interact, briefly exposing each of the two Universes to each other and opening up the possibility that one Universe can transfer some of it's contents to another. The Big Bang could be theorised to have been one of these interactions, and the moment of the Big Bang can be said to be the matter being transferred to our Universe from the other. This opens up the possibility of time and space existing BEFORE the Big Bang in a separate Universe.

Never forget, though, that the concept of "Time" is nothing more than a creation of man in an attempt to put order to seeming chaos.

[edit on 14/12/2009 by Kryties]

posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 04:19 AM
Yet the concept of time still exsist.

If the great collapse was to occur, what would happen at the point of termination?

I thought I read a theory somewhere that the collapse could reach an apex and start expanding again.

Anyone else hear this?

posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 04:21 AM
The oscillating universe is quite interesting too. In this scenario the universe expands to a certain point before contracting again. Eventually the universe collapses under it's own weight creating the mother of all singularities which goes pop (a.k.a big bang) and the process starts all over again.

If we accept this as fact then the universe always exists in a pre/post big bang.

Personally I favor the multiverse theory.

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 01:40 PM
The Big Bang is a atheistic word for GOD. Big Bang created the universe.

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 01:47 PM
the problem i have with the big bang is, if the universe was in fact created from one exact point, wouldnt the force from that bang EVENLY of dissipated throughout the universe, and yet we have stars that fade or blow up into black holes at different points in the cosmos at different times

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