posted on Dec, 15 2009 @ 12:07 AM
good v evil and the product;..really the Trinity...a short story
Principally the Universal mechanism of creation and metaphysically anthropomorphized as the dichotomy of..good v 'evil'..light v dark ..etc. The
interplay of unity v exclusivism; the self as opposed to the whole.
The first, the idea or thought that is Us.
The innermost subtler, inclusive and supernal levels of the Unity, The Divine Mind or Will, associated with the higher self. Atma or Spirit. The
Father, The Noumenal, informing factor in Creation.
The second are the outer, baser, plasticized levels; exclusive both physically & psychically, tending towards separation and multiplicity.
Associated with the lower personality self. It is known as Manas, Intelligent Activity. The Mother or Divine Nature. The Phenomenal or staging factor
in Creation.
They merge to give birth to the Universe [(s), periodical 'Big Bangs'], a fragmentation of Matter and Spirit and the prime divine objective of
creation, the creation of Monads or Group Souls of separated vehicles of consciousness, which in turn become the seeds of countless personalized
incarnate beings, Individual Souls or Causal Bodies, and in turn everything physical or material as differentiated our bodies, animals,
minerals etc.
The "battle" or equalization takes place on an individual basis, symbolized as the cross or Tau, it is the result of the struggle of the lower self
or the divine animal, the desire body or the kama rupa, living out the divine idea through corporeal existence ie, life; and henceforth its effort to
execute the original program or seminal wish, via the adverserial conditions of nature, and achieve the life that was required. It is essentially
existence, or The Play.
It has been wrongly interpreted and corrupted by dogmatic and exoteric religions as Satan, devils, evil etc.
The end product of this individual incorporation(after countless incarnations) and eventual apotheosis or return to Divinity, is the amalgamation of
these group souls, into the Cosmic Soul, which is known occidentally as The Son or the 'Christ' consciousness; and esoterically as The Perfected Man
or Love/ Wisdom or Buddhi. It is the harvest of the crop sown, the fruit of the Garden. The Idea executed. The 'God' created.
We are all this at different times.