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The Media And The 9/11 Truth Movement

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posted on Dec, 17 2009 @ 07:23 PM
reply to post by ugie1028

Well ugie1028, I do not see why any of this should be a surprise or an afront to you. The media does not entertain conspiracy theory. Not about JFK or Oklahoma nor 911. If someone in the media did entertain conspiracy theory, even for a moment, they would be fired and replaced.

The mainstream media long ago stopped caring about getting to the bottom of a story and has evolved into a business like any other, only the bottom line matters. Stories about presidential scandals and who died today, this is what sells not CT.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by SmokeyDawn
Whoaaa!! I totally missed (or ignored) that part!! Seriously!!

In truth, I'm not surprised. The problem with Loose Change is that their first version included almost every goofball conspiracy claim involving 9/11 that there was, including half baked analysis of blurry video taken a mile away of light reflecting off the wings of flight that they claimed were missiles launching from the aircraft just before it hit the towers...which all 500 OTHER videos clearly show never happened. They realized their first version contained a lot of slop, so they edited it and released a second version.

...and it turned out that the second version ALSO contained a lot of slop, so they edited it again and released a THIRD version. Those snake oil peddlers are in this exclusively for the money and don't give a fig about the truth, so they're still selling all three versions, slop and all. Which conspiracy claims they're making is entirely dependent on which of the three versions you buy.

There IS a reason why I hold these conspiracy web sites in such utter contempt, after all- the only reason why the events of 9/11 sound so confusing to begin with is specifically becuase of the mischief these damned fool conspiracy web sites are causing. They're intentionally putting out rubbish to get people all paranoid over shadows so that they can sell you their trinkets. If you don't believe me, log onto their web site's discussion board and start discussing all the flaws in their videos, and see how long it takes to get you banned. For me, it was three weeks.

But I really only remember the points they raised that made sense and that they produced some evidence for....then I went to find more info from EVERY other source to find my own answers! *nod*
I'm usually the most skeptical of people believe it or not! lol
See my brain still rejects most garbage!

Good for you! This is what I've been saying since day one- if these conspiracy theorists were to only hold these conspiracy claims up to the exact same stringent level of critical analysis that they do the 9/11 commission report, they wouldn't be conspiracy theorists, for very long. For one thing, why on EARTH would anyone waste their time faking some crash site in the middle of nowhere out in Pensylvania to fool us, and then turn around and launch a cover up to conceal the fake crash site they made in the middle of nowhere to fool us. Loose Change said the plane actually landed in some secret base in, hmmm, Ohio, was it? How secret can the base be is some college kid making internet videos in his dorm room knows about it?

Sheesh, try to keep the conspiracy claims at least a little realistic, people.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by ugie1028

I think it's a defense mechanism for the deluded. How dare you question your Government!? It's okay if it was 19 coloured men who are from another country. However, if you suspect white men on our own soil perpetrated the attacks then you got to be mad. You're a flat earther, conspiracy nut or you simply just enjoy a great conspiracy

It probably taps into the ultimate fear. The people who are meant to be serving you are actually working against you. As a result, some people will completely distort the opposing view to protect their sacred view of Government.

People probably feel like they have no control over their lives if they suspect Government's could be behind attacks like this. It's the ultimate helplessness and it scares the hell out of the softminded person. They will aggressively defend their Government at all costs. How dare you question your Government!

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 12:28 PM

Originally posted by IrnBruFiend
I think it's a defense mechanism for the deluded. How dare you question your Government!? It's okay if it was 19 coloured men who are from another country. However, if you suspect white men on our own soil perpetrated the attacks then you got to be mad. You're a flat earther, conspiracy nut or you simply just enjoy a great conspiracy

Nah, that's not it. The fact is that EVERYONE questions the gov't already, to the point where Bush couldn't even out a CIA agent without hordes of journalists tracing it back to him.

the problem the conspiracy theorists are against is that if they don't agree with what the 9/11 commission report says, then it becomes their obligation to provide us with an explanation that better fits the facts, and so far, their explanations are even MORE absurd than what they're trying to refute, and only generates more questions than answers. Heck, I don't think there are two of you that can even agree on what the "secret conspiracy" really is or who's really behind it.

That of course doesn't take into account the hordes of outright crackpots flocking to the truther movement an an emotional outlet and churning out every goofball claim from lasers from outer space to nukes in the basement to the planes being holograms. I don't have to tell you that they make all of you look bad by association, do I?

It probably taps into the ultimate fear. The people who are meant to be serving you are actually working against you. As a result, some people will completely distort the opposing view to protect their sacred view of Government.

You remind me of a Jehovah's Witness I once knew. He said that the only reason I didn't accept God's truth that the world is only 6000 years old, the dinosaurs are all fake and that WWI was caused by Satan being thrown out of Heaven, was becuase I was a coward. Only children take that type of absurd argument seriously.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Good for you Dave. Very clever.

I take it it's standard procedure for all multi-story buildings to be constructed with explosive military thermite then?

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

GoodOlDave, after reviewing your previous posts on this thread, you are now one of my sharp friends. You could do with a mentor on 9/11 before you needlessly exhibition yourself as a pillock. It's a flopsided argument my friend. And you're on the flopside. Haha.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by IrnBruFiend
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Good for you Dave. Very clever.

I take it it's standard procedure for all multi-story buildings to be constructed with explosive military thermite then?

You are pulling my leg right ? You can't be saying the WTC towers were consructed, in the 1960's, with thermite. Can you ?

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 02:53 PM
reply to post by Alfie1

I detect sarcasm....

I think...

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by Alfie1
You are pulling my leg right ? You can't be saying the WTC towers were consructed, in the 1960's, with thermite. Can you ?

I think he's referring to Steven Jones report that aluminum/iron oxide residue was found in the dust at ground zero, which he identifies all on his own as being actual thermite. The largest documented source for both in the area are obviously the towers, so to keep the claim that the residue was thermite rather than materials that came off the structure itelf, this guy is making a pun that the towers were made of thermite.

I suppose it's technically true, but it's like saying the sailing ship USS Constitution was made out of of a vegetable.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 03:08 PM

Originally posted by IrnBruFiend
GoodOlDave, after reviewing your previous posts on this thread, you are now one of my sharp friends. You could do with a mentor on 9/11 before you needlessly exhibition yourself as a pillock. It's a flopsided argument my friend. And you're on the flopside. Haha.

Feel free to call me a pillock, or that I'm really adopted, or that I kick pregnant dogs, or whatever, if it happens to make you feel better about your own self image. I really don't care. There's only one thing I care to hear from any of you, here: how is anything I posted here incorrect?

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Oooooohhhhh! Goody, non American English insults.

Are we allowed to use those, now, in lieu of the good old standards?

'Bollocks'! 'Pillocks'! 'Arse'! 'Harvey Wallbanger'! (oh wait...that's a beverage...I think)

'Fanny'! (too much???)

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 06:02 AM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave

how is anything I posted here incorrect?

Simple. Because it's not very hard to debunk the 9/11 Conspiracy. You failed to detect my sarcasm in the previous post. I'll try and really simplify it for you without your style of whining and going off on tangents and comparing statements to poor analogies. Try sticking to the topic. Take a deep breath. Be precise and coherent. This is where you are with 9/11:

a) You have genuinely not managed to see past the fraudulent official story.

b) You don't want to believe it.


posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 06:05 AM
reply to post by weedwhacker

Sorry for not having an American insult. Considering I'm not American maybe that would make sense. You can give me a class on how to Americanise my insults in other thread.

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 06:07 AM
reply to post by Alfie1

No obviously that's impossible. The towers were brought down with help of thermite.

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