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Star Wars questions

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posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 11:22 AM
1. If you had to choose the side you like the most from all the Star Wars flicks what would it be?

Empire (IV-VI)
Rebels (IV-IV)
Republic (I-III)

Answer: CIS


2. Favorite good character: Han Solo

3. Favorite evil character: General Grievous

4. Favorite Jedi: Kit Fisto

5. Favorite Sith: Darth Vader

6. Favorite Film: V

7. Favorite Battle: Hoth

(feel free to add more questions if ya like. Also I am stiking to the main 6 movies)


[edit on 12-1-2010 by Gazrok]

posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 01:50 PM
1. If you had to choose the side you like the most from all the Star Wars flicks what would it be?

Empire (IV-VI)
Rebels (IV-IV)
Republic (I-III)
CIS (I-III) (Coalition of Independent Systems...who even knows this?)
Jedi Council (I-III)

Answer: Jedi Council (they weren't the Republic, Rebels, or the Empire, but their own entity)

2. Favorite good character: Obi Wan (he was the man)

3. Favorite evil character: The Emperor (the man with the plan)

4. Favorite Jedi: Yoda (nothing better than when he dueled)

5. Favorite Sith: Just to be different than previous answer, Vader

6. Favorite Film: VI (Empire Strikes Back), The heroes didn't win, they just survived

7. Favorite Battle: Luke and Darth Vader in the Cloud City (Empire)

8. Least Favorite Battle: Obi Wan and Quygon against Darth Maul (two good guys vs. a bad guy, something aint right here)...

9. Favorite Fighter: The X-Wing (just liked the freshness of it)

10. Favorite Ship: The Executor Class Super Star Destroyer (we brake for nobody)

posted on Dec, 14 2009 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by KyoZero

Rebels (IV-IV)


2. Favorite good character: Han Solo only cause he was so hot and naughty. But I also like Leigh.

3. Favorite evil character: The emporor

4. Favorite Jedi: Yoda

5. Favorite Sith: Darth Vader

6. Favorite Film: Empire, and watched family guys spoof of it last night!

7. Favorite Battle: Darth v Luke light sabre battle

See you at the next convention

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 02:05 AM
I'm a huge star wars fan (I don't know anything about Staw Wars, though :p) and I have seen the original trilogy literally dozens of times. (the new ones only maybe 3-4 times each), and my answers to the questions are:

1. If you had to choose the side you like the most from all the Star Wars flicks what would it be?

Rebels (IV-VI) Nothing cooler than rebels with a cause.

2. Favourite good character: Luke Skywalker. In fantasy, I always like the wizards, and Luke is the closest equivalent in Star wars :p

3. Favourite evil character: Emperor Palpatine. This guy is the epitome of evil. I made a long-running AD&D villain in my campaign based on his personality and power level.

4. Favourite Jedi: It would be Luke, but to avoid repeating #2, I think I'd go with someone like Mace Windu. Or Yoda, or Obi-wan, or Qui-gon. :p They are all pretty good characters.

5. Favourite Sith: Again, it would be the Emperor, but to avoid repeating #3, I'll say Darth Vader. I wasn't impressed by Count Dooku, and Darth Maul didn't get enough screen time for me to get attached to.

6. Favourite Film: VI (though most star wars fans pick V) When I first saw star wars, I was about 8-9, so at that time I liked the greater action in VI, but being older I can now appreciate the deeper story behind V. I still like VI best, even though it had ewoks in it.

7. Favourite Battle: Not sure whether this means large army/space fleet battle or can include individual battles, so...

-large battle: either destroying the first Death Star, or the Hoth battle.
-individual battle: Vader vs Luke in the throne room of the emperor

8. Least Favourite battle: Jar Jar leading all of the gunguns(sp?) against the droid army.

9. Favourite Fighter: No real preference.

10. Favourite Ship: Executor

This ignores any books/comics/etc, only looking at the six movies. I haven't read very many of the books.

posted on Dec, 17 2009 @ 09:43 AM
If including the books, my favorite ship is the Eclipse....(the size of a Super Star Destroyer, the gravity well generators to hold ships from escaping to hyperspace, and a laser nearly as powerful as a Death Star)....suck it Rebels!!!

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 05:31 PM
I cannot believe I spelled that wrong...I should be thrown in the pit of Sarlacc for that


posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 07:01 PM
1. If you had to choose the side you like the most from all the Star Wars flicks what would it be?

Empire (IV-VI)
Rebels (IV-IV)
Republic (I-III)
CIS (I-III) (Coalition of Independent Systems...who even knows this?)
Jedi Council (I-III)

Answer: Empire : IV-VI

2. Favorite good character: Han Solo.
3. Favorite evil character: Grand Moff Tarkin.
4. Favorite Jedi: Yoda.
5. Favorite Sith: Vader.
6. Favorite Film: Empire Strikes Back.
7. Favorite Battle: Hoth.
8. Least Favorite Battle: Reclaiming the Palace - Episode I (snore).
9. Favorite Fighter: Tie
10. Favorite Ship: Executor Class Super Star Destroyer.


11. Favorite unoffical character: Stacy aka "Pink Five".

*edit to add - just noticed the vid didn't link up here, but it's well worth the extra click.

[edit on 12/23/09 by GENERAL EYES]

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 07:26 PM
need to add my favourite parody
Your all drones especially the drone!

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 10:01 PM
1. If you had to choose the side you like the most from all the Star Wars flicks what would it be?

Empire (IV-VI)
Rebels (IV-IV)
Republic (I-III)
CIS (I-III) (Coalition of Independent Systems...who even knows this?)
Jedi Council (I-III)

Answer: Rebels : IV-VI

2. Favorite good character: Wedge Antilles
3. Favorite evil character: Count Dooku ( Its Christopher Lee for crying out loud)
4. Favorite Jedi: Obiwan
5. Favorite Sith: Count Dooku ( see 3 )
6. Favorite Film: A New Hope
7. Favorite Battle: Death Star Battle in space Return of the Jedi
8. Least Favorite Battle: Droids vs Gungans- Episode I
9. Favorite Fighter: A wing, (if you have played the X wing and tie fighter pc games you will understand why)
10. Favorite Ship: Millenuim Falcon

posted on Dec, 25 2009 @ 05:43 PM
1. Sith

2. I'm going with Wedge also.

3. Bobba Fett

4. Klo Ploon

5. Vader

6. Empire Strikes Back. It was the first movie I saw as a kid and I fell in love with the Hoth battle.

7. See #6

8. Gungan/Droids

9. At-At

10. Slave-1

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 05:50 PM
ohh some fun behind the scenes shot of starwars, like chewy grabbing leigh on the knockers

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by zazzafrazz

Those are awesome! I hadn't seen those before, thanks. I tried to give a star, but I didn't see the thing to click on for some reason. Does BTS not have stars?

posted on Dec, 28 2009 @ 07:49 PM
reply to post by DragonsDemesne

nope, just flaggin option for the OP, you should flag the op

posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 01:39 AM
1. If you had to choose the side you like the most from all the Star Wars flicks what would it be?

Empire (IV-VI)
Rebels (IV-IV)
Republic (I-III)

Answer: Empire. They are the real good guys after all. All that they want to do is preserve peace in the galaxy and those rebel terrorists went and blew up their "mining facility".


2. Favorite good character: Darth Vader (see answer above)

3. Favorite evil character: Yoda (masterminded sending uninformed farmboy to kill his own father)

4. Favorite Jedi: Anakin Skywalker

5. Favorite Sith: Darth Sidious (emperor for those who don't know)

6. Favorite Film: III

7. Favorite Battle: obi wan vs. anakin in III

(feel free to add more questions if ya like. Also I am stiking to the main 6 movies)

favorite character from the "expanded" universe (ie. Books, comics, games): Talon Karde

Favorite "species": Verpine

posted on Aug, 17 2010 @ 02:31 AM
reply to post by KyoZero

1. If you had to choose the side you like the most from all the Star Wars flicks what would it be?

Empire (IV-VI)
Rebels (IV-IV)
Republic (I-III)

Answer: Empire (just for the hardware)

2. Favorite good character: Han Solo

3. Favorite evil character: Emperor

4. Favorite Jedi: Obi Wan (sir Alec Guinness)

5. Favorite Sith: Darth Vader

6. Favorite Film: Empire Strikes Back (The most grown up of all of them)

7. Favorite Battle: Hoth

8. Biggest disappointment: Ewoks (How the hell could those silly little fur balls take on imperial troops?? Should have been a planet of wookies... would have been much more believable and would have been a great side story for chewie... curse you Lucas, genius and idiot all in the same body)

posted on Sep, 6 2010 @ 11:41 PM
1. If you had to choose the side you like the most from all the Star Wars flicks what would it be?

Empire (IV-VI)
Rebels (IV-IV)
Republic (I-III)

Answer: Empire


2. Favorite good character: Wedge Antilles

3. Favorite evil character: not in the movies but Asajj Ventress (Sith acolyte during the Clone Wars)

4. Favorite Jedi: Plo-Koon

5. Favorite Sith: Exar Kun

6. Favorite Film: VI

7. Favorite Battle: Endor space battle

8. Favorite spacecraft/fighther: B-wing and A-wing

9. Favorite planet: Ziost (Sith Homeworld)

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 04:57 PM

8. Biggest disappointment: Ewoks (How the hell could those silly little fur balls take on imperial troops?? Should have been a planet of wookies... would have been much more believable and would have been a great side story for chewie... curse you Lucas, genius and idiot all in the same body)

Originally, it was going to be Wookies. I'm not sure why Lucas changed it, but I know I read the reason, once upon a time.

EDIT: Ahh, here it is:

George Lucas created the Ewoks because he wanted Return of the Jedi to feature a tribe of primitive creatures that bring down the technological Empire. He had originally intended the scenes to be set on the Wookiee home planet, but as the film series evolved, the Wookiees became technologically skilled. Lucas designed a new species instead, and says his approach was simple: Wookiees are tall, so he made Ewoks short.[1] The Ewok are named after the Miwok, a Native American tribe, indigenous to the Redwood forest in which the Endor scenes were filmed for Return of the Jedi, near the San Rafael location of Lucas' Skywalker Ranch.[

edit on 1-11-2010 by Gazrok because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2010 @ 10:39 PM
1. If you had to choose the side you like the most from all the Star Wars flicks what would it be?

Empire (IV-VI)
Rebels (IV-IV)
Republic (I-III)

Answer: Rebels (IV-IV)

2. Favorite good character: Yoda

3. Favorite evil character: Emperor Palpatine (Who could possibly not like the guy who bent a galaxy to his will.)

4. Favorite Jedi: Yoda

5. Favorite Sith: Emperor Palpatine, All the other Sith sucked not one of them could hold a candle to him, only loses because he made the mistake of trusting his apprentice.

6. Favorite Film: V

7. Favorite Battle: Spaceside battle of Endor

7. Favorite Jedi Battle: Yoda vs. The Emperor

8. Least Favorite Battle: Planetside battle of Endor.

9. Favorite Fighter: The X-Wing

10. Favorite Ship: The Executor Class Super Star Destroyer

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 12:08 AM
1. If you had to choose the side you like the most from all the Star Wars flicks what would it be?

Empire (IV-VI)
Rebels (IV-IV)
Republic (I-III)

Answer: Rebels!!

2. Favorite good character: Probably Han...

3. Favorite evil character: Tie (no pun intended) - Boba Fett or Sarlacc Beast

4. Favorite Jedi: Qui-Gon

5. Favorite Sith: Darth Maul

6. Favorite Film: VI

7. Favorite Battle: Either the battle on Naboo between gungans and the battle droids in Episode I or the Final Space Battle by Endor

8. Favorite Color Lightsaber?? Probably Green.

9. Favorite Fighter: SnowSpeeder, even thought it wasn't that much of a fighter per say

10. Favorite Ship: "That's no moon..."

11. Favorite Planet: Kashyyyk would seem I have some less than expected answers...I mean, there are obviously likes for the typical baddies like Vader and the Emperor, but I went a bit of an alternative route.
edit on 11/5/2010 by philosearcher because: The poster above me had a couple of good answers I also would have liked to answer. So I did...

edit on 11/5/2010 by philosearcher because: Thought of another question...

posted on Nov, 5 2010 @ 12:17 AM
reply to post by Gazrok

We still get to see the wookies take on the turned/crazed new empire in Episode III, correct? Wasn't it after the Emperor issued 'order 66' and the clones started going awoll towards the republic? Kashyyyk is probably my favorite planet. Ooh! Another question!

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