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A commercial I saw pushed me to join.

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posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 10:05 AM
Hello Everyone!

After about a year of lurking I have finally decided to join your ranks.

I wasn't going to join at first because I saw how hostile the members treated each other and I was pretty happy just reading the topics. This changed however last night while gettin my 'fix' of anime on Adult Swim when I saw a commercial. This commercial was sponsored by Fema.

I am not one to buy into nonsense without proof however this commercial was unsettling and screamed 'doom and gloom' at me. Basically its general message was 'be prepared for the worst'. Nope, was not an insurance commercial wasn't selling anything just delivering that message. ( -will try to keep looking for it to post it here

The Commercial

Since I have been following conspiracies for a long while now this commercial made me jump up and scramble around in excitement for discussion on it. I am guessing the commercial is new as I couldn't find it on youtube (using the terms Fema Commercial) so there goes that outlet. I also looked on here for it and I couldn't find discussion on here
. So I decided to join so that I may be able to also one day present information or ask questions freely!

My main interests here are Ufo's paranormal things... you know things apart from the mundane. I am hoping to one day see somebody provide solid proof for things like ghosts and hoping somebody brings their friend gleckh to a picnic who is from planet... Zogaga or something like that. I love topics about earths phenomena, science and technology. I guess I would fall under the 'open minded skeptic' group.

Thanks for reading my introduction! I hope we will become more aquainted as time progresses!

[edit to add commercial link - thanks Walkswithfish]

[edit on 13-12-2009 by EminenceofAeon]

posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 10:11 AM
hello and welcome!
question: "prepare for the worst" what sense did they mean it? Did you interpret it as from Fema, or just the future in general?

posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 10:17 AM
Well the commercial had a family of three sitting in their living room watching television. Then its as if the house turned upside down everything crashing to the cieling the father grabs a bag the mother and son recoup and they all walk out of the door together. The narrarator said something along the lines of "What if something disaterous happens. Will you be prepared." and at the end it said "Have a plan, have a kit."

And no it was no interpretation with fema's involvement. It actually had the name / logo with the word fema at the end of the commercial.

OH! I remember the website it advertised!

edit to add

The commercial can be found there! Coffee brings out the memories eh?

[edit on 13-12-2009 by EminenceofAeon]

posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 10:18 AM
Welcome to ATS...I am glad you stopped lurking and came to join.

I do not watch much TV...I hope to see this commercial posted here soon.

Thanks for the heads up.

posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 10:23 AM

Is that it?

Download options here:

Weird commercial.

posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 10:26 AM
link how many died during katrina, how many died during the sunami, how many would die from a massive earthquake, or a tornado, or a levee break along a river...s**t happens, and they are trying to get people to set up a plan on how to save their own lives, because the government can't be there to hold their hands 24/7. maybe THAT was the message.

posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by EminenceofAeon

Hey there welcome to ATS 'E of A' I hope you enjoy your time here and meet some of the nicer more helpful members.

Just remember ... those who shout the loudest, usually have the least to say ... so don't be put off by the ignorant few ... the majority of us are good folk.

See you on the boards.


posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by Walkswithfish

Yeah thats the commercial! It got my conspiracy juices flowing when I saw that thing

Re: Jimmyx

Yeah I see where you are coming from with that information. However I can't help but wonder what would cause them to suddenly try to push the 'average american' to do that now. Especially with the footage on youtube of fema's coffins and the like.


Also, I am unsure but... is this the first time we have seen Fema actively advertising anything? Is this their first thing out in the open?

posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 10:34 AM
LOL... I like this one..

It’s easy to take your world for granted:

Most days go by without a whole lot of surprises.

But what if a disaster strikes without warning?

Here, one by one, each layer of audio starts to slowly creep backwards. Backmasking.

What if life as you know it has completely turned on its head?

What if everything familiar becomes anything but?

Would you be prepared?

Before a disaster turns your family’s world upside down, it’s up to you to be Ready.

Get a kit. Make a plan. Be informed. Today.

Learn how at

Ready. Dot. Gov.

This message brought to you by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Ad Council.

Listen here...

posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 10:43 AM
reply to post by woodwytch

Thankyou for the welcome!

Yeah, I have noticed that about people in life as well.

Thankyou everybody for the welcomes so far! Wow its kind of hard to keep up with it all

posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 10:44 AM

Originally posted by EminenceofAeon
reply to post by Walkswithfish

Yeah thats the commercial! It got my conspiracy juices flowing when I saw that thing

Re: Jimmyx

Yeah I see where you are coming from with that information. However I can't help but wonder what would cause them to suddenly try to push the 'average american' to do that now. Especially with the footage on youtube of fema's coffins and the like.


Also, I am unsure but... is this the first time we have seen Fema actively advertising anything? Is this their first thing out in the open?

well, one thing...i live by sacramento, calif...and they had a brief story about levees. they came out and said that there has NEVER been a government study on the tens of thousands of miles of levees, and their safety or reliability, until katrina, in this entire country. i think with the realization of the aging infrastructure of the U.S., they are trying to get the message out, to be prepared for natural disasters in your area...remember, FEMA and the army of engineers caught holy hell (for well as they should) for what happened during katrina.

[edit on 13-12-2009 by jimmyx]

posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by EminenceofAeon

Hell, if it wakes folks up so be it. Use the enemies "mind weapons" against them!

posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by jimmyx

Yeah that is true too! I remember seeing reports on levee conditions on either the science or discovery channel en masse after that tragedy. The only thing that keeps my conspiracy mind going with this is that you would think they would have had all this in response to that tragedy at the same time they had the levee information surge. One of the things I have noticed in this country is that when the SHTF and the people blame the government they back-paddle as if saying ho shi- and proceed to over-compensate to quell the minds of their populace. And then distract them with something 'more important' like a celebrity's sexual orientation.
My point being you would expect that this sort of thing would have been put into motion ages ago with the over-compensation if it was related to past disaters. Its not even hurricane season anymore.

posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 11:05 AM
reply to post by EminenceofAeon

I've seen commercials from something called where a disaster strikes and the commentator asks "are you ready in case a disaster strikes? Go to for more information". My only question is get ready for what? Are they expecting something? There are several of these commercials. One is advising people to have a place to meet in case the shtf and yet another advises you to have at least 3 weeks of food and water handy in case things go bad. Pretty strange these commercials.
I went to "food for less" and bought a 50lb bag of pinto beens and a 50lb bag of rice, flour, sugar, yeast and freeze dried food stuffs. Don't forget the spices. I already have a genorator so I think I might be ready for whatever it might be they want us to get ready for.
I've got lots of milk jugs full of water and about 15 gallons of gasoline stashed as well. Besides my gold and silver coins I bought several 1lb bags of tobbaco and about 15 bottles of cheap liquor. Something tells me these will come in very very handy if something does happen and all supply lines are shut down for several months.

posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by kenton1234

Exactly what got me so riled up to see a conversation based on it! It's as if they know something is going to happen and are basically saying:
'be prepared for when its every man for themselves'

If you combine that with the supposed millions of coffins ordered by fema... makes you wonder.

Yes its nothing but speculation but thats the meat and potatoes / bread and butter of conspiracy!

posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 11:38 AM
Welcome to ATS!

I'll be the member that advises you to focus your attention on more positive things. Sure, prepare supplies to care for your family in any event. Yet, focus your attention on the outcomes you would like to see.
You may fare better than many. Happy posting

posted on Dec, 13 2009 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by blujay

Hi there thankyou for the welcome!

Thankyou it is hard to stay positive at times so your presence will be most welcome. I actually... am not worried much on this myself, Its just interesting nonetheless.
I think I will start to make preparations anyhow. It is my goal to be self reliant one day and try to take as many with me as I can, so I also hope to learn that information during my time here as I have read some interesting theories and ideas on this forum.
quite enthusiastic about my joining if you cant tell.

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 08:11 AM
Hello and welcome - I'm also new and looking forward to learning about all these great topics.

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