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When Aliens Attack: YOU WILL Be The First Traitor.

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posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 09:39 PM
reply to post by ewokdisco

yah okay im not sure who you are describing .. for one.. everybody im sure would try to fight for the human race ... this isnt a war where we can get out of trouble by your so called pretending .. if aliens are invading there will be no where to hide and we will either fight or die ... so your little predictions are worthless. youll be the first one to try it .AND IT WONT DO YOU ANY GOOD ..

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 10:37 PM
The traitors are the saucer pilots.
Well they have no union and the Illuminati have disposal methods.
Not much has been written of the disintegration ray lately but I did
see a couple of web pages on the notion.
So I was thinking the other day that the ray was totally possible.
High voltage atom smashing ether pressures at ANY voltage possible,
as Tesla once said, is a pretty good convincer if you see one of your
brother pilots go that way.

posted on Dec, 17 2009 @ 05:13 AM
Beyond knowing i am right about how YOU will turn against your fellow man to survive alien invasion,what REALLY makes you feel the most uncomfortable,in this intstance,is that its now obvious that i and not YOU am the original ATS poster.

i fight onwards,alone,against hostile pack mentality and anger and never gave up. i posted a thread that hinted at true human behavious and YOU wilted.

this site was meant more for me than you and that struck you hard because you like to see yourself as open minded and kind and now you know otherwise. all the jim marrs and stanton friedman books/dvds aside,i am the real deal.

what many of you fail to try and do is to IMAGINE REAL ALIEN INVASION:try.

posted on Dec, 17 2009 @ 05:50 AM

Originally posted by ewokdisco
Beyond knowing i am right about how YOU will turn against your fellow man to survive alien invasion,what REALLY makes you feel the most uncomfortable,in this intstance,is that its now obvious that i and not YOU am the original ATS poster.

i fight onwards,alone,against hostile pack mentality and anger and never gave up. i posted a thread that hinted at true human behavious and YOU wilted.

this site was meant more for me than you and that struck you hard because you like to see yourself as open minded and kind and now you know otherwise. all the jim marrs and stanton friedman books/dvds aside,i am the real deal.

what many of you fail to try and do is to IMAGINE REAL ALIEN INVASION:try.

Kind of stuck on yourself aren`t you? Please, pack the ego away, it`s not needed or wanted here. It`s one thing to believe in something, but to build it way way beyond belief is something else. Try answering those who don`t buy what your selling. Short ego driven rants about how right you are don`t really cut it.

posted on Dec, 17 2009 @ 08:10 AM
reply to post by ewokdisco

Well ewokdisco I have taken a look over your previous posts and threads and have arrived at the conclusion that you were staring at YOURSELF in the reflection of your monitor screen when you produced this grand statement.

It is fairly obvious that it is you that cannot handle the truth…… plain and simple.

You are in the denial stage and thats ok….. we have all been there but stick with it and you will get through.

Just don’t tar all of the human race or people who use ATS with the same brush please, for the happy truth is that a lot of us would lay down our lives for the human race in a heart beat but then a lot of us have the advantage of knowing death is but an illusion to keep us locked in FEAR.

Their favourite tool.

Anyway I feel sad for you….. that you have so little faith in your fellow brother and sister humans and I will hope that someday this changes.

Good luck in your journey.


posted on Dec, 17 2009 @ 09:03 AM
You have to consider its happened already.
The consideration happens all the time.
In the 911 conspiracy and Kennedy assassination there must be
traitors to be considered.
Well there are traitors right now from the start of the Alien UFO
There can't be any difference.
And the same traitors might be involved in all the conspiracies.

posted on Dec, 17 2009 @ 09:06 AM

Originally posted by ewokdisco
Beyond knowing i am right about how YOU will turn against your fellow man to survive alien invasion,what REALLY makes you feel the most uncomfortable,in this intstance,is that its now obvious that i and not YOU am the original ATS poster.

i fight onwards,alone,against hostile pack mentality and anger and never gave up. i posted a thread that hinted at true human behavious and YOU wilted.

this site was meant more for me than you and that struck you hard because you like to see yourself as open minded and kind and now you know otherwise. all the jim marrs and stanton friedman books/dvds aside,i am the real deal.

what many of you fail to try and do is to IMAGINE REAL ALIEN INVASION:try.

Since you are the 'Real Deal', please answer my last post.

Thank you.

(Not expecting an answer, as the OP is obviously trollin')

posted on Dec, 17 2009 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by ewokdisco

You speak for yourself, mister! You don't know me, nor do I know you, and as a matter of fact I doubt if you know any of us members about whom you speak. Just what gives you the right to tell us what we will or won't do? Do you really think those who have and still are fighting overseas, will turn and run rather than fight for their families? Any animal will turn on its attacker in defense of its young, and that includes most humans! Myself and I'm quite sure more than a few other members of this fine site have at times found ourselves in 'live or die' situations, and I am sitting here typing this reply. When I first read your post, my first reaction was extreme anger toward you, but then again I have to respect your right to speak your mind, even though I don't have to agree with what you say. Please rethink what you've just said, and perhaps common sense will tell you why what you might think are negative responses to your post. If Britain and her allies responded to Hitler according to your way of thinking, many of us wouldn't be here to enjoy what freedoms we now have. Were it not for those who were willing to die for freedom for themselves and their families, the year 1776 would have just been another insignificant year gone by. Although having been born and lived in Scotland for 15 years, for the past 40 years I've been a proud citizen of Canada, and if neccessary will gladly give my life for the flag I came to love, simply for what it stands for. I have a great respect for the American flag also and for the same reasons, and for what G.W. Bush and his controllers did to their country's Constitution, they should be put on trial for treason. Sorry folks for starting to get off topic, but at least I've cooled down now. lol!
Whether or not you follow any particular religion, at least think of this season as a time for families to come together and enjoy. My own heartfelt thoughts and prayers are with those members of our countries' militaries who cannot make it home. There are websites through which we can send the troops our messages of support, and little gifts if we choose.
Blessings to all, and may you enjoy a safe and happy Christmas season!
Scotty (Bikerman).

posted on Dec, 17 2009 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by ewokdisco
Beyond knowing i am right about how YOU will turn against your fellow man to survive alien invasion,what REALLY makes you feel the most uncomfortable,in this intstance,is that its now obvious that i and not YOU am the original ATS poster.

i fight onwards,alone,against hostile pack mentality and anger and never gave up. i posted a thread that hinted at true human behavious and YOU wilted.

this site was meant more for me than you and that struck you hard because you like to see yourself as open minded and kind and now you know otherwise. all the jim marrs and stanton friedman books/dvds aside,i am the real deal.

what many of you fail to try and do is to IMAGINE REAL ALIEN INVASION:try.

This made me actually lol a bit, thanks for that, it has been a crappy morning.

posted on Dec, 17 2009 @ 12:21 PM
hankmcCoy you say :"do not cite any Earthbound hostilities". that's VERY telling of how controlling you perhaps are.however,FREEING myself from YOUR constraints,i cite the following. reply with a level head.

Benedict Arnold

Oswald Mosley


Your current government

Nazi sympathizers

Did you see Schindler's List?




posted on Dec, 17 2009 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by ewokdisco
hankmcCoy you say :"do not cite any Earthbound hostilities". that's VERY telling of how controlling you perhaps are.however,FREEING myself from YOUR constraints,i cite the following. reply with a level head.

Benedict Arnold

Oswald Mosley


Your current government

Nazi sympathizers

Did you see Schindler's List?




So then, what does the list you show have to do with Aliens Attacking? Everything you show has to do with earth bound people, and nothing to do with Aliens. Did any of the above have anything to do with Aliens? No, only Earth bound things. Using such things as that only proves that a few people turned on someone else. So what? It`s happened from the beginning of our time here. It doesn`t prove that ALL of humanity would do it.

Oh by the way, HM wasn`t trying to control anyone, he just asked a very good question. One that you didn`t really answer yet. We`re still waiting.

[edit on 17-12-2009 by FiatLux]

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 12:30 AM
I would fight and die a comic relief death. I know my role

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 12:49 AM

Originally posted by ewokdisco
hankmcCoy you say :"do not cite any Earthbound hostilities". that's VERY telling of how controlling you perhaps are.however,FREEING myself from YOUR constraints,i cite the following. reply with a level head.

Benedict Arnold

Oswald Mosley


Your current government

Nazi sympathizers

Did you see Schindler's List?




As none of these people are Aliens, none of your information is valid.

Look, I set you up with an unfair question to prove a point. You can't cite how Man will respond to an Alien threat because it hasn't happened. You can GUESS as to how SOME people MIGHT respond, but making absolute judgments is just silly and shows your ignorance of logical thinking.

My guess is that you are not an anthropologist. I just happen to be sitting net to one and I posed the question to her. Her first response was.. "Why do you still go to that idiotic site? Her on topic response was, "Man would come together as a tribe to deal with the external threat as Man has done for years immemorial. Sure, there will be race traitors, but you will most likely have more suicides than people actually defecting from the human race."

There you have it.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 01:07 AM
reply to post by wylekat

I found that funny because I know someone who laughs like a hyena on crack; probably high on something...I suspect he's a chupacabra in disguise

[edit on 18-12-2009 by reject]

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 01:44 AM
reply to post by ewokdisco

well if you had diligently decoded the riddle-type parables in the old and new testament, the blatant info in the Zohar, the Dyanishwari and the Nag Hamadi, .... and understood the core truth of sexual alchemy in order to raise kundalini up your spine and activate the Chi within and develop the ark of the covenant in your BRAIN through chaste matrimony, yoga and meditaiton....thennnn.....
...... you'd develop super powers and be indestructible and be able to tell Lord Mulkron to go shove it never fearing his fruitless attempts to sway you.

but then again.. that's just IMPOSSSIBLE right......

riiiiiiight... keep thinkin' that, nay-sayer.

hey is that the Lamb i hear....


posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 02:41 AM
reply to post by ewokdisco

I suggest you first understand "lizard brain" and the "fight-or-flight response" before you make such claims. However, I must admit humans do act in the interest of self and can truly see most Americans doing exactly as you've stated.

[edit on 18-12-2009 by EMPIRE]

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 02:50 AM
Well if my plasma rifel is delivered in time i may be able to take out some nasty aliens before they get me.Who wants to place a order for a plasma rifle or maybe a proton cannon.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 05:22 AM
now aside from Hank being a bit naughty,what i did there [for those who need things explained slowly] is i made a good list of people who TURNED COAT in time of great need.

now imagine [if you have that capacity] to imagine the sheer panic and grand psychological mess YOU will be in when/if an alien invasion is announced.

and try this as a thought experiment. aliens arrive at YOUR FRONT DOOR.they say to you "rat out someone on your street and we will set you free". YOU will. you will NOT fight or go down swinging,you will sell out granny quicker than you know what from a goose. and the proof?twofold.
1,history [my list] shows.
2,human nature.

but let me say this. im NOT making a judgement about you as a person,im sure 90% of you on ATS are semi normal and nice,but here, i am right and you are wrong.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 05:32 AM
reply to post by ewokdisco

You talk like there is just one person here and multiple names.

We are all different people.

You also left out many variables and other choices. How man would commit suicide if the aliens were coming to knock on their door...they wont be turning anyone in.

What about individuals who have seen combat - or those who saw it and liked it (they exist, there are tens of thousands in Iraq right now working as contractors). You did not account for them.

By treating everyone as the same person your ideas are flawed from the outset.

In much of your posts you do not factor in the reality of the situation; there is more than one person. In other posts you do factor in the existence multiple people, but only to say that they will be informing on each other.

You are not consistent enough. With some consistency and less arrogance your posts would be much more entertaining.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 08:43 AM

Originally posted by ewokdisco
now aside from Hank being a bit naughty,what i did there [for those who need things explained slowly] is i made a good list of people who TURNED COAT in time of great need.

now imagine [if you have that capacity] to imagine the sheer panic and grand psychological mess YOU will be in when/if an alien invasion is announced.

and try this as a thought experiment. aliens arrive at YOUR FRONT DOOR.they say to you "rat out someone on your street and we will set you free". YOU will. you will NOT fight or go down swinging,you will sell out granny quicker than you know what from a goose. and the proof?twofold.
1,history [my list] shows.
2,human nature.

but let me say this. im NOT making a judgement about you as a person,im sure 90% of you on ATS are semi normal and nice,but here, i am right and you are wrong.

I will take the educated view of an anthropologist over your ignorant rantings and changing story, thanks.

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