posted on Jun, 14 2004 @ 09:48 PM
Originally posted by websurfer
How was Session 9 in relation to the exorcist or the ring. Or in relation to the japanese version of the ring.
Excellent question! By the way my other favorite movie. The Ring. I also loved that it started from the Japanese version. I love the Japanese version.
The two are so similar and so different at the same time. In the Japanese version the father kills the daughter, and in the Western version the mother
kills the daughter. So in other words the parents together killed the child. The child was supernaturally special and didn't fit in this earthly
realm. She still needed help with her abilities and she needed love and understanding. Neither of which she received.
Instead she was always second news to the parents where it came to interests. Theirs were always self-interest. Where the child should take
first notice since they are the icing to the cake and besides need lots of maturity and responsibility to care for.
Such as in the Exorcist. The child was not the main focus of the ladies life. Therefore the child feeling unloved and abandoned stumbled upon the
bad spirits in her amusing herself alone with the Ouija board.
These movies are similar. But not Session 9. That one is about fallen spirits yes, at the same time ... A LOT more. There is so much to do
with stress in this movie. Stressing the human sins generally.
One of the reasons I really liked Session 9 and both The Ring's is because there are no sex or barf scenes. Hehehee. Excellent execution to the