posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 10:07 AM
So it would seem that UK Forces were sent to war in Iraq on what Blair knew to be a false premise, yet he stood up in front of Parliament and talked
slowly and carefully about the threat the the UK and Western Democracies from Saddam Hussein, as ever he appeared plausible, he appeared sincere, yet
he lied and lied and lied.
A million people marched against the war, the groundswell of opinion in the public was against the war, the senior British Commanders were while not
openly against involvement were perhaps not convinced of the case for war, and for deploying inadequately resourced forces to the Iraq region. But
Blair stood there and told us it was necessary, that if we didn't invade then weapons of mass destruction could rain down on the people's of the
Middle East, against Israel, against Europe and in time across the the rest of the World.
The spin doctors played to the game of Blair, they convinced the media, they convinced the military commanders, and Blair took the UK to war against
not only Saddam but against the people of Iraq, in the process they alienated a significant proportion of the worlds Muslim community on all sides,
all on the basis of lies, smoke and mirrors, dissembling, and possibly the sanctioning of the murder of Dr David Kelly.
What has this war achieved? The removal of Saddam, that is true, but the Iraq regime was stable, the internal problems of Iraq were a matter for the
Iraqi pople to resolve, not that of UK and US Forces at the behest of the oil companies. No WMDs were ever found, thet never even existed except in
the lies of Tony Blair.
The consequences of this war are that many young men and women of UK and US forces have died for lies, that many Iraqi people have died, been maimed,
murdered, and radicalised as a result a result of Tony Blair's lies. Iraq is no longer a country it's now a collection of disparate communities led
by radicals all intent on serving their own interests than the wider interests of the nation at large. The cultural heritage of Iraq has been raped,
pillaged, and destroyed. Some of the most important artifacts from the dawn of civilisation have been stolen, lost, or destroyed. The consequences
of the war will last for decades.
Who are the winners? The "freed" people of Iraq? No. Uk and US Forces? No, scores of dead, injured, maimed and their families will testify to
that. The Oil Companies? Not even they have benefited as the recent failure to sell the rights to drill for massive reserves showed just last week
as the country is too dangerous.
The winners? The Arms Companies? Yes, chance to develop new ways to kill innocent people. Blackwater, yes, the war is now run mostly by external
contractors. Blair, yes he has walked away unscathed from an illegal war, the blood of the dead on his hands, massive contracts for public speaking
and books, directorships, public roles on bringing peace to the Middle East, and more. This state of affairs is disgusting.
As at the end of WWII Blair and his ilk should be brought up on charges, the charges brought about then still apply "Crimes against Peace, War
Crimes, and Crimes against Humanity, and of a Common Plan or Conspiracy to commit those Crimes".
However, as we all know nothing will happen. Blair will get away with it, nobody will ever be charged with crimes, the people of Iraq have lost their
country and any chance of a peaceful and safe life. Young men and women of the Forces will continue to die for Blair's war. Many people have been
radicalised as a result of this war, and for that action alone he deserves to be prosecuted because of the misery of terrorism and strife that
continues as a result of these actions.
I doubt he even loses a moments sleep or peace over what he has brought about.