posted on Dec, 12 2009 @ 07:59 AM
If you think for a minuet what would happen if the climate gate emails were to be brought to the fore, not to mention the source code, of which some
of it has been analysed and they have found like rem notes in it that are more damming than the emails, but imagine what would happen if this was to
come out and the people of the world start to see it for the lie that it is. Here in the UK of one we would be able to see why Brown put off the
election until next year for one, he has a huge agenda in it, as with Obama. but the biggest thing would be their plan for world domination either
through the world bank, down to population culling, People would also start to question other things going on in the world, things like how real is
the Iraq, and Afgan war? is it like in Orwell's 1984, where there is no real war going on, and its just there to create a distraction?
what about the 9/11 truth? would people start to question that to? and when that is shown to be a hoax, you could move on to the illuminati, the
Jesuits, project MKAltra, and blue beam, H1N1, i could go on and on.
My point is this, what would the world look like without their control, how would people get their money, knowing that money is worth nothing, our
food is full of poisons, our medication is full of poisons, our water is full of poisons.
civilisation that we know would simply fall apart, and even though some people say the don't believe all the conspiracies going round, perhaps some
of them do ,but have considered the world and how difficult that is going to be, we would have to go back at least 150 years if not more, that's
going to be hard, but we have to do it to get our freedom back, and clean up the world. IMO.