reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux
excellent post Jean.
I believe that even if the people fight, and achieved peace, it wouldn't last, because we will be committing the same mistakes again because the
cause was never addressed in the first place.
We have so much resources in the world enough to feed every person on this planet, yet a lot of those resources we haven't even touched because, one
must have money to access it. Why are we letting the elite control all of the world's resources? Why are we giving so much value on their gold and
money? When did they start to own the world? Why did we let it?
Money gets to decide whether I will get health care or not, Money gets to decide whether I will get education, and even if I have money, the quality
of education I get still depends on it. Success is always measured by how much money you have instead of how much you contributed to your society.
People say, punishment for your fault cannot be passed on to your kids, yet many kids suffer because they cannot get equal opportunity. People say
nothing is impossible when you work hard. Yet the kids from the country where I am from works for $0.25/day under the hot sun in a sugarcane
plantation. What did these kids ever do to be punished like this? Yet there is a tree somewhere bearing fruits, kids could not eat, because it was
grown in a land he "doesn't own" yet everyday he is the one working on the land making sure it bears fruit, if he wanted to eat it, he will be
asked do you have money? Well yo can eat it but it will deducted on your salary.
A 5 yr old kid says "I am very tired", the reporter said, "do you want to rest now?", the kid says, "No, I mean I'm tired of life, everyday all
I see is sugarcane." Five years old, and already tired of life.
In all my observation, I saw that the root cause of all wars and suffering is money. Why can't somebody be born with an equal opportunity?
If I want to be a doctor why can I not be? Yet many people embraces the society where money rules, in all their self righteousness they feel they
deserve more than others do. They will say, well if I went to school and studied so hard why should I get the same quality of life as everybody else
who did not study? It's like saying, "Retarded people, low IQ people, less talented people doesn't deserve a good life, and because I am superior
and lucky to afford education I deserve a good life."
Another person will say, well the job of the doctor is more valuable than a janitor, therefore the doctor deserves a better life (more money) than the
janitor. Not realizing the doctor could not be a doctor if he also have to sweep the floor.
Only when, we realize that irregardless of aptitude, line of work, race, past and everything, Every person in this planet deserves a good life. If
anybody think, this is unfair, look inside yourself, and ask, do I deserve what I have? Look around you, there are many who are working harder than
you do, more intelligent and talented than you are, yet they are living below you in the society. You can always find somebody far more superior than
you are, far more hard working than you are, and because of this do they deserve a better life and you don't?
Eliminate money, measure success by how much you contribute to the society, payment for your labor should be fame and legacy, make everything in the
whole world free for everybody, equal opportunity for every child born. If we can do this, peace and progress will follow.
The evil placed value on gold and a piece of paper to enslaved us. Only giving us enough to live, giving us little rewards when we did a "good job".
Nobody owns the world, we all should have equal rights and opportunity.
This should be our goal >>>