Not sure if this is in the write thread area so MODs feel free to move it.
So has anyone else seen this film?
Satanic rituals and possession, I don't believe in those sort of things but this film depicts them both and I am curious if anyone has a view point
on the agenda behind this film?
My opinion is this:
Megan Fox is really really hot so of course why not see a film where she makes out with another girl? Anyway, start watching it and immediately I get
that this film takes estrogen over the top with the main and supporting characters. The boyfriend is a total push over, there's some moron a-typical
jocks (which I think is a first, don't recall the typical jock character as being sensitive or needy, they also seemed like a bit of a push over I
guess), there's some typical moron (possibly gay) emo kid (which, I guess they portray honestly), and the strongest male roles are the evil band
members and a crippled sappy push-over teacher.
I think chicks with power are hot don't get me wrong, but does anyone else see a trend here? Resident Evil for example? There was a video to
correlate with this but I can't find it. Basically the male role is being pushed aside and I see this in more places than just the theaters, but this
is a whole nother subject.
My next feeling about the film is on the band. I immediately got the impression of THE JONAS BROTHERS like many other boy bands their impact on the
feminine society. We all know that Disney is deep into placing occult and sexual messages into kids film and music so it might as well be assumed that
'Low Shoulder' as they're called made not just a deal with the devil but rather Disney to turn girls into sluts!
It's obvious, during the song some how Fox is seduced and killed in some satanic ritual and then comes back as an 'undead' slut.
Why mention undead? Well they are almost completely thoughtless monsters there fore Megan Fox has been unwittingly turned into a thoughtless slut
who's mission is to eat the brains of others? No, but its pretty close to what she does in this film by seducing every man she meets infecting them
and turning them into another almost thoughtless entity to follow her to their doom.
There are three forms of Megan Fox's character, one I already explained, the other two are, the empowered goddess, and the feasting demon! Strange
isn't it? You have the thoughtless slut when she's hungry, the feasting demon when her prey is scared, and the empowered goddess when she's
See what I am getting at here with this film? If not just ask bellow and I will go into further detail but mostly, if you have seen this film, I want
to know what your interpretation is!
Edit: Jennifer's Body
[edit on 12-12-2009 by GenLo]