I have been reading Nibiru threads for days now, stories on the Phenomena over Norway, hundreds of differing opinions, opinions of Cover Up, so many
thoughts, so many ideas, but you have to eventually face up to the question, what if.
If your reading this expecting all kinds of evidence, forget it, what I offer is my spiritual insight, I am hoping for you to share your Spiritual
insight also, what do the events of recent months mean to you? how has it made you feel, does it scare you? do the words of others scare you?
I am not offering the truth either, what I hope to offer are words of Wisdom, Comfort for some, fear for others, and again BS to the few.
I have always lived my life based on the teachings of the people who surrounded me all my life, some of you call them Witches, or Sorcerers, I simply
called them my Family, my Mother was one of the Wisest people I have ever met, and others who taught me their ways without exception where amongst the
finest, Loving, Moral people anyone could wish to meet, I was always taught that to judge another is to judge myself, very similar to the Christian
story when Jesus was said to have declared, Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone, meaning how can I pass down punishment in any form, when
I too have done things which can have the same punishment thrown upon me, even though the crime may be different, it should still hold the same
consequence, so by me doing so, I am hiding behind lies.
Always honor another Mans Temple.
We have an influx right now, not just here but growing Worldwide on current events, from the huge spiral over Norway, missing images off Satellites,
Pandemic alerts not making sense, and vaccines accused of being designed to hurt us, the latest being the conference in Copenhagen being a cover for
something more sinister, needing the World leaders to get together and work out a strategy, a strategy designed for what? is anyones guess, I am sure
opinions will be given as to why.
The subject of Nibiru, has resurfaced, not that it went away, it just slowed down for a while, now and then new supposed evidence popping up in the
form of Video's Photographs from a Telescope in the Antarctic, no lack of said evidence really, seems to be overwhelming, but yet again it has caused
a wave of fear to rise again, people afraid, not wanting the end to come, WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN and so fourth.
But let me ask you this.
If it is the end, is there a single thing we can do to change it? NO! if it is being hidden from us, you get the excuse they are trying to protect
us, but protect us from what exactly? surely we need to know so we can make the most of the time we have left, maybe even to find the Love that seems
to be missing in so many lives, to know the truth would mean, Soldiers being brought home to be with Family, people thinking about those who are
lonely, perhaps even doing something to change that, sharing what we have to help the starving of the World to spend their last days without
suffering, just for one moment, think of all the things in this World which would be unnecessary if the end of life as we know it was about to
If there is something the World needs to be aware of, something which will effect every single one of us, no matter who you are, how rich or poor you
are, what would change in your life? would you try and make that time better for those around you just by offering a smile, or by stopping and having
a conversation with someone you have walked past for years, or would you simply continue as you have been, striving to make life work better for you,
especially in these times where it is those who have little, who do everything to aid those who have too much, really truthfully would you change?
Moving on to when or if the time comes, the fear of Death surrounds all of us every second we are awake, for some even in our Dreams, but what is
Death really? what has made you so afraid of it?
Everything that exists in the Universe, is made up of the exact same things, we look different, but in reality, what makes a Star a Star, is what
makes us a living organism, from the tiniest microscopic creature, to Elephants and Humans, we are all made up of exactly the same Atoms, we are just
configured differently, which is what makes everything unique in every shape or form, those Atoms can not be destroyed, they can only change form,
they still exist but in another existence.
Even the Sciences we are yet as a Race to Understand will never change that fact, I believe that if the Universe where to end today, all the Atoms
that make it up, will still exist in another shape or form, people can come along and deny it, but it is the basics of Science, that allows
determinations about possibilities possible, all of it is used every single day, by Mathematicians, Biologists, Doctors, Physicists the list is
endless, and every day, they all do their work knowing how it works and how they can use it to do their work, thinking of the future and using it to
develop new and magnificent items or devices to make the next machine to build a machine until we get to what we want to achieve.
How can life be any different? if we cease to exist in this form, Life has to go on, because what you are made from is indestructible, imagine joining
with all the other Atoms in the Universe and all of a sudden knowing everything because of that link, some have called it ascension, but in truth who
really knows, but not a single part of you dies apart from the body, the important part the energy has to continue.
So when you really delve into the whole picture, the only fear is the pain, and the not knowing for sure, I do guarantee one day we will know, because
Death comes to everyone, it's the fear which we need that keeps us here as long as we are, without the fear, we would put ourselves into harms way
every day, some do already of course, but they survive using protection in many forms, but it is the fear that makes them wear that protection, the
rest comes from the need for excitement or adrenalin.
All of us live our lives to the best of our ability, on the most part for the benefit for others around us as well as ourselves, and there are those
who live their lives just for themselves, which is fine, as long as it does not interfere with anyone else not wishing to be part of it, if we where
all the same, the World would be a very sad and boring place to be, and yes for some it is just that, we can help if we wanted too, some of us do,
some of us want to but cant, some of us just don't want too, it's a personal choice, we make excuses, but there are reasons for those excuses, only
each of us know those reasons.
We live in societies where there are rules and laws, we might not agree with them, but on the most part they are there because we need them, then
there are laws which make us afraid, stupid laws and rules, which seemed to be designed to work for those who make them, more than for any other
reason, but we gave those people the right to make those rules by electing them, we can always elect someone else, and keep doing it until we have
life the way we want it, but that is unlikely, because we all are different and want different things.
There are places on Earth where the people don't have our choices, put yourself in their position for a second in your mind, how lucky are we really?
some would say it isn't our problem, but in reality it is exactly our problem, it is those we gave the power to, who connived and conspired against
their leaders, to make it impossible to Govern and grow like we have, through debt and exploitation we took what they had, and left them no way to
negotiate with us for the resources needed, some Tree's for some food, some Gold for help bring clean water, some Copper for anything else you may
need to live like we do.
There are truly places on Earth where the need to remove the oppressing Leaders would bring applause from the Whole World, Places like Burma, and an
endless list of African Countries where whole families are wiped out because of their differing opinion.
I ask again, if Nibiru is real, shouldn't we stop that suffering? it's needless now, but even more so if it's all to end, why not give everyone the
chance to find civility and Love, to spend time with each other while we count down to our final days? War would be a completely pointless exercise,
what would there be to fight for? if your a Soldier would you continue to fight?
If the threat of the World ending would stop all of the suffering and pull people together for the benefit of all, why cant we do it before we
discover the truth about such an event? we have discussions on World overpopulation, and talk about deliberate attempts to kill Billions of people,
yet a small step towards prevention of that would be to allow contraception, that would allow a reversal of the growing population, it would certainly
bring down the birth rate being more than the Death rate in almost every Country on the Planet, if one man on this Planet, would give permission to
use birth control, it would be a huge step to stability, just one man has the final say on that one point.
Where have we been led too? Different faiths, different beliefs, yet all with in truth the same God, a God I personally refuse to believe would
condemn us to eternal suffering for mistakes, yet the fear of just that drives most of the Planet in different Faiths, should not our creator Love us
unconditionally? which from the bottom of my heart I believe they do, every single one of us.
You will all be welcomed in my place of peace, with no catches.
Thank you for reading.
Brightest Blessings to you all, whoever your God may be.
And again no this is not a Religion bashing event either, whatever your Faith, Belief, skin Colour, or kinks, you have as much right to an opinion as
any other person who may wish to comment, all are welcome, but leave the bashing at the door.