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Ron Paul: War-monger Obama should have returned Nobel Award

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posted on Dec, 11 2009 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by Dean Goldberry
Dr. Paul clearly has a brain and a soul, period, compared to the total drones in charge in Washington, BUT, unfortunately that's not saying much. I'm at a loss as to why Paul is so popular here. I mean, he's never said anything favorable to the cause of UFO/close encounters truth, 9/11 truth, or anything against secrecy-BASED government in general. He's really just another religious (enough) grumpy old cuss, in the final analysis.

Simple reason why he does not go into all the UFO/ 9/11 truths etc is because he would become the target of ridicule and character assasination. He would be branded a conspiracy nut Job by the media etc. I mean jeez he's already up aginst a brick wall with his anti Fed/ Obama talk.

posted on Dec, 11 2009 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by Mak Manto
Except it's not illegal to not change the Constitution, so you're speaking out of your hatred of Obama.

And you're wrong about bringing back our soldiers. He stated he wanted to end the Iraq War. He said that he wanted to focus on the Afghanistan War, and this was before the election, John.

You're talking to an Obama supporter, so know what he's about before you try to insult him.

And I call your reason of why he won't be President a cop-out. He's tried multiple times, and he's failed every time. As a Libertarian and as a Republican.

The guy's a failure, and so will be his son.

It's hilarious and sad at the same time that you and other libtards think you can just change the constitution to make it accomodate whatever nutball agenda you have. You are following your leader right down into hell

posted on Dec, 11 2009 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by Mak Manto
reply to post by JohnPhoenix
The guy's a nutcase. His stance on not allowing any legislation involving healthcare unless the Constitution allows it is so dumb...

Why do the people with the most correct, practical, and sane policies get labeled nutcases while the most insane people I know like George W Bush and Barrack Obama never get that label from the media.

At first I thought you were being sarcastic but you really seem to think what you are saying. Let me explain why your sentences are so laughable:

A guy who accepts the nobel prize a few days after deciding to expand a war lost about seven years ago (went in to find Osama Bin Ladin and lost) is a total kook... a wackjob... totally insane. Thats right... you have to be mentally defective to have to accept a prize for peace a few days after deciding that the war must be vocally expanded to be as violent as possible.

Assuming the best solution is violence to all major problems has always been considered something common in crazy people. And that is why libertarians have always been a beacon of sanity and practicality in a kooky sea of insanity and impracticality.

And need I bother covering the constitution? As you mention, the constitution can be legally changed. But rather than doing that the federal government illegally violates it has ignored it as a way of life. And again, that is what is insane... not Ron Paul who actually has a brain and uses it to think in the most sane way I have ever seen.

posted on Dec, 11 2009 @ 10:04 AM

Originally posted by deessell
Ron Paul has also gone on record saying that he would never want to be the President, so I don't think he will be running again.

This is untrue
He said no such thing

Originally posted by Dean Goldberry
I mean, he's never said anything favorable to the cause of UFO/close encounters truth, 9/11 truth, or anything against secrecy-BASED government in general. He's really just another religious (enough) grumpy old cuss, in the final analysis.

He was at some rally once and a woman came up to him and asked:
"Dr. Paul, you speak of auditing the Fed but what about the IMF and how come you never speak of 9/11?

Dr Paul responded "Auditing the Fed also allows us to find information about the IMF since they work quite alot together. And as for 9/11 I never speak of it because my primary focus is the FED"

He's just focusing on a specific item, if he speaks of 911 he'll never be on TV again

posted on Dec, 11 2009 @ 10:13 AM
reply to post by Mak Manto

An Obama supporter with a "Shadow Government" puppet avatar.

Pretty funny.

posted on Dec, 11 2009 @ 10:13 AM
clap clap clap,

This is a sign of a true american, a true patriot and a true congressional leader. We need to be afriad to speak the absolute truth becuase it may be a dangerous move.

We speak honestly and openly, especially when it seems to be a dangerous move, we do not bow to TPTB rule our minds, or intimidate us.

posted on Dec, 11 2009 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia

Originally posted by deessell
Ron Paul has also gone on record saying that he would never want to be the President, so I don't think he will be running again.

This is untrue
He said no such thing

"I don't have much desire at all to be president," he said. "I used to brag about how I want to be president for the things I don't want to do. I don't want to run your life. I don't want to run the economy and I don't want to police the world. I don't have fire in the belly but I'm willing to do it."

Read more:

That quick search took one minute. I have read him say this before, I don't have the reference but I could find it.

[edit on 11-12-2009 by deessell]

posted on Dec, 11 2009 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by Mak Manto
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

He'll never be President, John. He'll remain a little representative in his state of Texas until the day he dies.

The guy's a nutcase. His stance on not allowing any legislation involving healthcare unless the Constitution allows it is so dumb...

The Constitution was made so that it could be expanded and contracted as much as it needed to be. The Founding Fathers made it that way. They knew that the country would change.

But the guy's an idiot. He's insulting Obama for everything he does, just so he'll strike a chord within the anti-Obama crowd.

Someone a little flustered that someone called out their hero Obama?

I'll be voting for Ron Paul (again), as as will my entire family, and my co-workers at the college I work for / attend.

Ron Paul was 100% correct (as always)

posted on Dec, 11 2009 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by dashen

And it shows how smart you are, because in 1994 it was;

Yasser Arafat; Shimon Peres and Yitzhak Rabin.

Joint award. All sides made major concessions in a peace treaty and the then Prime Minister Peres (now President of Israel) recognised the Palestinian claim to a two state solution.

[edit on 11-12-2009 by infinite]

posted on Dec, 11 2009 @ 10:18 AM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia

Originally posted by deessell
Ron Paul has also gone on record saying that he would never want to be the President, so I don't think he will be running again.

This is untrue
He said no such thing

Originally posted by Dean Goldberry
I mean, he's never said anything favorable to the cause of UFO/close encounters truth, 9/11 truth, or anything against secrecy-BASED government in general. He's really just another religious (enough) grumpy old cuss, in the final analysis.

He was at some rally once and a woman came up to him and asked:
"Dr. Paul, you speak of auditing the Fed but what about the IMF and how come you never speak of 9/11?

Dr Paul responded "Auditing the Fed also allows us to find information about the IMF since they work quite alot together. And as for 9/11 I never speak of it because my primary focus is the FED"

He's just focusing on a specific item, if he speaks of 911 he'll never be on TV again

Some people (not insulting, or pointing at you) just don't know how brilliant Ron Paul really is...

Think about it... Talking about 9-11 is pretty much shunned... But by auditing the Federal Reserve we will see where all that money disappeared to before 9-11.

Ron Paul has a lot of tricks up his sleeves, all for and by the American people.

posted on Dec, 11 2009 @ 10:25 AM
I actually do agree. No I am not a republican.... Then again I am not a democrat either... I have my own individual set of beliefs.

I was thinking this last night as I watched the footage of him getting the peace prize and following it up with a speech to justify war....

It just came across to me as hypocritical.... " I will take this peace prize from you, but first let me explain why war is good"

It just does not seem right to me.

Should the recipient of the Nobel Peace prize not be one who tries to move the world through a peaceful manner rather than a violent one?

The second he decided to send more troops to the middle east, he should have also decided to not accept this prize.

I say this because the second he shipped troops over, he ceased being a president who inherited a war and has become a president who is fighting a war of his own....

Nobody fighting a violent war should get this prize....

Then there is the fact that they gave it to him as a speculative award based on what he may or may not do in the future.... WHY?

We didn't give Martin Luther King JR the prize because one day he might become a civil rights leader... We gave it to him because he did!

Infact I cannot think of one person to win the peace prize based on what they may or may not do some day.... Until now.

So why is He so special? I just do not get it. I agree with Ron Paul.... Again i am not a republican and I am not a Democrat. I have my own mind and think for myself rather than just let the media tell me what I have to think.

posted on Dec, 11 2009 @ 10:38 AM
All of you that responded to me, don't sell me the bullcrap that Ron Paul didn't become President because of the PTB...

The guy's a foolhardy man. An ancient relic who's trying to hold onto certain views despite the fact we're moving on.

Like I've said before, if Ron Paul were to become President, all of you Ron Paul supporters would drop him.

Obama has the potential to be an amazing President. He's done amazing things already, things that were thought impossible fo him to do in his first year as President.

posted on Dec, 11 2009 @ 10:39 AM
Not only should Obama return it, but also Kissinger can return his. Let's give some integrity back to this award.

posted on Dec, 11 2009 @ 10:57 AM
Kissinger? Are you kidding me?

What the heck are you smoking? His involvement in ending the Vietnam War was paramount.

He definitely deserve his award!

posted on Dec, 11 2009 @ 11:08 AM

Originally posted by Mak Manto
Obama has the potential to be an amazing President. He's done amazing things already, things that were thought impossible fo him to do in his first year as President.

on your avatar about the shadow government thing ... Did the shadow government just give up their puppet master status when Obama came in the oval office? Did they only control Bush? Will Obama save us all from those evil conspirators?

And what "amazing" things has Obama done?

Seriously I'd like to know so I too can stand there starry eyed, dumbfounded, mouth open and simply awestruck from the brilliant radiance that emanates from the Great Redeemer that is Barry Soetoro.

You know I'm almost beginning to think the people of this country deserve to get whats coming to them. I wish you guys could just do your "moving on" somewhere else and live out your little socialist utopia fantasy/nightmare without involving the rest of us who want to be free individuals.

posted on Dec, 11 2009 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by Mak Manto

Kissinger deserves his Nobel for "ending the Vietnam war?"

Dewd, you are seriously delusional.

I guess Obama thinks war is peace, freedom is slavery and ignorance is strength.

[edit on 11-12-2009 by GoldenFleece]

posted on Dec, 11 2009 @ 11:17 AM
reply to post by dashen

Reminds of a quote I once read somewhere "fighting for peace is like f*cking for virginity!".... ;-)

posted on Dec, 11 2009 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by OpTiMuS_PrImE
reply to post by dragonsmusic

I like the way he talks about stuff, but he is one of them too they are all in on the big plans don't ever forget that.

My girlfriend makes the same hand gestures on her facebook..

Oh crap, does this mean that my girlfriend is part of a conspiracy to take over the world?

Just as Ron Paul calls BS when he sees it, I'll call crazy when I see it. Thinking someone is part of a conspiracy to take over the world because of a freeze-frame of him/her making a hand gesture is absolutely crazy.

posted on Dec, 11 2009 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia
[Very short video
but I just posted it because I dont think he should have said it

I think Paul should say what he feels, even though I disagree with it. It's not as if Obama started these wars. It's not like he would choose to start a war or contribute to it if it hadn't already been completely messed up by the previous administration. Obama's not a war monger, he's just trying to clean things up in a way that doesn't create a vacuum that will cause even more death and destruction.

I'm all for ending the wars... and now, but people talk as if these wars were started by Obama... How short sighted and willfully ignorant that is...

Obama's acceptance speech explains it perfectly, if one is willing to listen and not pick out phrases and make a big deal about them out of context.

although he is absoltely correct, it's a dangerious statement for a congressman to make

I haven't read the rest of the thread, but I'm curious to know why you think it's dangerous.

posted on Dec, 11 2009 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by Mak Manto
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

He'll never be President, John. He'll remain a little representative in his state of Texas until the day he dies.

The guy's a nutcase. His stance on not allowing any legislation involving healthcare unless the Constitution allows it is so dumb...

The constitution is supposed to be our contract with the government in the same way you sign contracts with other entities. If you can just overstep the constitution then we by definition live in a totalitarian/authoritarian/w/e government.

The Constitution was made so that it could be expanded and contracted as much as it needed to be. The Founding Fathers made it that way. They knew that the country would change.

Yeah, the amendment process expands or contracts the constitution.

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