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Originally posted by TheRedneck
Science is science. The only difference between the disciplines are the fields in which they specialize.
But once the discovery is made, the veterinarian should be able to understand the science behind the climatologists discovery, and the climatologist should be able to understand the science behind the treatment discovered. The only thing that is different is the application of science, not science itself.
My area of expertise is not climate. Instead it is electromagnetic and chemical. Yet, I can read a paper on metallurgy and understand it just fine. The same goes for a paper on meteorology. The same goes for a paper on optics, Relativity, or even quantum mechanics. The same carbon dioxide I use in chemical research occurs with the exact same physical characteristics in climatology. The key to all of these branches is an understanding of the basic principles of physics and mathematics. Everything else is focus, not foundation.
So yes, if a veterinarian explained why a paper on climatology was wrong, it would at least behoove me to investigate his claims before simply dismissing them.
why not answer the question directly?
Because it is a moot question.
Consensus means nothing.
[edit on 12/10/2009 by TheRedneck]
Perhaps someday we will discover that relativity itself contains assumptive errors; perhaps not.
Doubt is our product since it is the best means of competing with the “body of fact” that exists in the mind of the general public.
It is also the means of establishing a controversy.
Within the business we recognize that a controversy exists. However, with the general public the consensus is that cigarettes are in some way harmful to the health.
If we are successful in establishing a controversy at the public level, then there is an opportunity to put across the real facts about smoking and health.
Doubt is also the limit of our “product”. Unfortunately, we cannot take a position directly opposing the anti-cigarette forces and say that cigarettes are a contributor to good health. No information that we have supports such a claim.
WASHINGTON, DC, Jan. 3–A new report from the Union of Concerned Scientists offers the most comprehensive documentation to date of how ExxonMobil has adopted the tobacco industry's disinformation tactics, as well as some of the same organizations and personnel, to cloud the scientific understanding of climate change and delay action on the issue. According to the report, ExxonMobil has funneled nearly $16 million between 1998 and 2005 to a network of 43 advocacy organizations that seek to confuse the public on global warming science.
Not only are they doing the same sort of thing big tobacco did before them, they're using many of the same 'scientists'. The idea is to take a minority opinion of skeptics and make it seem as if there's a split in the scientific community
Putting a PhD behind a name does nothing to increase the creditability of a person. I knew quite a few PhD's that were one step away from complete ignorance. I call them educated idiots.
Ph.D., University of Cambridge, Palaeontology, 1968.
Originally posted by Yabby
Nice rant, tell me, do you keep guns in the back shed...?
As for your VERY selective...
5. In this connection, however, I am somewhat surprised by the
paper prepared by you and Wigley for the May 21 seminar. Figure
3(a) shows only the (positive) 50-year linear trend, but not the
zero and negative trends of figure 10 in your Climate Dynamics
paper. I would judge that the most relevant trend line should be
one starting around 1960 when data coverage increased globally.
Originally posted by Yabby
reply to post by ElectricUniverse
Instead of making grand generalisations about the lies etc contained in the leaked emails, why don't you be specific or like so many of the deniers are you just going to flail about with broad unsubstantiated allegations?
But then you appeared to ignore some serious questions about your model, dismissed certain data and correlations as “too difficult” to include.
Originally posted by Long Lance
the full text is better, of course, but it should always be noted that i'm not playing the role of judge here, i'm simply refuting your point that people who read some of these mails are just generalizing and lying. i admit that i did at one point start to read more into one single mail than was actually there - and promptly got busted, of course and rightly so, but as usual, the more people reading the matter the better.
now on to my personal commentary: anyone who's reading this thread or any other on the subject even half awake KNOWS what you are up to, deconstructive criticism and inane repetition of the same drivel
Keith succeeding in being very restrained in his response. McIntyre knew what he was doing when he replaced some of the trees with those from another site.
From: Phil Jones
To: "Mitchell, John FB (Director of Climate Science)"
Subject: Yamal response from Keith
Date: Wed Oct 28 12:26:39 2009
This went up last night about 5pm. There is a lot to read at various levels. If you get time just the top level is necessary. There is also a bit from Tim Osborn showing that Yamal was used in 3 of the 12 millennial reconstructions used in Ch 6. Also McIntyre had the Yamal data in Feb 2004 - although he seems to have forgotten this. Keith succeeding in being very restrained in his response. McIntyre knew what he was doing when he replaced some of the trees with those from another site.
As we all know, this isn’t about truth at all, its about plausibly deniable accusations,
I'll let you make up you own minds! It seems to me as though McIntyre cherry picked for effect...McIntyre knows that the millennial temperature record is pretty robust, otherwise he would produce his own series. Similarly the instrumental temperature is even more robust, which he also knows.
thanks Phil,
Perhaps we'll do a simple update to the Yamal post, e.g. linking Keith/s new page--Gavin t? As to the issues of robustness, particularly w.r.t. inclusion of the Yamal series, we actually emphasized that (including the Osborn and Briffa '06 sensitivity test) in our original post! As we all know, this isn't about truth at all, its about plausibly deniable accusations,
I’d be inclined to remove the data affected by CRU cherrypicking but will leave it in for now.
We cherry-picked the tree-ring series in Eurasia.
There's other criticisms that have come up by McIntyre's group:
(1) We cherry-picked the tree-ring series in Eurasia. Apparently this is old ground, but do we need to address why we chose the Yamal record over the Polar Urals? Apparently, there's also a record from the Indigirka River region, which might not have been published and doesn't seem to be included in Keith's recent summary. If we overlooked any record that met our criteria, I suggest that we explain why. Keith: are you back? Can Ray or Mike provide some advise?
Originally posted by Long Lance
ok, i'll admit that, having now taken another look, i have been reading too much into that particular quote, for whatever reason. must have been these quotation marks and the next line, 'whether it's kosher to show it' which sent me off on a tangent. still, that's not an excuse.
btw, it's not really my quote, it was written by another member in another thread, my quotes read something like...[example quote]...the full text is better, of course, but it should always be noted that i'm not playing the role of judge here, i'm simply refuting your point that people who read some of these mails are just generalizing and lying.
As I have already mentioned, one of the greatest minds of the 20th century, Albert Einstein, worked as a Patent Clerk.
Originally posted by TheRedneck
So while I would indeed go to a doctor for treatment, I would also consider the advice of anyone with knowledge, doctor or not.
Some of the smartest people I have known have been janitors, pipefitters, welders, truck drivers, carpenters, etc.
Again, do not take that to mean that I would prefer to hear what a janitor said concerning climate change over that of a climatologist; I would also not, however, discount what that janitor said simply because he is a janitor.
Some things are beyond an online forum. One of those is the radiative forcing argument. There are only two ways I have found to calculate this: use solutions that have been performed by the IPCC/CRU (which I distrust) or use a statistical model. My present bent is toward the statistical model, but the model has rapidly turned into a massive exercise in potential confusion.
For a greenhouse gas, such as carbon dioxide, radiative transfer codes that examine each spectral line for atmospheric conditions can be used to calculate the change ΔF as a function of changing concentration. These calculations can often be simplified into an algebraic formulation that is specific to that gas.
For instance, the simplified first-order approximation expression for carbon dioxide is:
Delta F = 5.35 x ln C/C(0) W m(to the power of -2)
where C is the CO2 concentration in parts per million by volume and C0 is the reference concentration[2]. The relationship between carbon dioxide and radiative forcing is logarithmic so that increased concentrations have a progressively smaller warming effect.
The radiative forcing due to CO2, including shortwave absorption, is 15% lower than the previous IPCC estimate.
The authors express the view that the IPCC estimates "have not necessarily been based on consistent model conditions". They carry out calculations on the spectra of the main greenhouse gases by all three of the recognised radiative transfer schemes, line by line (LBL), narrow-based model (NBM) and broad-based model (BBM). They calculate the Global Mean Instantaneous Clear Sky Radiative Forcing for 1995, for atmospheric carbon dioxide, relative to an assumed "pre-industrial" level of 280ppmv, as 1.759Wm-2 for LBL, 1.790Wm-2 for NBM and 1.800Wm-2 for BBM; a mean of 1.776Wm-2 with BBM 2.3 % greater than LBL.
Originally posted by TSZodiac
reply to post by ProfEmeritus
Thank you for this thread - you get my very FIRST Star and Flag - good job. Now buckle your seatbelt because the Gore-ites are about to attack everything you posted - they will attack Dr. Carter's credentials, political leanings and associations. They will attack your intelligence, political correctness, and anything else then can feebly latch onto to be able to continue their quest to perpetuate this falsehood known as "Man Made Global Climate Change". Stand tall, take the high road, and continue to expose this fraud for what it is.
Originally posted by Unnoan
What amazes me the most about this whole issue is how it is playing out almost lock-step with Howard Becker's notion of moral entrepreneurs and how social controls develop into institutionalized controls. The name of the book is Outsiders if anyone needs a reference.
At this point in time, the argument is sounding more and more like arguing religion. Tautologies are rampant, even the old standby: They can't prove warming is NOT happening / They can't prove warming is happening. I am sure the debates will rage on...
As for this whole gloom and doom about "think of the kids and grandkids" fear mongering. Human's greatest strength is adaptation. Regardless of what happens, do you all honestly think the human race can not and will not adapt to conditions? Just look at all we have accomplished in the last 50 years... so spare me the "end of the world...soon!" propaganda. I think Billy Joel needs to extend We Didn't Start the Fire with a few more lines.
I think that trying to adopt a timeframe of 2K, rather than the usual 1K, addresses a good earlier point that Peck made w/ regard to the memo, that it would be nice to try to “contain” the putative “MWP”, even if we don’t yet have a hemispheric mean reconstruction available that far back…
Keith succeeding in being very restrained in his response. McIntyre knew what he was doing when he replaced some of the trees with those from another site.
The fact is that we can't account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can't. The CERES data published in the August BAMS 09 supplement on 2008 shows there should be even more warming: but the data are surely wrong. Our observing system is inadequate.
Originally posted by Long Lance
Keith succeeding in being very restrained in his response. McIntyre knew what he was doing when he replaced some of the trees with those from another site.
so, what can we say, apparently replacing the set of trees was somehow inconvenient but not outright wrong, because they could have called him out on it, if it had been, right? if a case is air tight, such a move shouldn't be possible.
either it's valid data or it isn't, i doubt there's a lot of margin for error, is there?
wrt quote 2, it's unclear who's meant, unless one looks at the mails (let's call it an incentive to look) which you did
wrt quote 3, there's a fallacy at play, he says McIntyre knew this and that, maybe he did, maybe not, but there's no way to tell, it's just the interpretation. again if the guy is biased and selects based on his wishes, why not nail him down? maybe i'm just naive, who knows.
it's kind of ridiculous, though, that i'm defending another member's post by writing this.
that said, let's see how you skip around
The fact is that we can't account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can't. The CERES data published in the August BAMS 09 supplement on 2008 shows there should be even more warming: but the data are surely wrong. Our observing system is inadequate.
again, no misconduct in the legal sense, but it seems that someone won't believe the data unless it confirms a prediction. quite telling i'd imagine.
Hi all. Any of you want to explain decadal natural variability and signal to noise and ampling errors to this new "IPCC Lead Author" from the BBC?...
An imperative for climate change planning: tracking Earth’s global energy
Kevin E. Trenberth
National Center for Atmospheric Research, P.O. Box 3000, Boulder, CO 80307-3000,U.S.A.
email: [email protected]
Planned adaptation to climate change requires information about what is happening and why. While a long-term trend is for global warming, short-term periods of cooling can occur and have physical causes associated with natural variability. However, such natural variability means that energy is rearranged or changed within the climate system, and should be traceable. An assessment is given of our ability to track changes in reservoirs and flows of energy within the climate system. Arguments are given that developing the ability to do this is important, as it affects interpretations of global and especially regional climate change, and prospects for the future.
PS: i understand it would have been nice from your point of view. to convict me of hypocrisy through 're-using' already refuted arguments, too bad that's not what happened, as far as i can tell.
Originally posted by mantisfan72
1) There has never been a carbon dioxide related warming for at least 10000 years, but that is because carbn dioxide has remained stable for that amount of time.
Originally posted by mantisfan72
2) The recent increase in snow is caoused by la nina and the sun cycle
Originally posted by mantisfan72
3) According to NASA there has been a sharp increase of CO2 after sthe industrial revolution.
Originally posted by mantisfan72
George Durkin who created the Global Warming Swindle has a bad habit of drawing his own graphs
Originally posted by mantisfan72
4) Ethenoal acctually creates more carbon dioxide than gasoline
Originally posted by mantisfan72
5) There is more ozone in the atmosphere than CO2
Originally posted by mantisfan72
6) water vapor is more abundent than CO2 but CO2 blocks twice as many wave lenths
Originally posted by mantisfan72
7) polititions like ethonal and so does big oil it is easy to support
Originally posted by mantisfan72
8) You will not feel the full effect of global warming, only your children and grand children will
Originally posted by mantisfan72
9) There is no other explanation for the sharp increase in CO2
Originally posted by mantisfan72
10) New York city.. etc will be flooded after you die
Originally posted by mantisfan72
11) Peak oil is a bigger problem
Originally posted by mantisfan72
12) the US rejected kyoto because it is unfriendly to corporations
Originally posted by mantisfan72
13) copehagen is friendly to corporations
Originally posted by mantisfan72
14) only 2-3 out of 13 years of emails show a cospirncy. And 3 of those will be disporved of you read the replys