posted on May, 22 2004 @ 04:16 PM
Two things I remember right off the top of my head involved the NRA rallies. Moore stated that right after Columbine, the NRA went to Colorado to
hold "gun rallies" This was not the case, the NRA holds a convention there every year and had nothing to do with Columbine. In fact, the NRA
cancelled most of their normal convention activities during the convention as a show of respect for the tragedy that had occurred. Moore also showed
Heston using his line "...from my cold dead hands." But Heston never said that line in Denver, he said it in North Carolina at another convention a
year or two later.
Another lie is with regard to the Flint Michigan convention. Moore stated that just like he did in Colorado, Heston showed up to rally gun lovers
shortly after the shooting death of another young child. This is BS. Heston came there almost a year after the shooting and he was there at the same
time as BUsh and Gore.
And the thing my husband went ballistic about was equating the NRA with the KKK. My husband informed that the NRA was actually started by former
Union officers.
Another point is the B-52s at the Air Force Academy. Moore stated that the plaque proclaimed the killing of Vietnamese people on Xmas eve. The
plaque actually said that the crew shot down a Mig on Xmas eve.
And there is more...In fact, I believe ATS had a thread devoted to it at one time. Like I said I'm a liberal, but Moore makes us look bad. It's
like when the pictures of abuse came out. They were bad enough, but some jerk had to download porn and identify them as additional instances of
abuse. People start questioning the validity of every picture after that. Lies diminish the issue.